<?php /* Plugin Name: UiCore Framework Plugin URI: https://uicore.co Description: Core plugin for UiCore themes. Version: 6.0.4 Author: UiCore Author URI: https://uicore.co License: GPL3 Text Domain: uicore-framework Domain Path: /languages * Elementor requires at least: 3.5.0 * Elementor tested up to: 3.26.3 */ namespace UiCore; defined('ABSPATH') || exit(); /** * Core class * * @class Core The class that holds the entire UiCore plugin */ final class Core { /** * Plugin version * * @var string */ public $version = '6.0.4'; /** * Plugin Name * * @var string */ public $themename; /** * Plugin Name * * @var string */ public $apipath; /** * Migrated to v2 on Framework V.3.2.4 * * @var string */ public $library = 'https://library.uicore.co/wp-json/uicore/v2/'; /** * Holds various class instances * * @var array */ private $container = []; private $is_theme = true; /** * Constructor for the UiCore class * * Sets up all the appropriate hooks and actions * within our plugin. */ public function __construct() { if(!defined('BDTEP_LO')) { define('BDTEP_LO', true); } $this->define_constants(); // $this->include_modules(); //Include modules //there is a problem with the rest api on multisite so we need to load the plugin data here if(self::is_rest() && !is_multisite()){ //wp 6.7.0 temp fix for wrong notice add_filter( 'doing_it_wrong_trigger_error', '__return_false' ); $this->init_plugin_data(); }else{ add_action('after_setup_theme', [$this, 'init_plugin_data'],1); } add_action('plugins_loaded', [$this, 'init_plugin']); } /** * Initializes the UiCore() class * * Checks for an existing UiCore() instance * and if it doesn't find one, creates it. */ public static function init() { static $instance = false; if (!$instance) { $instance = new Core(); } return $instance; } /** * Magic getter to bypass referencing plugin. * * @param $prop * * @return mixed */ public function __get($prop) { if (array_key_exists($prop, $this->container)) { return $this->container[$prop]; } return $this->{$prop}; } /** * Magic isset to bypass referencing plugin. * * @param $prop * * @return mixed */ public function __isset($prop) { return isset($this->{$prop}) || isset($this->container[$prop]); } /** * Define the constants * * @return void */ public function define_constants() { define('UICORE_VERSION', $this->version); define('UICORE_FILE', __FILE__); define('UICORE_PATH', dirname(UICORE_FILE)); define('UICORE_INCLUDES', UICORE_PATH . '/includes'); define('UICORE_URL', plugins_url('', UICORE_FILE)); define('UICORE_ASSETS', UICORE_URL . '/assets'); define('UICORE_LIBRARY', $this->library); define('UICORE_SETTINGS', 'uicore_theme_options'); define('UICORE_BADGE', '<span class="ui-e-badge"></span>'); } /** * Load the plugin after all plugis are loaded * * @return void */ public function init_plugin() { register_activation_hook(__FILE__, [$this, 'activate']); register_deactivation_hook(__FILE__, [$this, 'deactivate']); //plugin update hook add_action('upgrader_process_complete', [$this, 'upgrader_process_complete'], 10, 2); } function init_plugin_data() { $this->includes(); $this->init_hooks(); $themes = ['brisk','affirm','landio','level-wp','convertio','rise','framey','vault', 'lumi', 'finflow','pagebolt', 'nubi', 'outgrid', 'upshift', 'sayan']; $my_theme = wp_get_theme(); $this->themename = str_replace('-child', '', $my_theme->get('TextDomain')); $this->apipath = 'https://api.uicore.co/v1/'. $this->themename; if (!in_array($this->themename, $themes)) { if(function_exists('_uicore_pro') && \_uicore_pro()){ $this->themename = 'uicore-pro'; $this->is_theme = true; $this->apipath = 'https://api.uicore.co/v1/'. $this->themename; }else{ $this->themename = 'UiCore'; $this->is_theme = false; } } define('UICORE_NAME', str_replace('-wp','',ucfirst($this->themename) )); define('UICORE_API', $this->apipath); } /** * Run on plugin activation. Set the time of installation and get the demos list. * * @return void * @author Andrei Voica <andrei@uicore.co> * @since 1.0.0 */ public function activate() { $installed = get_option('uicore_installed'); if (!