* * @internal */ class Parser { const SOURCE_INDEX = -1; const SOURCE_LINE = -2; const SOURCE_COLUMN = -3; /** * @var array
*/ protected static $precedence = [ '=' => 0, 'or' => 1, 'and' => 2, '==' => 3, '!=' => 3, '<=' => 4, '>=' => 4, '<' => 4, '>' => 4, '+' => 5, '-' => 5, '*' => 6, '/' => 6, '%' => 6, ]; /** * @var string */ protected static $commentPattern; /** * @var string */ protected static $operatorPattern; /** * @var string */ protected static $whitePattern; /** * @var Cache|null */ protected $cache; private $sourceName; private $sourceIndex; /** * @var array
*/ private $sourcePositions; /** * The current offset in the buffer * * @var int */ private $count; /** * @var Block|null */ private $env; /** * @var bool */ private $inParens; /** * @var bool */ private $eatWhiteDefault; /** * @var bool */ private $discardComments; private $allowVars; /** * @var string */ private $buffer; private $utf8; /** * @var string|null */ private $encoding; private $patternModifiers; private $commentsSeen; private $cssOnly; /** * @var LoggerInterface */ private $logger; /** * Constructor * * @api * * @param string|null $sourceName * @param int $sourceIndex * @param string|null $encoding * @param Cache|null $cache * @param bool $cssOnly * @param LoggerInterface|null $logger */ public function __construct($sourceName, $sourceIndex = 0, $encoding = 'utf-8', Cache $cache = null, $cssOnly = false, LoggerInterface $logger = null) { $this->sourceName = $sourceName ?: '(stdin)'; $this->sourceIndex = $sourceIndex; $this->utf8 = ! $encoding || strtolower($encoding) === 'utf-8'; $this->patternModifiers = $this->utf8 ? 'Aisu' : 'Ais'; $this->commentsSeen = []; $this->allowVars = true; $this->cssOnly = $cssOnly; $this->logger = $logger ?: new QuietLogger(); if (empty(static::$operatorPattern)) { static::$operatorPattern = '([*\/%+-]|[!=]\=|\>\=?|\<\=?|and|or)'; $commentSingle = '\/\/'; $commentMultiLeft = '\/\*'; $commentMultiRight = '\*\/'; static::$commentPattern = $commentMultiLeft . '.*?' . $commentMultiRight; static::$whitePattern = $this->utf8 ? '/' . $commentSingle . '[^\n]*\s*|(' . static::$commentPattern . ')\s*|\s+/AisuS' : '/' . $commentSingle . '[^\n]*\s*|(' . static::$commentPattern . ')\s*|\s+/AisS'; } $this->cache = $cache; } /** * Get source file name * * @api * * @return string */ public function getSourceName() { return $this->sourceName; } /** * Throw parser error * * @api * * @param string $msg * * @phpstan-return never-return * * @throws ParserException * * @deprecated use "parseError" and throw the exception in the caller instead. */ public function throwParseError($msg = 'parse error') { @trigger_error( 'The method "throwParseError" is deprecated. Use "parseError" and throw the exception in the caller instead', E_USER_DEPRECATED ); throw $this->parseError($msg); } /** * Creates a parser error * * @api * * @param string $msg * * @return ParserException */ public function parseError($msg = 'parse error') { list($line, $column) = $this->getSourcePosition($this->count); $loc = empty($this->sourceName) ? "line: $line, column: $column" : "$this->sourceName on line $line, at column $column"; if ($this->peek('(.*?)(\n|$)', $m, $this->count)) { $this->restoreEncoding(); $e = new ParserException("$msg: failed at `$m[1]` $loc"); $e->setSourcePosition([$this->sourceName, $line, $column]); return $e; } $this->restoreEncoding(); $e = new ParserException("$msg: $loc"); $e->setSourcePosition([$this->sourceName, $line, $column]); return $e; } /** * Parser buffer * * @api * * @param string $buffer * * @return Block */ public function parse($buffer) { if ($this->cache) { $cacheKey = $this->sourceName . ':' . md5($buffer); $parseOptions = [ 'utf8' => $this->utf8, ]; $v = $this->cache->getCache('parse', $cacheKey, $parseOptions); if (! \is_null($v)) { return $v; } } // strip BOM (byte order marker) if (substr($buffer, 0, 3) === "\xef\xbb\xbf") { $buffer = substr($buffer, 3); } $this->buffer = rtrim($buffer, "\x00..\x1f"); $this->count = 0; $this->env = null; $this->inParens = false; $this->eatWhiteDefault = true; $this->saveEncoding(); $this->extractLineNumbers($buffer); if ($this->utf8 && !preg_match('//u', $buffer)) { $message = $this->sourceName ? 'Invalid UTF-8 file: ' . $this->sourceName : 'Invalid UTF-8 file'; throw new ParserException($message); } $this->pushBlock(null); // root block $this->whitespace(); $this->pushBlock(null); $this->popBlock(); while ($this->parseChunk()) { ; } if ($this->count !== \strlen($this->buffer)) { throw $this->parseError(); } if (! empty($this->env->parent)) { throw $this->parseError('unclosed block'); } $this->restoreEncoding(); assert($this->env !== null); if ($this->cache) { $this->cache->setCache('parse', $cacheKey, $this->env, $parseOptions); } return $this->env; } /** * Parse a value or value list * * @api * * @param string $buffer * @param mixed $out * @param-out array|Number $out * * @return bool */ public function parseValue($buffer, &$out) { $this->count = 0; $this->env = null; $this->inParens = false; $this->eatWhiteDefault = true; $this->buffer = (string) $buffer; $this->saveEncoding(); $this->extractLineNumbers($this->buffer); $list = $this->valueList($out); if ($this->count !== \strlen($this->buffer)) { $error = $this->parseError('Expected end of value'); $message = 'Passing trailing content after the expression when parsing a value is deprecated since Scssphp 1.12.0 and will be an error in 2.0. ' . $error->getMessage(); @trigger_error($message, E_USER_DEPRECATED); } $this->restoreEncoding(); return $list; } /** * Parse a selector or selector list * * @api * * @param string $buffer * @param array $out * @param bool $shouldValidate * * @return bool */ public function parseSelector($buffer, &$out, $shouldValidate = true) { $this->count = 0; $this->env = null; $this->inParens = false; $this->eatWhiteDefault = true; $this->buffer = (string) $buffer; $this->saveEncoding(); $this->extractLineNumbers($this->buffer); // discard space/comments at the start $this->discardComments = true; $this->whitespace(); $this->discardComments = false; $selector = $this->selectors($out); $this->restoreEncoding(); if ($shouldValidate && $this->count !== strlen($buffer)) { throw $this->parseError("`" . substr($buffer, $this->count) . "` is not a valid Selector in `$buffer`"); } return $selector; } /** * Parse a media Query * * @api * * @param string $buffer * @param array $out * * @return bool */ public function parseMediaQueryList($buffer, &$out) { $this->count = 0; $this->env = null; $this->inParens = false; $this->eatWhiteDefault = true; $this->buffer = (string) $buffer; $this->discardComments = true; $this->saveEncoding(); $this->extractLineNumbers($this->buffer); $this->whitespace(); $isMediaQuery = $this->mediaQueryList($out); $this->restoreEncoding(); return $isMediaQuery; } /** * Parse a single chunk off the head of the buffer and append it to the * current parse environment. * * Returns false when the buffer is empty, or when there is an error. * * This function is called repeatedly until the entire document is * parsed. * * This parser is most similar to a recursive descent parser. Single * functions represent discrete grammatical rules for the language, and * they are able to capture the text that represents those rules. * * Consider the function Compiler::keyword(). (All parse functions are * structured the same.) * * The function takes a single reference argument. When calling the * function it will attempt to match a keyword on the head of the buffer. * If it is successful, it will place the keyword in the referenced * argument, advance the position in the buffer, and return true. If it * fails then it won't advance the buffer and it will return false. * * All of these parse functions are powered by Compiler::match(), which behaves * the same way, but takes a literal regular expression. Sometimes it is * more convenient to use match instead of creating a new function. * * Because of the format of the functions, to parse an entire string of * grammatical rules, you can chain them together using &&. * * But, if some of the rules in the chain succeed before one fails, then * the buffer position will be left at an invalid state. In order to * avoid this, Compiler::seek() is used to remember and set buffer positions. * * Before parsing a chain, use $s = $this->count to remember the current * position into $s. Then if a chain fails, use $this->seek($s) to * go back where we started. * * @return bool */ protected function parseChunk() { $s = $this->count; // the directives if (isset($this->buffer[$this->count]) && $this->buffer[$this->count] === '@') { if ( $this->literal('@at-root', 8) && ($this->selectors($selector) || true) && ($this->map($with) || true) && (($this->matchChar('(') && $this->interpolation($with) && $this->matchChar(')')) || true) && $this->matchChar('{', false) ) { ! $this->cssOnly || $this->assertPlainCssValid(false, $s); $atRoot = new AtRootBlock(); $this->registerPushedBlock($atRoot, $s); $atRoot->selector = $selector; $atRoot->with = $with; return true; } $this->seek($s); if ( $this->literal('@media', 6) && $this->mediaQueryList($mediaQueryList) && $this->matchChar('{', false) ) { $media = new MediaBlock(); $this->registerPushedBlock($media, $s); $media->queryList = $mediaQueryList[2]; return true; } $this->seek($s); if ( $this->literal('@mixin', 6) && $this->keyword($mixinName) && ($this->argumentDef($args) || true) && $this->matchChar('{', false) ) { ! $this->cssOnly || $this->assertPlainCssValid(false, $s); $mixin = new CallableBlock(Type::T_MIXIN); $this->registerPushedBlock($mixin, $s); $mixin->name = $mixinName; $mixin->args = $args; return true; } $this->seek($s); if ( ($this->literal('@include', 8) && $this->keyword($mixinName) && ($this->matchChar('(') && ($this->argValues($argValues) || true) && $this->matchChar(')') || true) && ($this->end()) || ($this->literal('using', 5) && $this->argumentDef($argUsing) && ($this->end() || $this->matchChar('{') && $hasBlock = true)) || $this->matchChar('{') && $hasBlock = true) ) { ! $this->cssOnly || $this->assertPlainCssValid(false, $s); $child = [ Type::T_INCLUDE, $mixinName, isset($argValues) ? $argValues : null, null, isset($argUsing) ? $argUsing : null ]; if (! empty($hasBlock)) { $include = new ContentBlock(); $this->registerPushedBlock($include, $s); $include->child = $child; } else { $this->append($child, $s); } return true; } $this->seek($s); if ( $this->literal('@scssphp-import-once', 20) && $this->valueList($importPath) && $this->end() ) { ! $this->cssOnly || $this->assertPlainCssValid(false, $s); list($line, $column) = $this->getSourcePosition($s); $file = $this->sourceName; $this->logger->warn("The \"@scssphp-import-once\" directive is deprecated and will be removed in ScssPhp 2.0, in \"$file\", line $line, column $column.", true); $this->append([Type::T_SCSSPHP_IMPORT_ONCE, $importPath], $s); return true; } $this->seek($s); if ( $this->literal('@import', 7) && $this->valueList($importPath) && $importPath[0] !== Type::T_FUNCTION_CALL && $this->end() ) { if ($this->cssOnly) { $this->assertPlainCssValid([Type::T_IMPORT, $importPath], $s); $this->append([Type::T_COMMENT, rtrim(substr($this->buffer, $s, $this->count - $s))]); return true; } $this->append([Type::T_IMPORT, $importPath], $s); return true; } $this->seek($s); if ( $this->literal('@import', 7) && $this->url($importPath) && $this->end() ) { if ($this->cssOnly) { $this->assertPlainCssValid([Type::T_IMPORT, $importPath], $s); $this->append([Type::T_COMMENT, rtrim(substr($this->buffer, $s, $this->count - $s))]); return true; } $this->append([Type::T_IMPORT, $importPath], $s); return true; } $this->seek($s); if ( $this->literal('@extend', 7) && $this->selectors($selectors) && $this->end() ) { ! $this->cssOnly || $this->assertPlainCssValid(false, $s); // check for '!flag' $optional = $this->stripOptionalFlag($selectors); $this->append([Type::T_EXTEND, $selectors, $optional], $s); return true; } $this->seek($s); if ( $this->literal('@function', 9) && $this->keyword($fnName) && $this->argumentDef($args) && $this->matchChar('{', false) ) { ! $this->cssOnly || $this->assertPlainCssValid(false, $s); $func = new CallableBlock(Type::T_FUNCTION); $this->registerPushedBlock($func, $s); $func->name = $fnName; $func->args = $args; return true; } $this->seek($s); if ( $this->literal('@return', 7) && ($this->valueList($retVal) || true) && $this->end() ) { ! $this->cssOnly || $this->assertPlainCssValid(false, $s); $this->append([Type::T_RETURN, isset($retVal) ? $retVal : [Type::T_NULL]], $s); return true; } $this->seek($s); if ( $this->literal('@each', 5) && $this->genericList($varNames, 'variable', ',', false) && $this->literal('in', 2) && $this->valueList($list) && $this->matchChar('{', false) ) { ! $this->cssOnly || $this->assertPlainCssValid(false, $s); $each = new EachBlock(); $this->registerPushedBlock($each, $s); foreach ($varNames[2] as $varName) { $each->vars[] = $varName[1]; } $each->list = $list; return true; } $this->seek($s); if ( $this->literal('@while', 6) && $this->expression($cond) && $this->matchChar('{', false) ) { ! $this->cssOnly || $this->assertPlainCssValid(false, $s); while ( $cond[0] === Type::T_LIST && ! empty($cond['enclosing']) && $cond['enclosing'] === 'parent' && \count($cond[2]) == 1 ) { $cond = reset($cond[2]); } $while = new WhileBlock(); $this->registerPushedBlock($while, $s); $while->cond = $cond; return true; } $this->seek($s); if ( $this->literal('@for', 4) && $this->variable($varName) && $this->literal('from', 4) && $this->expression($start) && ($this->literal('through', 7) || ($forUntil = true && $this->literal('to', 2))) && $this->expression($end) && $this->matchChar('{', false) ) { ! $this->cssOnly || $this->assertPlainCssValid(false, $s); $for = new ForBlock(); $this->registerPushedBlock($for, $s); $for->var = $varName[1]; $for->start = $start; $for->end = $end; $for->until = isset($forUntil); return true; } $this->seek($s); if ( $this->literal('@if', 3) && $this->functionCallArgumentsList($cond, false, '{', false) ) { ! $this->cssOnly || $this->assertPlainCssValid(false, $s); $if = new IfBlock(); $this->registerPushedBlock($if, $s); while ( $cond[0] === Type::T_LIST && ! empty($cond['enclosing']) && $cond['enclosing'] === 'parent' && \count($cond[2]) == 1 ) { $cond = reset($cond[2]); } $if->cond = $cond; $if->cases = []; return true; } $this->seek($s); if ( $this->literal('@debug', 6) && $this->functionCallArgumentsList($value, false) ) { ! $this->cssOnly || $this->assertPlainCssValid(false, $s); $this->append([Type::T_DEBUG, $value], $s); return true; } $this->seek($s); if ( $this->literal('@warn', 5) && $this->functionCallArgumentsList($value, false) ) { ! $this->cssOnly || $this->assertPlainCssValid(false, $s); $this->append([Type::T_WARN, $value], $s); return true; } $this->seek($s); if ( $this->literal('@error', 6) && $this->functionCallArgumentsList($value, false) ) { ! $this->cssOnly || $this->assertPlainCssValid(false, $s); $this->append([Type::T_ERROR, $value], $s); return true; } $this->seek($s); if ( $this->literal('@content', 8) && ($this->end() || $this->matchChar('(') && $this->argValues($argContent) && $this->matchChar(')') && $this->end()) ) { ! $this->cssOnly || $this->assertPlainCssValid(false, $s); $this->append([Type::T_MIXIN_CONTENT, isset($argContent) ? $argContent : null], $s); return true; } $this->seek($s); $last = $this->last(); if (isset($last) && $last[0] === Type::T_IF) { list(, $if) = $last; assert($if instanceof IfBlock); if ($this->literal('@else', 5)) { if ($this->matchChar('{', false)) { $else = new ElseBlock(); } elseif ( $this->literal('if', 2) && $this->functionCallArgumentsList($cond, false, '{', false) ) { $else = new ElseifBlock(); $else->cond = $cond; } if (isset($else)) { $this->registerPushedBlock($else, $s); $if->cases[] = $else; return true; } } $this->seek($s); } // only retain the first @charset directive encountered if ( $this->literal('@charset', 8) && $this->valueList($charset) && $this->end() ) { return true; } $this->seek($s); if ( $this->literal('@supports', 9) && ($t1 = $this->supportsQuery($supportQuery)) && ($t2 = $this->matchChar('{', false)) ) { $directive = new DirectiveBlock(); $this->registerPushedBlock($directive, $s); $directive->name = 'supports'; $directive->value = $supportQuery; return true; } $this->seek($s); // doesn't match built in directive, do generic one if ( $this->matchChar('@', false) && $this->mixedKeyword($dirName) && $this->directiveValue($dirValue, '{') ) { if (count($dirName) === 1 && is_string(reset($dirName))) { $dirName = reset($dirName); } else { $dirName = [Type::T_STRING, '', $dirName]; } if ($dirName === 'media') { $directive = new MediaBlock(); } else { $directive = new DirectiveBlock(); $directive->name = $dirName; } $this->registerPushedBlock($directive, $s); if (isset($dirValue)) { ! $this->cssOnly || ($dirValue = $this->assertPlainCssValid($dirValue)); $directive->value = $dirValue; } return true; } $this->seek($s); // maybe it's a generic blockless directive if ( $this->matchChar('@', false) && $this->mixedKeyword($dirName) && ! $this->isKnownGenericDirective($dirName) && ($this->end(false) || ($this->directiveValue($dirValue, '') && $this->end(false))) ) { if (\count($dirName) === 1 && \is_string(\reset($dirName))) { $dirName = \reset($dirName); } else { $dirName = [Type::T_STRING, '', $dirName]; } if ( ! empty($this->env->parent) && $this->env->type && ! \in_array($this->env->type, [Type::T_DIRECTIVE, Type::T_MEDIA]) ) { $plain = \trim(\substr($this->buffer, $s, $this->count - $s)); throw $this->parseError( "Unknown directive `{$plain}` not allowed in `" . $this->env->type . "` block" ); } // blockless directives with a blank line after keeps their blank lines after // sass-spec compliance purpose $s = $this->count; $hasBlankLine = false; if ($this->match('\s*?