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<?php namespace Silber\Bouncer\Console; use Illuminate\Console\Command; use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Relations\Relation; use Illuminate\Support\Str; use Silber\Bouncer\Database\Models; class CleanCommand extends Command { /** * The name and signature of the console command. * * @var string */ protected $signature = 'bouncer:clean {--u|unassigned : Whether to delete abilities not assigned to anyone} {--o|orphaned : Whether to delete abilities for missing models}'; /** * The console command description. * * @var string */ protected $description = 'Delete abilities that are no longer in use'; /** * Execute the console command. * * @return void */ public function handle() { [$unassigned, $orphaned] = $this->getComputedOptions(); if ($unassigned) { $this->deleteUnassignedAbilities(); } if ($orphaned) { $this->deleteOrphanedAbilities(); } } /** * Get the options to use, computed by omission. * * @return array */ protected function getComputedOptions() { $unassigned = $this->option('unassigned'); $orphaned = $this->option('orphaned'); if (! $unassigned && ! $orphaned) { $unassigned = $orphaned = true; } return [$unassigned, $orphaned]; } /** * Delete abilities not assigned to anyone. * * @return void */ protected function deleteUnassignedAbilities() { $query = $this->getUnassignedAbilitiesQuery(); if (($count = $query->count()) > 0) { $query->delete(); $this->info("Deleted {$count} unassigned ".Str::plural('ability', $count).'.'); } else { $this->info('No unassigned abilities.'); } } /** * Get the base query for all unassigned abilities. * * @return \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Query */ protected function getUnassignedAbilitiesQuery() { $model = Models::ability(); return $model->whereNotIn($model->getKeyName(), function ($query) { $query->from(Models::table('permissions'))->select('ability_id'); }); } /** * Delete model abilities whose models have been deleted. * * @return void */ protected function deleteOrphanedAbilities() { $query = $this->getBaseOrphanedQuery()->where(function ($query) { foreach ($this->getEntityTypes() as $entityType) { $query->orWhere(function ($query) use ($entityType) { $this->scopeQueryToWhereModelIsMissing($query, $entityType); }); } }); if (($count = $query->count()) > 0) { $query->delete(); $this->info("Deleted {$count} orphaned ".Str::plural('ability', $count).'.'); } else { $this->info('No orphaned abilities.'); } } /** * Scope the given query to where the ability's model is missing. * * @param \Illuminate\Database\Query\Builder $query * @param string $entityType * @return void */ protected function scopeQueryToWhereModelIsMissing($query, $entityType) { $model = $this->makeModel($entityType); $abilities = $this->abilitiesTable(); $query->where("{$abilities}.entity_type", $entityType); $query->whereNotIn("{$abilities}.entity_id", function ($query) use ($model) { $table = $model->getTable(); $query->from($table)->select($table.'.'.$model->getKeyName()); }); } /** * Get the entity types of all model abilities. * * @return iterable */ protected function getEntityTypes() { return $this ->getBaseOrphanedQuery() ->distinct() ->pluck('entity_type'); } /** * Get the base query for abilities with missing models. * * @return \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder */ protected function getBaseOrphanedQuery() { $table = $this->abilitiesTable(); return Models::ability() ->whereNotNull("{$table}.entity_id") ->where("{$table}.entity_type", '!=', '*'); } /** * Get the name of the abilities table. * * @return string */ protected function abilitiesTable() { return Models::ability()->getTable(); } /** * Get an instance of the model for the given entity type. * * @param string $entityType * @return string */ protected function makeModel($entityType) { $class = Relation::getMorphedModel($entityType) ?? $entityType; return new $class; } }