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<template> <BaseContentPlaceholders v-if="contentLoading"> <BaseContentPlaceholdersBox :rounded="true" class="w-full" style="height: 200px" /> </BaseContentPlaceholders> <div v-else class="relative"> <div class="absolute bottom-0 right-0 z-10"> <BaseDropdown :close-on-select="true" max-height="220" position="top-end" width-class="w-92" class="mb-2" > <template #activator> <BaseButton type="button" variant="primary-outline" class="mr-4"> {{ $t('settings.customization.insert_fields') }} <template #left="slotProps"> <BaseIcon name="PlusSmIcon" :class="slotProps.class" /> </template> </BaseButton> </template> <div class="flex p-2"> <ul v-for="(type, index) in fieldList" :key="index" class="list-none"> <li class="mb-1 ml-2 text-xs font-semibold text-gray-500 uppercase"> {{ type.label }} </li> <li v-for="(field, fieldIndex) in type.fields" :key="fieldIndex" class=" w-48 text-sm font-normal cursor-pointer hover:bg-gray-100 rounded ml-1 py-0.5 " @click="value += `{${field.value}}`" > <div class="flex pl-1"> <BaseIcon name="ChevronDoubleRightIcon" class="h-3 mt-1 mr-2 text-gray-400" /> {{ field.label }} </div> </li> </ul> </div> </BaseDropdown> </div> <BaseEditor v-model="value" /> </div> </template> <script setup> import { computed, ref, watch, onMounted } from 'vue' import { useCustomFieldStore } from '@/scripts/admin/stores/custom-field' const props = defineProps({ contentLoading: { type: Boolean, default: false, }, modelValue: { type: String, default: '', }, fields: { type: Array, default: null, }, }) const emit = defineEmits(['update:modelValue']) const customFieldsStore = useCustomFieldStore() let fieldList = ref([]) let invoiceFields = ref([]) let estimateFields = ref([]) let paymentFields = ref([]) let customerFields = ref([]) const position = null watch( () => props.fields, (val) => { if (props.fields && props.fields.length > 0) { getFields() } } ) watch( () => customFieldsStore.customFields, (newValue) => { invoiceFields.value = newValue ? newValue.filter((field) => field.model_type === 'Invoice') : [] customerFields.value = newValue ? newValue.filter((field) => field.model_type === 'Customer') : [] paymentFields.value = newValue ? newValue.filter((field) => field.model_type === 'Payment') : [] estimateFields.value = newValue.filter( (field) => field.model_type === 'Estimate' ) getFields() } ) onMounted(() => { fetchFields() }) const value = computed({ get: () => props.modelValue, set: (value) => { emit('update:modelValue', value) }, }) async function fetchFields() { await customFieldsStore.fetchCustomFields() } async function getFields() { fieldList.value = [] if (props.fields && props.fields.length > 0) { if (props.fields.find((field) => field == 'shipping')) { fieldList.value.push({ label: 'Shipping Address', fields: [ { label: 'Address name', value: 'SHIPPING_ADDRESS_NAME' }, { label: 'Country', value: 'SHIPPING_COUNTRY' }, { label: 'State', value: 'SHIPPING_STATE' }, { label: 'City', value: 'SHIPPING_CITY' }, { label: 'Address Street 1', value: 'SHIPPING_ADDRESS_STREET_1' }, { label: 'Address Street 2', value: 'SHIPPING_ADDRESS_STREET_2' }, { label: 'Phone', value: 'SHIPPING_PHONE' }, { label: 'Zip Code', value: 'SHIPPING_ZIP_CODE' }, ], }) } if (props.fields.find((field) => field == 'billing')) { fieldList.value.push({ label: 'Billing Address', fields: [ { label: 'Address name', value: 'BILLING_ADDRESS_NAME' }, { label: 'Country', value: 'BILLING_COUNTRY' }, { label: 'State', value: 'BILLING_STATE' }, { label: 'City', value: 'BILLING_CITY' }, { label: 'Address Street 1', value: 'BILLING_ADDRESS_STREET_1' }, { label: 'Address Street 2', value: 'BILLING_ADDRESS_STREET_2' }, { label: 'Phone', value: 'BILLING_PHONE' }, { label: 'Zip Code', value: 'BILLING_ZIP_CODE' }, ], }) } if (props.fields.find((field) => field == 'customer')) { fieldList.value.push({ label: 'Customer', fields: [ { label: 'Display Name', value: 'CONTACT_DISPLAY_NAME' }, { label: 'Contact Name', value: 'PRIMARY_CONTACT_NAME' }, { label: 'Email', value: 'CONTACT_EMAIL' }, { label: 'Phone', value: 'CONTACT_PHONE' }, { label: 'Website', value: 'CONTACT_WEBSITE' }, => ({ label: i.label, value: i.slug, })), ], }) } if (props.fields.find((field) => field == 'invoice')) { fieldList.value.push({ label: 'Invoice', fields: [ { label: 'Date', value: 'INVOICE_DATE' }, { label: 'Due Date', value: 'INVOICE_DUE_DATE' }, { label: 'Number', value: 'INVOICE_NUMBER' }, { label: 'Ref Number', value: 'INVOICE_REF_NUMBER' }, => ({ label: i.label, value: i.slug, })), ], }) } if (props.fields.find((field) => field == 'estimate')) { fieldList.value.push({ label: 'Estimate', fields: [ { label: 'Date', value: 'ESTIMATE_DATE' }, { label: 'Expiry Date', value: 'ESTIMATE_EXPIRY_DATE' }, { label: 'Number', value: 'ESTIMATE_NUMBER' }, { label: 'Ref Number', value: 'ESTIMATE_REF_NUMBER' }, => ({ label: i.label, value: i.slug, })), ], }) } if (props.fields.find((field) => field == 'payment')) { fieldList.value.push({ label: 'Payment', fields: [ { label: 'Date', value: 'PAYMENT_DATE' }, { label: 'Number', value: 'PAYMENT_NUMBER' }, { label: 'Mode', value: 'PAYMENT_MODE' }, { label: 'Amount', value: 'PAYMENT_AMOUNT' }, => ({ label: i.label, value: i.slug, })), ], }) } if (props.fields.find((field) => field == 'company')) { fieldList.value.push({ label: 'Company', fields: [ { label: 'Company Name', value: 'COMPANY_NAME' }, { label: 'Country', value: 'COMPANY_COUNTRY' }, { label: 'State', value: 'COMPANY_STATE' }, { label: 'City', value: 'COMPANY_CITY' }, { label: 'Address Street 1', value: 'COMPANY_ADDRESS_STREET_1' }, { label: 'Address Street 2', value: 'COMPANY_ADDRESS_STREET_2' }, { label: 'Phone', value: 'COMPANY_PHONE' }, { label: 'Zip Code', value: 'COMPANY_ZIP_CODE' }, ], }) } } } getFields() </script>