\n\s*\n', $out, false)) { $hasBlankLine = true; $this->seek($s); } $isNotRoot = ! empty($this->env->parent); $this->append([Type::T_DIRECTIVE, [$dirName, $dirValue, $hasBlankLine, $isNotRoot]], $s); $this->whitespace(); return true; } $this->seek($s); return false; } $inCssSelector = null; if ($this->cssOnly) { $inCssSelector = (! empty($this->env->parent) && ! in_array($this->env->type, [Type::T_DIRECTIVE, Type::T_MEDIA])); } // custom properties : right part is static if (($this->customProperty($name) ) && $this->matchChar(':', false)) { $start = $this->count; // but can be complex and finish with ; or } foreach ([';','}'] as $ending) { if ( $this->openString($ending, $stringValue, '(', ')', false) && $this->end() ) { $end = $this->count; $value = $stringValue; // check if we have only a partial value due to nested [] or { } to take in account $nestingPairs = [['[', ']'], ['{', '}']]; foreach ($nestingPairs as $nestingPair) { $p = strpos($this->buffer, $nestingPair[0], $start); if ($p && $p < $end) { $this->seek($start); if ( $this->openString($ending, $stringValue, $nestingPair[0], $nestingPair[1], false) && $this->end() && $this->count > $end ) { $end = $this->count; $value = $stringValue; } } } $this->seek($end); $this->append([Type::T_CUSTOM_PROPERTY, $name, $value], $s); return true; } } // TODO: output an error here if nothing found according to sass spec } $this->seek($s); // property shortcut // captures most properties before having to parse a selector if ( $this->keyword($name, false) && $this->literal(': ', 2) && $this->valueList($value) && $this->end() ) { $name = [Type::T_STRING, '', [$name]]; $this->append([Type::T_ASSIGN, $name, $value], $s); return true; } $this->seek($s); // variable assigns if ( $this->variable($name) && $this->matchChar(':') && $this->valueList($value) && $this->end() ) { ! $this->cssOnly || $this->assertPlainCssValid(false, $s); // check for '!flag' $assignmentFlags = $this->stripAssignmentFlags($value); $this->append([Type::T_ASSIGN, $name, $value, $assignmentFlags], $s); return true; } $this->seek($s); // opening css block if ( $this->selectors($selectors) && $this->matchChar('{', false) ) { ! $this->cssOnly || ! $inCssSelector || $this->assertPlainCssValid(false); $this->pushBlock($selectors, $s); if ($this->eatWhiteDefault) { $this->whitespace(); $this->append(null); // collect comments at the beginning if needed } return true; } $this->seek($s); // property assign, or nested assign if ( $this->propertyName($name) && $this->matchChar(':') ) { $foundSomething = false; if ($this->valueList($value)) { if (empty($this->env->parent)) { throw $this->parseError('expected "{"'); } $this->append([Type::T_ASSIGN, $name, $value], $s); $foundSomething = true; } if ($this->matchChar('{', false)) { ! $this->cssOnly || $this->assertPlainCssValid(false); $propBlock = new NestedPropertyBlock(); $this->registerPushedBlock($propBlock, $s); $propBlock->prefix = $name; $propBlock->hasValue = $foundSomething; $foundSomething = true; } elseif ($foundSomething) { $foundSomething = $this->end(); } if ($foundSomething) { return true; } } $this->seek($s); // closing a block if ($this->matchChar('}', false)) { $block = $this->popBlock(); if (! isset($block->type) || $block->type !== Type::T_IF) { assert($this->env !== null); if ($this->env->parent) { $this->append(null); // collect comments before next statement if needed } } if ($block instanceof ContentBlock) { $include = $block->child; assert(\is_array($include)); unset($block->child); $include[3] = $block; $this->append($include, $s); } elseif (!$block instanceof ElseBlock && !$block instanceof ElseifBlock) { $type = isset($block->type) ? $block->type : Type::T_BLOCK; $this->append([$type, $block], $s); } // collect comments just after the block closing if needed if ($this->eatWhiteDefault) { $this->whitespace(); assert($this->env !== null); if ($this->env->comments) { $this->append(null); } } return true; } // extra stuff if ($this->matchChar(';')) { return true; } return false; } /** * Push block onto parse tree * * @param array|null $selectors * @param int $pos * * @return Block */ protected function pushBlock($selectors, $pos = 0) { $b = new Block(); $b->selectors = $selectors; $this->registerPushedBlock($b, $pos); return $b; } /** * @param Block $b * @param int $pos * * @return void */ private function registerPushedBlock(Block $b, $pos) { list($line, $column) = $this->getSourcePosition($pos); $b->sourceName = $this->sourceName; $b->sourceLine = $line; $b->sourceColumn = $column; $b->sourceIndex = $this->sourceIndex; $b->comments = []; $b->parent = $this->env; if (! $this->env) { $b->children = []; } elseif (empty($this->env->children)) { $this->env->children = $this->env->comments; $b->children = []; $this->env->comments = []; } else { $b->children = $this->env->comments; $this->env->comments = []; } $this->env = $b; // collect comments at the beginning of a block if needed if ($this->eatWhiteDefault) { $this->whitespace(); assert($this->env !== null); if ($this->env->comments) { $this->append(null); } } } /** * Push special (named) block onto parse tree * * @deprecated * * @param string $type * @param int $pos * * @return Block */ protected function pushSpecialBlock($type, $pos) { $block = $this->pushBlock(null, $pos); $block->type = $type; return $block; } /** * Pop scope and return last block * * @return Block * * @throws \Exception */ protected function popBlock() { assert($this->env !== null); // collect comments ending just before of a block closing if ($this->env->comments) { $this->append(null); } // pop the block $block = $this->env; if (empty($block->parent)) { throw $this->parseError('unexpected }'); } if ($block->type == Type::T_AT_ROOT) { // keeps the parent in case of self selector & $block->selfParent = $block->parent; } $this->env = $block->parent; unset($block->parent); return $block; } /** * Peek input stream * * @param string $regex * @param array $out * @param int $from * * @return int */ protected function peek($regex, &$out, $from = null) { if (! isset($from)) { $from = $this->count; } $r = '/' . $regex . '/' . $this->patternModifiers; $result = preg_match($r, $this->buffer, $out, 0, $from); return $result; } /** * Seek to position in input stream (or return current position in input stream) * * @param int $where * * @return void */ protected function seek($where) { $this->count = $where; } /** * Assert a parsed part is plain CSS Valid * * @param array|Number|false $parsed * @param int $startPos * * @return array|Number * * @throws ParserException */ protected function assertPlainCssValid($parsed, $startPos = null) { $type = ''; if ($parsed) { $type = $parsed[0]; $parsed = $this->isPlainCssValidElement($parsed); } if (! $parsed) { if (! \is_null($startPos)) { $plain = rtrim(substr($this->buffer, $startPos, $this->count - $startPos)); $message = "Error : `{$plain}` isn't allowed in plain CSS"; } else { $message = 'Error: SCSS syntax not allowed in CSS file'; } if ($type) { $message .= " ($type)"; } throw $this->parseError($message); } return $parsed; } /** * Check a parsed element is plain CSS Valid * * @param array|Number|string $parsed * @param bool $allowExpression * * @return ($parsed is string ? string : ($parsed is Number ? Number : array|false)) */ protected function isPlainCssValidElement($parsed, $allowExpression = false) { // keep string as is if (is_string($parsed)) { return $parsed; } if ($parsed instanceof Number) { return $parsed; } if ( \in_array($parsed[0], [Type::T_FUNCTION, Type::T_FUNCTION_CALL]) && !\in_array($parsed[1], [ 'alpha', 'attr', 'calc', 'cubic-bezier', 'env', 'grayscale', 'hsl', 'hsla', 'hwb', 'invert', 'linear-gradient', 'min', 'max', 'radial-gradient', 'repeating-linear-gradient', 'repeating-radial-gradient', 'rgb', 'rgba', 'rotate', 'saturate', 'var', ]) && Compiler::isNativeFunction($parsed[1]) ) { return false; } switch ($parsed[0]) { case Type::T_BLOCK: case Type::T_KEYWORD: case Type::T_NULL: case Type::T_NUMBER: case Type::T_MEDIA: return $parsed; case Type::T_COMMENT: if (isset($parsed[2])) { return false; } return $parsed; case Type::T_DIRECTIVE: if (\is_array($parsed[1])) { $parsed[1][1] = $this->isPlainCssValidElement($parsed[1][1]); if (! $parsed[1][1]) { return false; } } return $parsed; case Type::T_IMPORT: if ($parsed[1][0] === Type::T_LIST) { return false; } $parsed[1] = $this->isPlainCssValidElement($parsed[1]); if ($parsed[1] === false) { return false; } return $parsed; case Type::T_STRING: foreach ($parsed[2] as $k => $substr) { if (\is_array($substr)) { $parsed[2][$k] = $this->isPlainCssValidElement($substr); if (! $parsed[2][$k]) { return false; } } } return $parsed; case Type::T_LIST: if (!empty($parsed['enclosing'])) { return false; } foreach ($parsed[2] as $k => $listElement) { $parsed[2][$k] = $this->isPlainCssValidElement($listElement); if (! $parsed[2][$k]) { return false; } } return $parsed; case Type::T_ASSIGN: foreach ([1, 2, 3] as $k) { if (! empty($parsed[$k])) { $parsed[$k] = $this->isPlainCssValidElement($parsed[$k]); if (! $parsed[$k]) { return false; } } } return $parsed; case Type::T_EXPRESSION: list( ,$op, $lhs, $rhs, $inParens, $whiteBefore, $whiteAfter) = $parsed; if (! $allowExpression && ! \in_array($op, ['and', 'or', '/'])) { return false; } $lhs = $this->isPlainCssValidElement($lhs, true); if (! $lhs) { return false; } $rhs = $this->isPlainCssValidElement($rhs, true); if (! $rhs) { return false; } return [ Type::T_STRING, '', [ $this->inParens ? '(' : '', $lhs, ($whiteBefore ? ' ' : '') . $op . ($whiteAfter ? ' ' : ''), $rhs, $this->inParens ? ')' : '' ] ]; case Type::T_CUSTOM_PROPERTY: case Type::T_UNARY: $parsed[2] = $this->isPlainCssValidElement($parsed[2]); if (! $parsed[2]) { return false; } return $parsed; case Type::T_FUNCTION: $argsList = $parsed[2]; foreach ($argsList[2] as $argElement) { if (! $this->isPlainCssValidElement($argElement)) { return false; } } return $parsed; case Type::T_FUNCTION_CALL: $parsed[0] = Type::T_FUNCTION; $argsList = [Type::T_LIST, ',', []]; foreach ($parsed[2] as $arg) { if ($arg[0] || ! empty($arg[2])) { // no named arguments possible in a css function call // nor ... argument return false; } $arg = $this->isPlainCssValidElement($arg[1], $parsed[1] === 'calc'); if (! $arg) { return false; } $argsList[2][] = $arg; } $parsed[2] = $argsList; return $parsed; } return false; } /** * Match string looking for either ending delim, escape, or string interpolation * * {@internal This is a workaround for preg_match's 250K string match limit. }} * * @param array $m Matches (passed by reference) * @param string $delim Delimiter * * @return bool True if match; false otherwise * * @phpstan-impure */ protected function matchString(&$m, $delim) { $token = null; $end = \strlen($this->buffer); // look for either ending delim, escape, or string interpolation foreach (['#{', '\\', "\r", $delim] as $lookahead) { $pos = strpos($this->buffer, $lookahead, $this->count); if ($pos !