totalItems = $totalItems; $this->itemsPerPage = $itemsPerPage; $this->currentPageParameter = $currentPageParameter; $this->urlPattern = $urlPattern; $this->currentPage = $currentPageParameter && $currentPageParameter > 0 ? (int) $currentPageParameter : 1; $this->sqlOffset = ($this->currentPage - 1) * $this->itemsPerPage; $this->updateNumPages(); } public function get_sql_limit() { return isset($_GET['export']) ? '' : "LIMIT {$this->getSqlOffset()}, {$this->getItemsPerPage()}"; } protected function updateNumPages() { $this->numPages = ($this->itemsPerPage == 0 ? 0 : (int)ceil($this->totalItems / $this->itemsPerPage)); } /** * @return int */ public function getSqlOffset() { return $this->sqlOffset; } /** * @return int */ public function getMaxPagesToShow() { return $this->maxPagesToShow; } /** * @param int $maxPagesToShow * @throws \InvalidArgumentException if $maxPagesToShow is less than 3. */ public function setMaxPagesToShow($maxPagesToShow) { if($maxPagesToShow < 3) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('maxPagesToShow cannot be less than 3.'); } $this->maxPagesToShow = $maxPagesToShow; } /** * @return int */ public function getCurrentPage() { return $this->currentPage; } /** * @param int $currentPage */ public function setCurrentPage($currentPage) { $this->currentPage = $currentPage; } /** * @return int */ public function getItemsPerPage() { return $this->itemsPerPage; } /** * @param int $itemsPerPage */ public function setItemsPerPage($itemsPerPage) { $this->itemsPerPage = $itemsPerPage; $this->updateNumPages(); } /** * @return int */ public function getTotalItems() { return $this->totalItems; } /** * @param int $totalItems */ public function setTotalItems($totalItems) { $this->totalItems = $totalItems; $this->updateNumPages(); } /** * @return int */ public function getNumPages() { return $this->numPages; } /** * @return string */ public function getUrlPattern() { return $this->urlPattern; } /** * @param string $urlPattern */ public function setUrlPattern($urlPattern) { $this->urlPattern = $urlPattern; } public function getNextUrl() { if(!$this->getNextPage()) { return null; } return $this->getPageUrl($this->getNextPage()); } public function getNextPage() { if($this->currentPage < $this->numPages) { return $this->currentPage + 1; } return null; } /** * @param int $pageNum * @return string */ public function getPageUrl($pageNum) { return sprintf($this->urlPattern, $pageNum); } /** * @return string|null */ public function getPrevUrl() { if(!$this->getPrevPage()) { return null; } return $this->getPageUrl($this->getPrevPage()); } public function getPrevPage() { if($this->currentPage > 1) { return $this->currentPage - 1; } return null; } /** * Get an array of paginated page data. * * Example: * array( * array ('num' => 1, 'url' => '/example/page/1', 'isCurrent' => false), * array ('num' => '...', 'url' => NULL, 'isCurrent' => false), * array ('num' => 3, 'url' => '/example/page/3', 'isCurrent' => false), * array ('num' => 4, 'url' => '/example/page/4', 'isCurrent' => true ), * array ('num' => 5, 'url' => '/example/page/5', 'isCurrent' => false), * array ('num' => '...', 'url' => NULL, 'isCurrent' => false), * array ('num' => 10, 'url' => '/example/page/10', 'isCurrent' => false), * ) * * @return array */ public function getPages() { $pages = array(); if($this->numPages <= 1) { return array(); } if($this->numPages <= $this->maxPagesToShow) { for ($i = 1; $i <= $this->numPages; $i++) { $pages[] = $this->createPage($i, $i == $this->currentPage); } } else { // Determine the sliding range, centered around the current page. $numAdjacents = (int)floor(($this->maxPagesToShow - 3) / 2); if($this->currentPage + $numAdjacents > $this->numPages) { $slidingStart = $this->numPages - $this->maxPagesToShow + 2; } else { $slidingStart = $this->currentPage - $numAdjacents; } if($slidingStart < 2) $slidingStart = 2; $slidingEnd = $slidingStart + $this->maxPagesToShow - 3; if($slidingEnd >= $this->numPages) $slidingEnd = $this->numPages - 1; // Build the list of pages. $pages[] = $this->createPage(1, $this->currentPage == 1); if($slidingStart > 2) { $pages[] = $this->createPageEllipsis(); } for ($i = $slidingStart; $i <= $slidingEnd; $i++) { $pages[] = $this->createPage($i, $i == $this->currentPage); } if($slidingEnd < $this->numPages - 1) { $pages[] = $this->createPageEllipsis(); } $pages[] = $this->createPage($this->numPages, $this->currentPage == $this->numPages); } return $pages; } /** * Create a page data structure. * * @param int $pageNum * @param bool $isCurrent * @return Array */ protected function createPage($pageNum, $isCurrent = false) { return array( 'num' => $pageNum, 'url' => $this->getPageUrl($pageNum), 'isCurrent' => $isCurrent, ); } /** * @return array */ protected function createPageEllipsis() { return array( 'num' => '...', 'url' => null, 'isCurrent' => false, ); } public function getCurrentPageLastItem() { $first = $this->getCurrentPageFirstItem(); if($first === null) { return null; } $last = $first + $this->itemsPerPage - 1; if($last > $this->totalItems) { return $this->totalItems; } return $last; } public function getCurrentPageFirstItem() { $first = ($this->currentPage - 1) * $this->itemsPerPage + 1; if($first > $this->totalItems) { return null; } return $first; } }