$installed) { $installed_data = [ "time"=>time(), "version" => $this->version ]; update_option('uicore_installed', $installed_data); } //if theme name is UiCore => theme isn't seted so we can't continue //since we don't know for witch theme we awnt the demo list if( $this->themename != 'UiCore'){ $api_response = wp_remote_get(UICORE_API . '/demos'); $demos = wp_remote_retrieve_body($api_response); set_transient('uicore_demos', $demos, 20 * DAY_IN_SECONDS); Settings::clear_cache(); } update_option('uicore_v3_migrated', true); } /** * Placeholder for deactivation function * * Nothing being called here yet. */ public function deactivate() { Helper::delete_frontend_transients(); } /** * Include the required files * * @return void */ public function includes() { require UICORE_INCLUDES . '/core/settings_helper.php'; //Settings Helper Class if(\get_option('uicore_beta_debug')){ require UICORE_INCLUDES . '/extra/class-debug.php'; //Debug Helper Class } require UICORE_INCLUDES . '/extra/helper.php'; //General Helper functions require UICORE_INCLUDES . '/extra/class-data.php'; //Generate data require UICORE_INCLUDES . '/extra/class-theme-options.php'; //Theme Options Settings require UICORE_INCLUDES . '/extra/class-settings.php'; //Theme Options Settings Manager + Legacy require UICORE_INCLUDES . '/woocommerce/class-settings.php'; //WooCommerce Settings module require UICORE_INCLUDES . '/extra/class-block-editor-style.php'; //Generate Styles from settings for Block Editor require_once UICORE_INCLUDES . '/extra/class-css.php'; //Frontend Theme Skin require_once UICORE_INCLUDES . '/extra/class-js.php'; //Frontend Theme Skin if($this->is_request('rest')){ require_once UICORE_INCLUDES . '/extra/class-rest-api.php'; //Rest API Functions } require UICORE_INCLUDES . '/class-common.php'; //General functions for both frontend and admin require UICORE_INCLUDES . '/class-assets.php'; //Define assets for frontend and admin // require UICORE_INCLUDES . '/class-studio.php'; //UiCore Studio related functions if ($this->is_request('admin')) { require_once UICORE_INCLUDES . '/class-admin.php'; //Admin related functions require_once UICORE_INCLUDES . '/extra/class-admin-customizer.php'; //Admin Customizer functions } if (class_exists('WooCommerce')) { require_once UICORE_INCLUDES . '/woocommerce/class-frontend.php'; //WooCommerce related functions if ( $this->is_request('frontend') || $this->is_request('admin') ) { // Build framework options for extra components require_once UICORE_INCLUDES . '/woocommerce/components/class-swatches.php'; require_once UICORE_INCLUDES . '/woocommerce/components/class-gallery.php'; require_once UICORE_INCLUDES . '/woocommerce/components/class-share-links.php'; require_once UICORE_INCLUDES . '/woocommerce/components/class-tabs.php'; } } if ($this->is_request('frontend') && $this->is_theme) { require_once UICORE_INCLUDES . '/class-frontend.php'; //Frontend related functions if (Helper::get_option('disable_blog') === 'false' ){ require_once UICORE_INCLUDES . '/blog/class-frontend.php'; //Frontend related functions require_once UICORE_INCLUDES . '/blog/class-template.php'; //Blog -> Used in Grid Element and frontend } if(function_exists('tutor_lms')){ require_once UICORE_INCLUDES . '/extra/class-tutor.php'; //adds Tutor LMS Support } } if (Helper::get_option('disable_portfolio') === 'false' ){ require_once UICORE_INCLUDES . '/portfolio/class-common.php'; //Frontend related functions require_once UICORE_INCLUDES . '/portfolio/class-frontend.php'; //Frontend related functions require_once UICORE_INCLUDES . '/portfolio/class-template.php'; //Portfolio -> Used in Grid Element and frontend } //WIP UiCore Studio require_once UICORE_INCLUDES . '/class-studio.php'; //UiCore Studio related functions // require_once UICORE_INCLUDES . '/studio/class-frontend.php'; //UiCore Studio related functions //ThemeBuilder works only with Elementor if (class_exists('\Elementor\Plugin')) { require UICORE_INCLUDES . '/elementor/class-core.php'; //Elementor Incubator if($this->is_theme && (Helper::get_option('disable_tb') === 'false') ){ require UICORE_INCLUDES . '/elementor/theme-builder/class-common.php'; //Theme Builder generic functions require UICORE_INCLUDES . '/elementor/theme-builder/class-rule.php'; //Theme Builder generic functions require UICORE_INCLUDES . '/elementor/theme-builder/documents/class-base.php';//Elementor