== false && $pos < $end) { $end = $pos; $token = $lookahead; } } if (! isset($token)) { return false; } $match = substr($this->buffer, $this->count, $end - $this->count); $m = [ $match . $token, $match, $token ]; $this->count = $end + \strlen($token); return true; } /** * Try to match something on head of buffer * * @param string $regex * @param array $out * @param bool $eatWhitespace * * @return bool * * @phpstan-impure */ protected function match($regex, &$out, $eatWhitespace = null) { $r = '/' . $regex . '/' . $this->patternModifiers; if (! preg_match($r, $this->buffer, $out, 0, $this->count)) { return false; } $this->count += \strlen($out[0]); if (! isset($eatWhitespace)) { $eatWhitespace = $this->eatWhiteDefault; } if ($eatWhitespace) { $this->whitespace(); } return true; } /** * Match a single string * * @param string $char * @param bool $eatWhitespace * * @return bool * * @phpstan-impure */ protected function matchChar($char, $eatWhitespace = null) { if (! isset($this->buffer[$this->count]) || $this->buffer[$this->count] !== $char) { return false; } $this->count++; if (! isset($eatWhitespace)) { $eatWhitespace = $this->eatWhiteDefault; } if ($eatWhitespace) { $this->whitespace(); } return true; } /** * Match literal string * * @param string $what * @param int $len * @param bool $eatWhitespace * * @return bool * * @phpstan-impure */ protected function literal($what, $len, $eatWhitespace = null) { if (strcasecmp(substr($this->buffer, $this->count, $len), $what) !== 0) { return false; } $this->count += $len; if (! isset($eatWhitespace)) { $eatWhitespace = $this->eatWhiteDefault; } if ($eatWhitespace) { $this->whitespace(); } return true; } /** * Match some whitespace * * @return bool * * @phpstan-impure */ protected function whitespace() { $gotWhite = false; while (preg_match(static::$whitePattern, $this->buffer, $m, 0, $this->count)) { if (isset($m[1]) && empty($this->commentsSeen[$this->count])) { // comment that are kept in the output CSS $comment = []; $startCommentCount = $this->count; $endCommentCount = $this->count + \strlen($m[1]); // find interpolations in comment $p = strpos($this->buffer, '#{', $this->count); while ($p !== false && $p < $endCommentCount) { $c = substr($this->buffer, $this->count, $p - $this->count); $comment[] = $c; $this->count = $p; $out = null; if ($this->interpolation($out)) { // keep right spaces in the following string part if ($out[3]) { while ($this->buffer[$this->count - 1] !== '}') { $this->count--; } $out[3] = ''; } $comment[] = [Type::T_COMMENT, substr($this->buffer, $p, $this->count - $p), $out]; } else { list($line, $column) = $this->getSourcePosition($this->count); $file = $this->sourceName; if (!$this->discardComments) { $this->logger->warn("Unterminated interpolations in multiline comments are deprecated and will be removed in ScssPhp 2.0, in \"$file\", line $line, column $column.", true); } $comment[] = substr($this->buffer, $this->count, 2); $this->count += 2; } $p = strpos($this->buffer, '#{', $this->count); } // remaining part $c = substr($this->buffer, $this->count, $endCommentCount - $this->count); if (! $comment) { // single part static comment $commentStatement = [Type::T_COMMENT, $c]; } else { $comment[] = $c; $staticComment = substr($this->buffer, $startCommentCount, $endCommentCount - $startCommentCount); $commentStatement = [Type::T_COMMENT, $staticComment, [Type::T_STRING, '', $comment]]; } list($line, $column) = $this->getSourcePosition($startCommentCount); $commentStatement[self::SOURCE_LINE] = $line; $commentStatement[self::SOURCE_COLUMN] = $column; $commentStatement[self::SOURCE_INDEX] = $this->sourceIndex; $this->appendComment($commentStatement); $this->commentsSeen[$startCommentCount] = true; $this->count = $endCommentCount; } else { // comment that are ignored and not kept in the output css $this->count += \strlen($m[0]); // silent comments are not allowed in plain CSS files ! $this->cssOnly || ! \strlen(trim($m[0])) || $this->assertPlainCssValid(false, $this->count - \strlen($m[0])); } $gotWhite = true; } return $gotWhite; } /** * Append comment to current block * * @param array $comment * * @return void */ protected function appendComment($comment) { if (! $this->discardComments) { assert($this->env !== null); $this->env->comments[] = $comment; } } /** * Append statement to current block * * @param array|null $statement * @param int $pos * * @return void */ protected function append($statement, $pos = null) { assert($this->env !== null); if (! \is_null($statement)) { ! $this->cssOnly || ($statement = $this->assertPlainCssValid($statement, $pos)); if (! \is_null($pos)) { list($line, $column) = $this->getSourcePosition($pos); $statement[static::SOURCE_LINE] = $line; $statement[static::SOURCE_COLUMN] = $column; $statement[static::SOURCE_INDEX] = $this->sourceIndex; } $this->env->children[] = $statement; } $comments = $this->env->comments; if ($comments) { $this->env->children = array_merge($this->env->children, $comments); $this->env->comments = []; } } /** * Returns last child was appended * * @return array|null */ protected function last() { assert($this->env !== null); $i = \count($this->env->children) - 1; if (isset($this->env->children[$i])) { return $this->env->children[$i]; } return null; } /** * Parse media query list * * @param array $out * * @return bool */ protected function mediaQueryList(&$out) { return $this->genericList($out, 'mediaQuery', ',', false); } /** * Parse media query * * @param array $out * * @return bool */ protected function mediaQuery(&$out) { $expressions = null; $parts = []; if ( ($this->literal('only', 4) && ($only = true) || $this->literal('not', 3) && ($not = true) || true) && $this->mixedKeyword($mediaType) ) { $prop = [Type::T_MEDIA_TYPE]; if (isset($only)) { $prop[] = [Type::T_KEYWORD, 'only']; } if (isset($not)) { $prop[] = [Type::T_KEYWORD, 'not']; } $media = [Type::T_LIST, '', []]; foreach ((array) $mediaType as $type) { if (\is_array($type)) { $media[2][] = $type; } else { $media[2][] = [Type::T_KEYWORD, $type]; } } $prop[] = $media; $parts[] = $prop; } if (empty($parts) || $this->literal('and', 3)) { $this->genericList($expressions, 'mediaExpression', 'and', false); if (\is_array($expressions)) { $parts = array_merge($parts, $expressions[2]); } } $out = $parts; return true; } /** * Parse supports query * * @param array $out * * @return bool */ protected function supportsQuery(&$out) { $expressions = null; $parts = []; $s = $this->count; $not = false; if ( ($this->literal('not', 3) && ($not = true) || true) && $this->matchChar('(') && ($this->expression($property)) && $this->literal(': ', 2) && $this->valueList($value) && $this->matchChar(')') ) { $support = [Type::T_STRING, '', [[Type::T_KEYWORD, ($not ? 'not ' : '') . '(']]]; $support[2][] = $property; $support[2][] = [Type::T_KEYWORD, ': ']; $support[2][] = $value; $support[2][] = [Type::T_KEYWORD, ')']; $parts[] = $support; $s = $this->count; } else { $this->seek($s); } if ( $this->matchChar('(') && $this->supportsQuery($subQuery) && $this->matchChar(')') ) { $parts[] = [Type::T_STRING, '', [[Type::T_KEYWORD, '('], $subQuery, [Type::T_KEYWORD, ')']]]; $s = $this->count; } else { $this->seek($s); } if ( $this->literal('not', 3) && $this->supportsQuery($subQuery) ) { $parts[] = [Type::T_STRING, '', [[Type::T_KEYWORD, 'not '], $subQuery]]; $s = $this->count; } else { $this->seek($s); } if ( $this->literal('selector(', 9) && $this->selector($selector) && $this->matchChar(')') ) { $support = [Type::T_STRING, '', [[Type::T_KEYWORD, 'selector(']]]; $selectorList = [Type::T_LIST, '', []]; foreach ($selector as $sc) { $compound = [Type::T_STRING, '', []]; foreach ($sc as $scp) { if (\is_array($scp)) { $compound[2][] = $scp; } else { $compound[2][] = [Type::T_KEYWORD, $scp]; } } $selectorList[2][] = $compound; } $support[2][] = $selectorList; $support[2][] = [Type::T_KEYWORD, ')']; $parts[] = $support; $s = $this->count; } else { $this->seek($s); } if ($this->variable($var) or $this->interpolation($var)) { $parts[] = $var; $s = $this->count; } else { $this->seek($s); } if ( $this->literal('and', 3) && $this->genericList($expressions, 'supportsQuery', ' and', false) ) { array_unshift($expressions[2], [Type::T_STRING, '', $parts]); $parts = [$expressions]; $s = $this->count; } else { $this->seek($s); } if ( $this->literal('or', 2) && $this->genericList($expressions, 'supportsQuery', ' or', false) ) { array_unshift($expressions[2], [Type::T_STRING, '', $parts]); $parts = [$expressions]; $s = $this->count; } else { $this->seek($s); } if (\count($parts)) { if ($this->eatWhiteDefault) { $this->whitespace(); } $out = [Type::T_STRING, '', $parts]; return true; } return false; } /** * Parse media expression * * @param array $out * * @return bool */ protected function mediaExpression(&$out) { $s = $this->count; $value = null; if ( $this->matchChar('(') && $this->expression($feature) && ($this->matchChar(':') && $this->expression($value) || true) && $this->matchChar(')') ) { $out = [Type::T_MEDIA_EXPRESSION, $feature]; if ($value) { $out[] = $value; } return true; } $this->seek($s); return false; } /** * Parse argument values * * @param array $out * * @return bool */ protected function argValues(&$out) { $discardComments = $this->discardComments; $this->discardComments = true; if ($this->genericList($list, 'argValue', ',', false)) { $out = $list[2]; $this->discardComments = $discardComments; return true; } $this->discardComments = $discardComments; return false; } /** * Parse argument value * * @param array $out * * @return bool */ protected function argValue(&$out) { $s = $this->count; $keyword = null; if (! $this->variable($keyword) || ! $this->matchChar(':')) { $this->seek($s); $keyword = null; } if ($this->genericList($value, 'expression', '', true)) { $out = [$keyword, $value, false]; $s = $this->count; if ($this->literal('...', 3)) { $out[2] = true; } else { $this->seek($s); } return true; } return false; } /** * Check if a generic directive is known to be able to allow almost any syntax or not * @param mixed $directiveName * @return bool */ protected function isKnownGenericDirective($directiveName) { if (\is_array($directiveName) && \is_string(reset($directiveName))) { $directiveName = reset($directiveName); } if (! \is_string($directiveName)) { return false; } if ( \in_array($directiveName, [ 'at-root', 'media', 'mixin', 'include', 'scssphp-import-once', 'import', 'extend', 'function', 'break', 'continue', 'return', 'each', 'while', 'for', 'if', 'debug', 'warn', 'error', 'content', 'else', 'charset', 'supports', // Todo 'use', 'forward', ]) ) { return true; } return false; } /** * Parse directive value list that considers $vars as keyword * * @param mixed $out * @param string|false $endChar * @param-out array|Number $out * * @return bool * * @phpstan-impure */ protected function directiveValue(&$out, $endChar = false) { $s = $this->count; if ($this->variable($out)) { if ($endChar && $this->matchChar($endChar, false)) { return true; } if (! $endChar && $this->end()) { return true; } } $this->seek($s); if (\is_string($endChar) && $this->openString($endChar ? $endChar : ';', $out, null, null, true, ";}{")) { if ($endChar && $this->matchChar($endChar, false)) { return true; } $ss = $this->count; if (!$endChar && $this->end()) { $this->seek($ss); return true; } } $this->seek($s); $allowVars = $this->allowVars; $this->allowVars = false; $res = $this->genericList($out, 'spaceList', ','); $this->allowVars = $allowVars; if ($res) { if ($endChar && $this->matchChar($endChar, false)) { return true; } if (! $endChar && $this->end()) { return true; } } $this->seek($s); if ($endChar && $this->matchChar($endChar, false)) { return true; } return false; } /** * Parse comma separated value list * * @param mixed $out * @param-out array|Number $out * * @return bool */ protected function valueList(&$out) { $discardComments = $this->discardComments; $this->discardComments = true; $res = $this->genericList($out, 'spaceList', ','); $this->discardComments = $discardComments; return $res; } /** * Parse a function call, where externals () are part of the call * and not of the value list * * @param mixed $out * @param bool $mandatoryEnclos * @param null|string $charAfter * @param null|bool $eatWhiteSp * @param-out array|Number $out * * @return bool */ protected function functionCallArgumentsList(&$out, $mandatoryEnclos = true, $charAfter = null, $eatWhiteSp = null) { $s = $this->count; if ( $this->matchChar('(') && $this->valueList($out) && $this->matchChar(')') && ($charAfter ? $this->matchChar($charAfter, $eatWhiteSp) : $this->end()) ) { return true; } if (! $mandatoryEnclos) { $this->seek($s); if ( $this->valueList($out) && ($charAfter ? $this->matchChar($charAfter, $eatWhiteSp) : $this->end()) ) { return true; } } $this->seek($s); return false; } /** * Parse space separated value list * * @param mixed $out * @param-out array|Number $out * * @return bool */ protected function spaceList(&$out) { return $this->genericList($out, 'expression'); } /** * Parse generic list * * @param mixed $out * @param string $parseItem The name of the method used to parse items * @param string $delim * @param bool $flatten * @param-out ($flatten is false ? array : array|Number) $out * * @return bool */ protected function genericList(&$out, $parseItem, $delim = '', $flatten = true) { $s = $this->count; $items = []; /** @var array|Number|null $value */ $value = null; while ($this->$parseItem($value)) { $trailing_delim = false; $items[] = $value; if ($delim) { if (! $this->literal($delim, \strlen($delim))) { break; } $trailing_delim = true; } else { assert(\is_array($value) || $value instanceof Number); // if no delim watch that a keyword didn't eat the single/double quote // from the following starting string if ($value[0] === Type::T_KEYWORD) { assert(\is_array($value)); /** @var string $word */ $word = $value[1]; $last_char = substr($word, -1); if ( strlen($word) > 1 && in_array($last_char, [ "'", '"']) && substr($word, -2, 1) !== '\\' ) { // if there is a non escaped opening quote in the keyword, this seems unlikely a mistake $word = str_replace('\\' . $last_char, '\\\\', $word); if (strpos($word, $last_char) < strlen($word) - 1) { continue; } $currentCount = $this->count; // let's try to rewind to previous char and try a parse $this->count--; // in case the keyword also eat spaces while (substr($this->buffer, $this->count, 1) !== $last_char) { $this->count--; } /** @var array|Number|null $nextValue */ $nextValue = null; if ($this->$parseItem($nextValue)) { assert(\is_array($nextValue) || $nextValue instanceof Number); if ($nextValue[0] === Type::T_KEYWORD && $nextValue[1] === $last_char) { // bad try, forget it $this->seek($currentCount); continue; } if ($nextValue[0] !== Type::T_STRING) { // bad try, forget it $this->seek($currentCount); continue; } // OK it was a good idea $value[1] = substr($value[1], 0, -1); array_pop($items); $items[] = $value; $items[] = $nextValue; } else { // bad try, forget it $this->seek($currentCount); continue; } } } } } if (! $items) { $this->seek($s); return false; } if ($trailing_delim) { $items[] = [Type::T_NULL]; } if ($flatten && \count($items) === 1) { $out = $items[0]; } else { $out = [Type::T_LIST, $delim, $items]; } return true; } /** * Parse expression * * @param mixed $out * @param bool $listOnly * @param bool $lookForExp * @param-out array|Number $out * * @return bool * * @phpstan-impure */ protected function expression(&$out, $listOnly = false, $lookForExp = true) { $s = $this->count; $discard = $this->discardComments; $this->discardComments = true; $allowedTypes = ($listOnly ? [Type::T_LIST] : [Type::T_LIST, Type::T_MAP]); if ($this->matchChar('(')) { if ($this->enclosedExpression($lhs, $s, ')', $allowedTypes)) { if ($lookForExp) { $out = $this->expHelper($lhs, 0); } else { $out = $lhs; } $this->discardComments = $discard; return true; } $this->seek($s); } if (\in_array(Type::T_LIST, $allowedTypes) && $this->matchChar('[')) { if ($this->enclosedExpression($lhs, $s, ']', [Type::T_LIST])) { if ($lookForExp) { $out = $this->expHelper($lhs, 0); } else { $out = $lhs; } $this->discardComments = $discard; return true; } $this->seek($s); } if (! $listOnly && $this->value($lhs)) { if ($lookForExp) { $out = $this->expHelper($lhs, 0); } else { $out = $lhs; } $this->discardComments = $discard; return true; } $this->discardComments = $discard; return false; } /** * Parse expression specifically checking for lists in parenthesis or brackets * * @param mixed $out * @param int $s * @param string $closingParen * @param string[] $allowedTypes * @param-out array|Number $out * * @return bool * * @phpstan-param array
$allowedTypes */ protected function enclosedExpression(&$out, $s, $closingParen = ')', $allowedTypes = [Type::T_LIST, Type::T_MAP]) { if ($this->matchChar($closingParen) && \in_array(Type::T_LIST, $allowedTypes)) { $out = [Type::T_LIST, '', []]; switch ($closingParen) { case ')': $out['enclosing'] = 'parent'; // parenthesis list break; case ']': $out['enclosing'] = 'bracket'; // bracketed list break; } return true; } if ( $this->valueList($out) && $this->matchChar($closingParen) && ! ($closingParen === ')' && \in_array($out[0], [Type::T_EXPRESSION, Type::T_UNARY])) && \in_array(Type::T_LIST, $allowedTypes) ) { if ($out[0] !== Type::T_LIST || ! empty($out['enclosing'])) { $out = [Type::T_LIST, '', [$out]]; } switch ($closingParen) { case ')': $out['enclosing'] = 'parent'; // parenthesis list break; case ']': $out['enclosing'] = 'bracket'; // bracketed list break; } return true; } $this->seek($s); if (\in_array(Type::T_MAP, $allowedTypes) && $this->map($out)) { return true; } return false; } /** * Parse left-hand side of subexpression * * @param array|Number $lhs * @param int $minP * * @return array|Number */ protected function expHelper($lhs, $minP) { $operators = static::$operatorPattern; $ss = $this->count; $whiteBefore = isset($this->buffer[$this->count - 1]) && ctype_space($this->buffer[$this->count - 1]); while ($this->match($operators, $m, false) && static::$precedence[strtolower($m[1])] >= $minP) { $whiteAfter = isset($this->buffer[$this->count]) && ctype_space($this->buffer[$this->count]); $varAfter = isset($this->buffer[$this->count]) && $this->buffer[$this->count] === '$'; $this->whitespace(); $op = $m[1]; // don't turn negative numbers into expressions if ($op === '-' && $whiteBefore && ! $whiteAfter && ! $varAfter) { break; } if (! $this->value($rhs) && ! $this->expression($rhs, true, false)) { break; } if ($op === '-' && ! $whiteAfter && $rhs[0] === Type::T_KEYWORD) { break; } // consume higher-precedence operators on the right-hand side $rhs = $this->expHelper($rhs, static::$precedence[strtolower($op)] + 1); $lhs = [Type::T_EXPRESSION, $op, $lhs, $rhs, $this->inParens, $whiteBefore, $whiteAfter]; $ss = $this->count; $whiteBefore = isset($this->buffer[$this->count - 1]) && ctype_space($this->buffer[$this->count - 1]); } $this->seek($ss); return $lhs; } /** * Parse value * * @param mixed $out * @param-out array|Number $out * * @return bool */ protected function value(&$out) { if (! isset($this->buffer[$this->count])) { return false; } $s = $this->count; $char = $this->buffer[$this->count]; if ( $this->literal('url(', 4) && $this->match('data:([a-z]+)\/([a-z0-9.