<?php declare(strict_types=1); namespace Doctrine\DBAL\Driver\IBMDB2; use Doctrine\DBAL\Driver\Connection as ConnectionInterface; use Doctrine\DBAL\Driver\Exception\NoIdentityValue; use Doctrine\DBAL\Driver\IBMDB2\Exception\ConnectionError; use Doctrine\DBAL\Driver\IBMDB2\Exception\PrepareFailed; use Doctrine\DBAL\Driver\IBMDB2\Exception\StatementError; use stdClass; use function assert; use function db2_autocommit; use function db2_commit; use function db2_escape_string; use function db2_exec; use function db2_last_insert_id; use function db2_num_rows; use function db2_prepare; use function db2_rollback; use function db2_server_info; use function error_get_last; use const DB2_AUTOCOMMIT_OFF; use const DB2_AUTOCOMMIT_ON; final class Connection implements ConnectionInterface { /** * @internal The connection can be only instantiated by its driver. * * @param resource $connection */ public function __construct(private readonly mixed $connection) { } public function getServerVersion(): string { $serverInfo = db2_server_info($this->connection); assert($serverInfo instanceof stdClass); return $serverInfo->DBMS_VER; } public function prepare(string $sql): Statement { $stmt = @db2_prepare($this->connection, $sql); if ($stmt === false) { throw PrepareFailed::new(error_get_last()); } return new Statement($stmt); } public function query(string $sql): Result { return $this->prepare($sql)->execute(); } public function quote(string $value): string { return "'" . db2_escape_string($value) . "'"; } public function exec(string $sql): int|string { $stmt = @db2_exec($this->connection, $sql); if ($stmt === false) { throw StatementError::new(); } $numRows = db2_num_rows($stmt); if ($numRows === false) { throw StatementError::new(); } return $numRows; } public function lastInsertId(): string { $lastInsertId = db2_last_insert_id($this->connection); if ($lastInsertId === null) { throw NoIdentityValue::new(); } return $lastInsertId; } public function beginTransaction(): void { if (db2_autocommit($this->connection, DB2_AUTOCOMMIT_OFF) !== true) { throw ConnectionError::new($this->connection); } } public function commit(): void { if (! db2_commit($this->connection)) { throw ConnectionError::new($this->connection); } if (db2_autocommit($this->connection, DB2_AUTOCOMMIT_ON) !== true) { throw ConnectionError::new($this->connection); } } public function rollBack(): void { if (! db2_rollback($this->connection)) { throw ConnectionError::new($this->connection); } if (db2_autocommit($this->connection, DB2_AUTOCOMMIT_ON) !== true) { throw ConnectionError::new($this->connection); } } /** @return resource */ public function getNativeConnection() { return $this->connection; } }