* @since 1.0.0 */ /* * If the current post is protected by a password and the visitor * has not yet entered the password then return without loading the comments. */ if (post_password_required()) return; if (have_comments() || comments_open()) { echo '
'; } if (have_comments()) : ?>
(01)', 'comments title', 'odefy' )); } else { $comments_number = !!$comments_number && (int)$comments_number < 10 ? '0'.$comments_number : $comments_number; printf( _nx( 'Comments
', 'Comments
', $comments_number, 'comments title', 'odefy' ), $comments_number ); } ?>
new Odefy_Walker_Comment(), 'avatar_size' => 70, 'short_ping' => true ) ); ?>
1) { ?>
', 'email' => '
', 'url' => '
' ); $args['comment_field'] = '
'; $args['label_submit'] = esc_attr__('Post Comment', 'odefy'); $args['submit_button'] = '
'; ob_start(); comment_form($args); $comment_form = ob_get_clean(); echo trim($comment_form); if (have_comments() || comments_open()) { echo '
'; }