+-]+);base64,', $m, false) ) { $len = strspn( $this->buffer, 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwyxz0123456789+/=', $this->count ); $this->count += $len; if ($this->matchChar(')')) { $content = substr($this->buffer, $s, $this->count - $s); $out = [Type::T_KEYWORD, $content]; return true; } } $this->seek($s); if ( $this->literal('url(', 4, false) && $this->match('\s*(\/\/[^\s\)]+)\s*', $m) ) { $content = 'url(' . $m[1]; if ($this->matchChar(')')) { $content .= ')'; $out = [Type::T_KEYWORD, $content]; return true; } } $this->seek($s); // not if ($char === 'n' && $this->literal('not', 3, false)) { if ( $this->whitespace() && $this->value($inner) ) { $out = [Type::T_UNARY, 'not', $inner, $this->inParens]; return true; } $this->seek($s); if ($this->parenValue($inner)) { $out = [Type::T_UNARY, 'not', $inner, $this->inParens]; return true; } $this->seek($s); } // addition if ($char === '+') { $this->count++; $follow_white = $this->whitespace(); if ($this->value($inner)) { $out = [Type::T_UNARY, '+', $inner, $this->inParens]; return true; } if ($follow_white) { $out = [Type::T_KEYWORD, $char]; return true; } $this->seek($s); return false; } // negation if ($char === '-') { if ($this->customProperty($out)) { return true; } $this->count++; $follow_white = $this->whitespace(); if ($this->variable($inner) || $this->unit($inner) || $this->parenValue($inner)) { $out = [Type::T_UNARY, '-', $inner, $this->inParens]; return true; } if ( $this->keyword($inner) && ! $this->func($inner, $out) ) { $out = [Type::T_UNARY, '-', $inner, $this->inParens]; return true; } if ($follow_white) { $out = [Type::T_KEYWORD, $char]; return true; } $this->seek($s); } // paren if ($char === '(' && $this->parenValue($out)) { return true; } if ($char === '#') { if ($this->interpolation($out) || $this->color($out)) { return true; } $this->count++; if ($this->keyword($keyword)) { $out = [Type::T_KEYWORD, '#' . $keyword]; return true; } $this->count--; } if ($this->matchChar('&', true)) { $out = [Type::T_SELF]; return true; } if ($char === '$' && $this->variable($out)) { return true; } if ($char === 'p' && $this->progid($out)) { return true; } if (($char === '"' || $char === "'") && $this->string($out)) { return true; } if ($this->unit($out)) { return true; } // unicode range with wildcards if ( $this->literal('U+', 2) && $this->match('\?+|([0-9A-F]+(\?+|(-[0-9A-F]+))?)', $m, false) ) { $unicode = explode('-', $m[0]); if (strlen(reset($unicode)) <= 6 && strlen(end($unicode)) <= 6) { $out = [Type::T_KEYWORD, 'U+' . $m[0]]; return true; } $this->count -= strlen($m[0]) + 2; } if ($this->keyword($keyword, false)) { if ($this->func($keyword, $out)) { return true; } $this->whitespace(); if ($keyword === 'null') { $out = [Type::T_NULL]; } else { $out = [Type::T_KEYWORD, $keyword]; } return true; } return false; } /** * Parse parenthesized value * * @param mixed $out * @param-out array|Number $out * * @return bool */ protected function parenValue(&$out) { $s = $this->count; $inParens = $this->inParens; if ($this->matchChar('(')) { if ($this->matchChar(')')) { $out = [Type::T_LIST, '', []]; return true; } $this->inParens = true; if ( $this->expression($exp) && $this->matchChar(')') ) { $out = $exp; $this->inParens = $inParens; return true; } } $this->inParens = $inParens; $this->seek($s); return false; } /** * Parse "progid:" * * @param array $out * * @return bool */ protected function progid(&$out) { $s = $this->count; if ( $this->literal('progid:', 7, false) && $this->openString('(', $fn) && $this->matchChar('(') ) { $this->openString(')', $args, '('); if ($this->matchChar(')')) { $out = [Type::T_STRING, '', [ 'progid:', $fn, '(', $args, ')' ]]; return true; } } $this->seek($s); return false; } /** * Parse function call * * @param string $name * @param mixed $func * @param-out array $func * * @return bool */ protected function func($name, &$func) { $s = $this->count; if ($this->matchChar('(')) { if ($name === 'alpha' && $this->argumentList($args)) { $func = [Type::T_FUNCTION, $name, [Type::T_STRING, '', $args]]; return true; } if ($name !== 'expression' && ! preg_match('/^(-[a-z]+-)?calc$/', $name)) { $ss = $this->count; if ( $this->argValues($args) && $this->matchChar(')') ) { if (strtolower($name) === 'var' && \count($args) === 2 && $args[1][0] === Type::T_NULL) { $args[1] = [null, [Type::T_STRING, '', [' ']], false]; } $func = [Type::T_FUNCTION_CALL, $name, $args]; return true; } $this->seek($ss); } if ( ($this->openString(')', $str, '(') || true) && $this->matchChar(')') ) { $args = []; if (! empty($str)) { $args[] = [null, [Type::T_STRING, '', [$str]]]; } $func = [Type::T_FUNCTION_CALL, $name, $args]; return true; } } $this->seek($s); return false; } /** * Parse function call argument list * * @param array $out * * @return bool */ protected function argumentList(&$out) { $s = $this->count; $this->matchChar('('); $args = []; while ($this->keyword($var)) { if ( $this->matchChar('=') && $this->expression($exp) ) { $args[] = [Type::T_STRING, '', [$var . '=']]; $arg = $exp; } else { break; } $args[] = $arg; if (! $this->matchChar(',')) { break; } $args[] = [Type::T_STRING, '', [', ']]; } if (! $this->matchChar(')') || ! $args) { $this->seek($s); return false; } $out = $args; return true; } /** * Parse mixin/function definition argument list * * @param mixed $out * @param-out list
$out * * @return bool */ protected function argumentDef(&$out) { $s = $this->count; $this->matchChar('('); $args = []; while ($this->variable($var)) { $arg = [$var[1], null, false]; $ss = $this->count; if ( $this->matchChar(':') && $this->genericList($defaultVal, 'expression', '', true) ) { $arg[1] = $defaultVal; } else { $this->seek($ss); } $ss = $this->count; if ($this->literal('...', 3)) { $sss = $this->count; if (! $this->matchChar(')')) { throw $this->parseError('... has to be after the final argument'); } $arg[2] = true; $this->seek($sss); } else { $this->seek($ss); } $args[] = $arg; if (! $this->matchChar(',')) { break; } } if (! $this->matchChar(')')) { $this->seek($s); return false; } $out = $args; return true; } /** * Parse map * * @param mixed $out * @param-out array $out * * @return bool */ protected function map(&$out) { $s = $this->count; if (! $this->matchChar('(')) { return false; } $keys = []; $values = []; while ( $this->genericList($key, 'expression', '', true) && $this->matchChar(':') && $this->genericList($value, 'expression', '', true) ) { $keys[] = $key; $values[] = $value; if (! $this->matchChar(',')) { break; } } if (! $keys || ! $this->matchChar(')')) { $this->seek($s); return false; } $out = [Type::T_MAP, $keys, $values]; return true; } /** * Parse color * * @param mixed $out * @param-out array $out * * @return bool */ protected function color(&$out) { $s = $this->count; if ($this->match('(#([0-9a-f]+)\b)', $m)) { if (\in_array(\strlen($m[2]), [3,4,6,8])) { $out = [Type::T_KEYWORD, $m[0]]; return true; } $this->seek($s); return false; } return false; } /** * Parse number with unit * * @param mixed $unit * @param-out Number $unit * * @return bool */ protected function unit(&$unit) { $s = $this->count; if ($this->match('([0-9]*(\.)?[0-9]+)([%a-zA-Z]+)?', $m, false)) { if (\strlen($this->buffer) === $this->count || ! ctype_digit($this->buffer[$this->count])) { $this->whitespace(); $unit = new Node\Number($m[1], empty($m[3]) ? '' : $m[3]); return true; } $this->seek($s); } return false; } /** * Parse string * * @param array $out * @param bool $keepDelimWithInterpolation * * @return bool */ protected function string(&$out, $keepDelimWithInterpolation = false) { $s = $this->count; if ($this->matchChar('"', false)) { $delim = '"'; } elseif ($this->matchChar("'", false)) { $delim = "'"; } else { return false; } $content = []; $oldWhite = $this->eatWhiteDefault; $this->eatWhiteDefault = false; $hasInterpolation = false; while ($this->matchString($m, $delim)) { if ($m[1] !== '') { $content[] = $m[1]; } if ($m[2] === '#{') { $this->count -= \strlen($m[2]); if ($this->interpolation($inter, false)) { $content[] = $inter; $hasInterpolation = true; } else { $this->count += \strlen($m[2]); $content[] = '#{'; // ignore it } } elseif ($m[2] === "\r") { $content[] = chr(10); // TODO : warning # DEPRECATION WARNING on line x, column y of zzz: # Unescaped multiline strings are deprecated and will be removed in a future version of Sass. # To include a newline in a string, use "\a" or "\a " as in CSS. if ($this->matchChar("\n", false)) { $content[] = ' '; } } elseif ($m[2] === '\\') { if ( $this->literal("\r\n", 2, false) || $this->matchChar("\r", false) || $this->matchChar("\n", false) || $this->matchChar("\f", false) ) { // this is a continuation escaping, to be ignored } elseif ($this->matchEscapeCharacter($c)) { $content[] = $c; } else { throw $this->parseError('Unterminated escape sequence'); } } else { $this->count -= \strlen($delim); break; // delim } } $this->eatWhiteDefault = $oldWhite; if ($this->literal($delim, \strlen($delim))) { if ($hasInterpolation && ! $keepDelimWithInterpolation) { $delim = '"'; } $out = [Type::T_STRING, $delim, $content]; return true; } $this->seek($s); return false; } /** * @param string $out * @param bool $inKeywords * * @return bool */ protected function matchEscapeCharacter(&$out, $inKeywords = false) { $s = $this->count; if ($this->match('[a-f0-9]', $m, false)) { $hex = $m[0]; for ($i = 5; $i--;) { if ($this->match('[a-f0-9]', $m, false)) { $hex .