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<?php namespace Illuminate\Mail; use Closure; use Illuminate\Container\Container; use Illuminate\Contracts\Filesystem\Factory as FilesystemFactory; use Illuminate\Support\Traits\Macroable; use RuntimeException; class Attachment { use Macroable; /** * The attached file's filename. * * @var string|null */ public $as; /** * The attached file's mime type. * * @var string|null */ public $mime; /** * A callback that attaches the attachment to the mail message. * * @var \Closure */ protected $resolver; /** * Create a mail attachment. * * @param \Closure $resolver * @return void */ private function __construct(Closure $resolver) { $this->resolver = $resolver; } /** * Create a mail attachment from a path. * * @param string $path * @return static */ public static function fromPath($path) { return new static(fn ($attachment, $pathStrategy) => $pathStrategy($path, $attachment)); } /** * Create a mail attachment from in-memory data. * * @param \Closure $data * @param string|null $name * @return static */ public static function fromData(Closure $data, $name = null) { return (new static( fn ($attachment, $pathStrategy, $dataStrategy) => $dataStrategy($data, $attachment) ))->as($name); } /** * Create a mail attachment from a file in the default storage disk. * * @param string $path * @return static */ public static function fromStorage($path) { return static::fromStorageDisk(null, $path); } /** * Create a mail attachment from a file in the specified storage disk. * * @param string|null $disk * @param string $path * @return static */ public static function fromStorageDisk($disk, $path) { return new static(function ($attachment, $pathStrategy, $dataStrategy) use ($disk, $path) { $storage = Container::getInstance()->make( FilesystemFactory::class )->disk($disk); $attachment ->as($attachment->as ?? basename($path)) ->withMime($attachment->mime ?? $storage->mimeType($path)); return $dataStrategy(fn () => $storage->get($path), $attachment); }); } /** * Set the attached file's filename. * * @param string|null $name * @return $this */ public function as($name) { $this->as = $name; return $this; } /** * Set the attached file's mime type. * * @param string $mime * @return $this */ public function withMime($mime) { $this->mime = $mime; return $this; } /** * Attach the attachment with the given strategies. * * @param \Closure $pathStrategy * @param \Closure $dataStrategy * @return mixed */ public function attachWith(Closure $pathStrategy, Closure $dataStrategy) { return ($this->resolver)($this, $pathStrategy, $dataStrategy); } /** * Attach the attachment to a built-in mail type. * * @param \Illuminate\Mail\Mailable|\Illuminate\Mail\Message|\Illuminate\Notifications\Messages\MailMessage $mail * @param array $options * @return mixed */ public function attachTo($mail, $options = []) { return $this->attachWith( fn ($path) => $mail->attach($path, [ 'as' => $options['as'] ?? $this->as, 'mime' => $options['mime'] ?? $this->mime, ]), function ($data) use ($mail, $options) { $options = [ 'as' => $options['as'] ?? $this->as, 'mime' => $options['mime'] ?? $this->mime, ]; if ($options['as'] === null) { throw new RuntimeException('Attachment requires a filename to be specified.'); } return $mail->attachData($data(), $options['as'], ['mime' => $options['mime']]); } ); } /** * Determine if the given attachment is equivalent to this attachment. * * @param \Illuminate\Mail\Attachment $attachment * @param array $options * @return bool */ public function isEquivalent(Attachment $attachment, $options = []) { return with([ 'as' => $options['as'] ?? $attachment->as, 'mime' => $options['mime'] ?? $attachment->mime, ], fn ($options) => $this->attachWith( fn ($path) => [$path, ['as' => $this->as, 'mime' => $this->mime]], fn ($data) => [$data(), ['as' => $this->as, 'mime' => $this->mime]], ) === $attachment->attachWith( fn ($path) => [$path, $options], fn ($data) => [$data(), $options], )); } }