Documnet Type require UICORE_INCLUDES . '/elementor/theme-builder/documents/class-single.php';//Elementor Documnet Type if ($this->is_request('admin')) { require_once UICORE_INCLUDES . '/elementor/theme-builder/class-admin.php'; } if ($this->is_request('frontend')) { require_once UICORE_INCLUDES . '/elementor/theme-builder/class-frontend.php'; //Frontend related functions } if($this->is_request('rest')){ require UICORE_INCLUDES . '/elementor/theme-builder/class-rest-api.php'; } } } } public function include_modules() { //check if file exists before including if (file_exists(UICORE_PATH . '/modules/uicore-animate/plugin.php') && !class_exists('UiCoreAnimate\Base')){ require UICORE_PATH . '/modules/uicore-animate/plugin.php'; //UiCore Animate } } /** * Initialize the hooks * * @return void */ public function init_hooks() { add_action('init', [$this, 'init_classes']); add_action('init', [$this, 'migration']); // Localize our plugin add_action('init', [$this, 'localization_setup']); } /** * Check if is after update and run the migrations needed * * @return void * @author Andrei Voica <andrei@uicore.co> * @since 1.0.4 */ public function migration() { $installed_data = [ "time"=>time(), "version" => $this->version ]; $installed = get_option('uicore_installed'); //Migrate if ($installed && isset($installed['version'])) { if($installed['version'] != $this->version ){ Settings::clear_cache(true); update_option('uicore_installed', $installed_data); Helper::activate_ep(); } //First Time }else{ Helper::activate_ep(); Settings::clear_cache(true); update_option('uicore_installed', $installed_data); } } /** * Instantiate the required classes * * @return void */ public function init_classes() { $this->container['assets'] = new Assets(); if ($this->is_request('admin')) { $this->container['admin'] = new Admin(); } if ($this->is_request('frontend') && $this->is_theme) { $this->container['frontend'] = new Frontend(); } if ( $this->is_request('rest') ) { $this->container['rest'] = new Api(); } } /** * Initialize plugin for localization * * @uses load_plugin_textdomain() */ public function localization_setup() { load_plugin_textdomain('uicore-framework', false, dirname(plugin_basename(__FILE__)) . '/languages/'); } /** * What type of request is this? * * @param string $type admin, ajax, cron or frontend. * * @return bool */ private function is_request($type) { switch ($type) { case 'admin': return (is_admin() || self::is_wplogin()); case 'rest': return self::is_rest(); case 'cron': return defined('DOING_CRON'); case 'frontend': return (!is_admin() && !defined('DOING_CRON')); } } /** * Check if is the login screen * * @return bool */ static function is_wplogin() { if(\apply_filters('uicore_framework/is_wplogin', false)){ return true; } $ABSPATH_MY = str_replace(array('\\','/'), DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, ABSPATH); return ((in_array($ABSPATH_MY.'wp-login.php', get_included_files()) || in_array($ABSPATH_MY.'wp-register.php', get_included_files()) ) || (isset($_GLOBALS['pagenow']) && $GLOBALS['pagenow'] === 'wp-login.php') || $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']== '/wp-login.php'); } /** * Check if is Rest API request * * @return bool */ static function is_rest() { if (defined('REST_REQUEST') && REST_REQUEST // (#1) || isset($_GET['rest_route']) // (#2) && strpos( $_GET['rest_route'], '/', 0 ) === 0) return true; // (#3) global $wp_rewrite; if ($wp_rewrite === null) $wp_rewrite = new \WP_Rewrite(); // (#4) $rest_url = wp_parse_url( trailingslashit( rest_url( ) ) ); $current_url = wp_parse_url( add_query_arg( array( ) ) ); return strpos( $current_url['path'] ?? '/', $rest_url['path'], 0 ) === 0; } /** * Perform actions when the plugin is upgraded * @param object $upgrader_object * @param array $options * @return void * @since 5.0.0 * */ function upgrader_process_complete( $upgrader_object, $options ) { if ( $options['action'] == 'update' && $options['type'] == 'plugin' && isset($options['plugins']) && $options['plugins'][0] == 'uicore-framework/plugin.php' ) { // just clean the cache when a plugin is updated Settings::clear_cache(true); //element pack Helper::activate_ep(); } } } Core::init();