= $m[0]; } else { break; } } // CSS allows Unicode escape sequences to be followed by a delimiter space // (necessary in some cases for shorter sequences to disambiguate their end) $this->matchChar(' ', false); $value = hexdec($hex); if (!$inKeywords && ($value == 0 || ($value >= 0xD800 && $value <= 0xDFFF) || $value >= 0x10FFFF)) { $out = "\xEF\xBF\xBD"; // "\u{FFFD}" but with a syntax supported on PHP 5 } elseif ($value < 0x20) { $out = Util::mbChr($value); } else { $out = Util::mbChr($value); } return true; } if ($this->match('.', $m, false)) { if ($inKeywords && in_array($m[0], ["'",'"','@','&',' ','\\',':','/','%'])) { $this->seek($s); return false; } $out = $m[0]; return true; } return false; } /** * Parse keyword or interpolation * * @param array $out * @param bool $restricted * * @return bool */ protected function mixedKeyword(&$out, $restricted = false) { $parts = []; $oldWhite = $this->eatWhiteDefault; $this->eatWhiteDefault = false; for (;;) { if ($restricted ? $this->restrictedKeyword($key) : $this->keyword($key)) { $parts[] = $key; continue; } if ($this->interpolation($inter)) { $parts[] = $inter; continue; } break; } $this->eatWhiteDefault = $oldWhite; if (! $parts) { return false; } if ($this->eatWhiteDefault) { $this->whitespace(); } $out = $parts; return true; } /** * Parse an unbounded string stopped by $end * * @param string $end * @param mixed $out * @param string $nestOpen * @param string $nestClose * @param bool $rtrim * @param string $disallow * @param-out array $out * * @return bool */ protected function openString($end, &$out, $nestOpen = null, $nestClose = null, $rtrim = true, $disallow = null) { $oldWhite = $this->eatWhiteDefault; $this->eatWhiteDefault = false; if ($nestOpen && ! $nestClose) { $nestClose = $end; } $patt = ($disallow ? '[^' . $this->pregQuote($disallow) . ']' : '.'); $patt = '(' . $patt . '*?)([\'"]|#\{|' . $this->pregQuote($end) . '|' . (($nestClose && $nestClose !== $end) ? $this->pregQuote($nestClose) . '|' : '') . static::$commentPattern . ')'; $nestingLevel = 0; $content = []; while ($this->match($patt, $m, false)) { if (isset($m[1]) && $m[1] !== '') { $content[] = $m[1]; if ($nestOpen) { $nestingLevel += substr_count($m[1], $nestOpen); } } $tok = $m[2]; $this->count -= \strlen($tok); if ($tok === $end && ! $nestingLevel) { break; } if ($tok === $nestClose) { $nestingLevel--; } if (($tok === "'" || $tok === '"') && $this->string($str, true)) { $content[] = $str; continue; } if ($tok === '#{' && $this->interpolation($inter)) { $content[] = $inter; continue; } $content[] = $tok; $this->count += \strlen($tok); } $this->eatWhiteDefault = $oldWhite; if (! $content || $tok !== $end) { return false; } // trim the end if ($rtrim && \is_string(end($content))) { $content[\count($content) - 1] = rtrim(end($content)); } $out = [Type::T_STRING, '', $content]; return true; } /** * Parser interpolation * * @param mixed $out * @param bool $lookWhite save information about whitespace before and after * @param-out array $out * * @return bool */ protected function interpolation(&$out, $lookWhite = true) { $oldWhite = $this->eatWhiteDefault; $allowVars = $this->allowVars; $this->allowVars = true; $this->eatWhiteDefault = true; $s = $this->count; if ( $this->literal('#{', 2) && $this->valueList($value) && $this->matchChar('}', false) ) { if ($value === [Type::T_SELF]) { $out = $value; } else { if ($lookWhite) { $left = ($s > 0 && preg_match('/\s/', $this->buffer[$s - 1])) ? ' ' : ''; $right = ( ! empty($this->buffer[$this->count]) && preg_match('/\s/', $this->buffer[$this->count]) ) ? ' ' : ''; } else { $left = $right = false; } $out = [Type::T_INTERPOLATE, $value, $left, $right]; } $this->eatWhiteDefault = $oldWhite; $this->allowVars = $allowVars; if ($this->eatWhiteDefault) { $this->whitespace(); } return true; } $this->seek($s); $this->eatWhiteDefault = $oldWhite; $this->allowVars = $allowVars; return false; } /** * Parse property name (as an array of parts or a string) * * @param array $out * * @return bool */ protected function propertyName(&$out) { $parts = []; $oldWhite = $this->eatWhiteDefault; $this->eatWhiteDefault = false; for (;;) { if ($this->interpolation($inter)) { $parts[] = $inter; continue; } if ($this->keyword($text)) { $parts[] = $text; continue; } if (! $parts && $this->match('[:.#]', $m, false)) { // css hacks $parts[] = $m[0]; continue; } break; } $this->eatWhiteDefault = $oldWhite; if (! $parts) { return false; } // match comment hack if (preg_match(static::$whitePattern, $this->buffer, $m, 0, $this->count)) { if (! empty($m[0])) { $parts[] = $m[0]; $this->count += \strlen($m[0]); } } $this->whitespace(); // get any extra whitespace $out = [Type::T_STRING, '', $parts]; return true; } /** * Parse custom property name (as an array of parts or a string) * * @param array $out * * @return bool */ protected function customProperty(&$out) { $s = $this->count; if (! $this->literal('--', 2, false)) { return false; } $parts = ['--']; $oldWhite = $this->eatWhiteDefault; $this->eatWhiteDefault = false; for (;;) { if ($this->interpolation($inter)) { $parts[] = $inter; continue; } if ($this->matchChar('&', false)) { $parts[] = [Type::T_SELF]; continue; } if ($this->variable($var)) { $parts[] = $var; continue; } if ($this->keyword($text)) { $parts[] = $text; continue; } break; } $this->eatWhiteDefault = $oldWhite; if (\count($parts) == 1) { $this->seek($s); return false; } $this->whitespace(); // get any extra whitespace $out = [Type::T_STRING, '', $parts]; return true; } /** * Parse comma separated selector list * * @param array $out * @param string|bool $subSelector * * @return bool */ protected function selectors(&$out, $subSelector = false) { $s = $this->count; $selectors = []; while ($this->selector($sel, $subSelector)) { $selectors[] = $sel; if (! $this->matchChar(',', true)) { break; } while ($this->matchChar(',', true)) { ; // ignore extra } } if (! $selectors) { $this->seek($s); return false; } $out = $selectors; return true; } /** * Parse whitespace separated selector list * * @param array $out * @param string|bool $subSelector * * @return bool */ protected function selector(&$out, $subSelector = false) { $selector = []; $discardComments = $this->discardComments; $this->discardComments = true; for (;;) { $s = $this->count; if ($this->match('[>+~]+', $m, true)) { if ( $subSelector && \is_string($subSelector) && strpos($subSelector, 'nth-') === 0 && $m[0] === '+' && $this->match("(\d+|n\b)", $counter) ) { $this->seek($s); } else { $selector[] = [$m[0]]; continue; } } if ($this->selectorSingle($part, $subSelector)) { $selector[] = $part; $this->whitespace(); continue; } break; } $this->discardComments = $discardComments; if (! $selector) { return false; } $out = $selector; return true; } /** * parsing escaped chars in selectors: * - escaped single chars are kept escaped in the selector but in a normalized form * (if not in 0-9a-f range as this would be ambigous) * - other escaped sequences (multibyte chars or 0-9a-f) are kept in their initial escaped form, * normalized to lowercase * * TODO: this is a fallback solution. Ideally escaped chars in selectors should be encoded as the genuine chars, * and escaping added when printing in the Compiler, where/if it's mandatory * - but this require a better formal selector representation instead of the array we have now * * @param string $out * @param bool $keepEscapedNumber * * @return bool */ protected function matchEscapeCharacterInSelector(&$out, $keepEscapedNumber = false) { $s_escape = $this->count; if ($this->match('\\\\', $m)) { $out = '\\' . $m[0]; return true; } if ($this->matchEscapeCharacter($escapedout, true)) { if (strlen($escapedout) === 1) { if (!preg_match(",\w,", $escapedout)) { $out = '\\' . $escapedout; return true; } elseif (! $keepEscapedNumber || ! \is_numeric($escapedout)) { $out = $escapedout; return true; } } $escape_sequence = rtrim(substr($this->buffer, $s_escape, $this->count - $s_escape)); if (strlen($escape_sequence) < 6) { $escape_sequence .= ' '; } $out = '\\' . strtolower($escape_sequence); return true; } if ($this->match('\\S', $m)) { $out = '\\' . $m[0]; return true; } return false; } /** * Parse the parts that make up a selector * * {@internal * div[yes=no]#something.hello.world:nth-child(-2n+1)%placeholder * }} * * @param array $out * @param string|bool $subSelector * * @return bool */ protected function selectorSingle(&$out, $subSelector = false) { $oldWhite = $this->eatWhiteDefault; $this->eatWhiteDefault = false; $parts = []; if ($this->matchChar('*', false)) { $parts[] = '*'; } for (;;) { if (! isset($this->buffer[$this->count])) { break; } $s = $this->count; $char = $this->buffer[$this->count]; // see if we can stop early if ($char === '{' || $char === ',' || $char === ';' || $char === '}' || $char === '@') { break; } // parsing a sub selector in () stop with the closing ) if ($subSelector && $char === ')') { break; } //self switch ($char) { case '&': $parts[] = Compiler::$selfSelector; $this->count++; ! $this->cssOnly || $this->assertPlainCssValid(false, $s); continue 2; case '.': $parts[] = '.'; $this->count++; continue 2; case '|': $parts[] = '|'; $this->count++; continue 2; } // handling of escaping in selectors : get the escaped char if ($char === '\\') { $this->count++; if ($this->matchEscapeCharacterInSelector($escaped, true)) { $parts[] = $escaped; continue; } $this->count--; } if ($char === '%') { $this->count++; if ($this->placeholder($placeholder)) { $parts[] = '%'; $parts[] = $placeholder; ! $this->cssOnly || $this->assertPlainCssValid(false, $s); continue; } break; } if ($char === '#') { if ($this->interpolation($inter)) { $parts[] = $inter; ! $this->cssOnly || $this->assertPlainCssValid(false, $s); continue; } $parts[] = '#'; $this->count++; continue; } // a pseudo selector if ($char === ':') { if ($this->buffer[$this->count + 1] === ':') { $this->count += 2; $part = '::'; } else { $this->count++; $part = ':'; } if ($this->mixedKeyword($nameParts, true)) { $parts[] = $part; foreach ($nameParts as $sub) { $parts[] = $sub; } $ss = $this->count; if ( $nameParts === ['not'] || $nameParts === ['is'] || $nameParts === ['has'] || $nameParts === ['where'] || $nameParts === ['slotted'] || $nameParts === ['nth-child'] || $nameParts === ['nth-last-child'] || $nameParts === ['nth-of-type'] || $nameParts === ['nth-last-of-type'] ) { if ( $this->matchChar('(', true) && ($this->selectors($subs, reset($nameParts)) || true) && $this->matchChar(')') ) { $parts[] = '('; while ($sub = array_shift($subs)) { while ($ps = array_shift($sub)) { foreach ($ps as &$p) { $parts[] = $p; } if (\count($sub) && reset($sub)) { $parts[] = ' '; } } if (\count($subs) && reset($subs)) { $parts[] = ', '; } } $parts[] = ')'; } else { $this->seek($ss); } } elseif ( $this->matchChar('(', true) && ($this->openString(')', $str, '(') || true) && $this->matchChar(')') ) { $parts[] = '('; if (! empty($str)) { $parts[] = $str; } $parts[] = ')'; } else { $this->seek($ss); } continue; } } $this->seek($s); // 2n+1 if ($subSelector && \is_string($subSelector) && strpos($subSelector, 'nth-') === 0) { if ($this->match("(\s*(\+\s*|\-\s*)?(\d+|n|\d+n))+", $counter)) { $parts[] = $counter[0]; //$parts[] = str_replace(' ', '', $counter[0]); continue; } } $this->seek($s); // attribute selector if ( $char === '[' && $this->matchChar('[') && ($this->openString(']', $str, '[') || true) && $this->matchChar(']') ) { $parts[] = '['; if (! empty($str)) { $parts[] = $str; } $parts[] = ']'; continue; } $this->seek($s); // for keyframes if ($this->unit($unit)) { $parts[] = $unit; continue; } if ($this->restrictedKeyword($name, false, true)) { $parts[] = $name; continue; } break; } $this->eatWhiteDefault = $oldWhite; if (! $parts) { return false; } $out = $parts; return true; } /** * Parse a variable * * @param mixed $out * @param-out array{Type::*, string} $out * * @return bool */ protected function variable(&$out) { $s = $this->count; if ( $this->matchChar('$', false) && $this->keyword($name) ) { if ($this->allowVars) { $out = [Type::T_VARIABLE, $name]; } else { $out = [Type::T_KEYWORD, '$' . $name]; } return true; } $this->seek($s); return false; } /** * Parse a keyword * * @param mixed $word * @param bool $eatWhitespace * @param bool $inSelector * @param-out string $word * * @return bool */ protected function keyword(&$word, $eatWhitespace = null, $inSelector = false) { $s = $this->count; $match = $this->match( $this->utf8 ? '(([\pL\w\x{00A0}-\x{10FFFF}_\-\*!"\']|\\\\[a-f0-9]{6} ?|\\\\[a-f0-9]{1,5}(?![a-f0-9]) ?|[\\\\].)([\pL\w\x{00A0}-\x{10FFFF}\-_"\']|\\\\[a-f0-9]{6} ?|\\\\[a-f0-9]{1,5}(?![a-f0-9]) ?|[\\\\].)*)' : '(([\w_\-\*!"\']|\\\\[a-f0-9]{6} ?|\\\\[a-f0-9]{1,5}(?![a-f0-9]) ?|[\\\\].)([\w\-_"\']|\\\\[a-f0-9]{6} ?|\\\\[a-f0-9]{1,5}(?![a-f0-9]) ?|[\\\\].)*)', $m, false ); if ($match) { $word = $m[1]; // handling of escaping in keyword : get the escaped char if (strpos($word, '\\') !== false) { $send = $this->count; $escapedWord = []; $this->seek($s); $previousEscape = false; while ($this->count < $send) { $char = $this->buffer[$this->count]; $this->count++; if ( $this->count < $send && $char === '\\' && !$previousEscape && ( $inSelector ? $this->matchEscapeCharacterInSelector($out) : $this->matchEscapeCharacter($out, true) ) ) { $escapedWord[] = $out; } else { if ($previousEscape) { $previousEscape = false; } elseif ($char === '\\') { $previousEscape = true; } $escapedWord[] = $char; } } $word = implode('', $escapedWord); } if (is_null($eatWhitespace) ? $this->eatWhiteDefault : $eatWhitespace) { $this->whitespace(); } return true; } return false; } /** * Parse a keyword that should not start with a number * * @param string $word * @param bool $eatWhitespace * @param bool $inSelector * * @return bool */ protected function restrictedKeyword(&$word, $eatWhitespace = null, $inSelector = false) { $s = $this->count; if ($this->keyword($word, $eatWhitespace, $inSelector) && (\ord($word[0]) > 57 || \ord($word[0]) < 48)) { return true; } $this->seek($s); return false; } /** * Parse a placeholder * * @param string|array $placeholder * * @return bool */ protected function placeholder(&$placeholder) { $match = $this->match( $this->utf8 ? '([\pL\w\-_]+)' : '([\w\-_]+)', $m ); if ($match) { $placeholder = $m[1]; return true; } if ($this->interpolation($placeholder)) { return true; } return false; } /** * Parse a url * * @param mixed $out * @param-out array $out * * @return bool */ protected function url(&$out) { if ($this->literal('url(', 4)) { $s = $this->count; if ( ($this->string($inner) || $this->spaceList($inner)) && $this->matchChar(')') ) { $out = [Type::T_STRING, '', ['url(', $inner, ')']]; return true; } $this->seek($s); if ( $this->openString(')', $out) && $this->matchChar(')') ) { $out = [Type::T_STRING, '', ['url(', $out, ')']]; return true; } } return false; } /** * Consume an end of statement delimiter * @param bool $eatWhitespace * * @return bool */ protected function end($eatWhitespace = null) { if ($this->matchChar(';', $eatWhitespace)) { return true; } if ($this->count === \strlen($this->buffer) || $this->buffer[$this->count] === '}') { // if there is end of file or a closing block next then we don't need a ; return true; } return false; } /** * Strip assignment flag from the list * * @param array|Number $value * * @return string[] */ protected function stripAssignmentFlags(&$value) { $flags = []; for ($token = &$value; $token[0] === Type::T_LIST && ($s = \count($token[2])); $token = &$lastNode) { $lastNode = &$token[2][$s - 1]; while ($lastNode[0] === Type::T_KEYWORD && \in_array($lastNode[1], ['!default', '!global'])) { array_pop($token[2]); $node = end($token[2]); $token = $this->flattenList($token); $flags[] = $lastNode[1]; $lastNode = $node; } } return $flags; } /** * Strip optional flag from selector list * * @param array $selectors * * @return bool */ protected function stripOptionalFlag(&$selectors) { $optional = false; $selector = end($selectors); $part = end($selector); if ($part === ['!optional']) { array_pop($selectors[\count($selectors) - 1]); $optional = true; } return $optional; } /** * Turn list of length 1 into value type * * @param array $value * * @return array */ protected function flattenList($value) { if ($value[0] === Type::T_LIST && \count($value[2]) === 1) { return $this->flattenList($value[2][0]); } return $value; } /** * Quote regular expression * * @param string $what * * @return string */ private function pregQuote($what) { return preg_quote($what, '/'); } /** * Extract line numbers from buffer * * @param string $buffer * * @return void */ private function extractLineNumbers($buffer) { $this->sourcePositions = [0 => 0]; $prev = 0; while (($pos = strpos($buffer, "\n", $prev)) !== false) { $this->sourcePositions[] = $pos; $prev = $pos + 1; } $this->sourcePositions[] = \strlen($buffer); if (substr($buffer, -1) !== "\n") { $this->sourcePositions[] = \strlen($buffer) + 1; } } /** * Get source line number and column (given character position in the buffer) * * @param int $pos * * @return array * @phpstan-return array{int, int} */ private function getSourcePosition($pos) { $low = 0; $high = \count($this->sourcePositions); while ($low < $high) { $mid = (int) (($high + $low) / 2); if ($pos < $this->sourcePositions[$mid]) { $high = $mid - 1; continue; } if ($pos >= $this->sourcePositions[$mid + 1]) { $low = $mid + 1; continue; } return [$mid + 1, $pos - $this->sourcePositions[$mid]]; } return [$low + 1, $pos - $this->sourcePositions[$low]]; } /** * Save internal encoding of mbstring * * When mbstring.func_overload is used to replace the standard PHP string functions, * this method configures the internal encoding to a single-byte one so that the * behavior matches the normal behavior of PHP string functions while using the parser. * The existing internal encoding is saved and will be restored when calling {@see restoreEncoding}. * * If mbstring.func_overload is not used (or does not override string functions), this method is a no-op. * * @return void */ private function saveEncoding() { if (\PHP_VERSION_ID < 80000 && \extension_loaded('mbstring') && (2 & (int) ini_get('mbstring.func_overload')) > 0) { $this->encoding = mb_internal_encoding(); mb_internal_encoding('iso-8859-1'); } } /** * Restore internal encoding * * @return void */ private function restoreEncoding() { if (\extension_loaded('mbstring') && $this->encoding) { mb_internal_encoding($this->encoding); } } }