<?php /** * Hoa * * * @license * * New BSD License * * Copyright © 2007-2017, Hoa community. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * Neither the name of the Hoa nor the names of its contributors may be * used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without * specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS BE * LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN * CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ namespace Psy\Readline\Hoa; /** * Class \Hoa\Console\Cursor. * * Allow to manipulate the cursor. */ class ConsoleCursor { /** * Move the cursor. * Steps can be: * • u, up, ↑ : move to the previous line; * • U, UP : move to the first line; * • r, right, → : move to the next column; * • R, RIGHT : move to the last column; * • d, down, ↓ : move to the next line; * • D, DOWN : move to the last line; * • l, left, ← : move to the previous column; * • L, LEFT : move to the first column. * Steps can be concatened by a single space if $repeat is equal to 1. */ public static function move(string $steps, int $repeat = 1) { if (1 > $repeat) { return; } elseif (1 === $repeat) { $handle = \explode(' ', $steps); } else { $handle = \explode(' ', $steps, 1); } $tput = Console::getTput(); $output = Console::getOutput(); foreach ($handle as $step) { switch ($step) { case 'u': case 'up': case '↑': $output->writeAll( \str_replace( '%p1%d', $repeat, $tput->get('parm_up_cursor') ) ); break; case 'U': case 'UP': static::moveTo(null, 1); break; case 'r': case 'right': case '→': $output->writeAll( \str_replace( '%p1%d', $repeat, $tput->get('parm_right_cursor') ) ); break; case 'R': case 'RIGHT': static::moveTo(9999); break; case 'd': case 'down': case '↓': $output->writeAll( \str_replace( '%p1%d', $repeat, $tput->get('parm_down_cursor') ) ); break; case 'D': case 'DOWN': static::moveTo(null, 9999); break; case 'l': case 'left': case '←': $output->writeAll( \str_replace( '%p1%d', $repeat, $tput->get('parm_left_cursor') ) ); break; case 'L': case 'LEFT': static::moveTo(1); break; } } } /** * Move to the line X and the column Y. * If null, use the current coordinate. */ public static function moveTo(?int $x = null, ?int $y = null) { if (null === $x || null === $y) { $position = static::getPosition(); if (null === $x) { $x = $position['x']; } if (null === $y) { $y = $position['y']; } } Console::getOutput()->writeAll( \str_replace( ['%i%p1%d', '%p2%d'], [$y, $x], Console::getTput()->get('cursor_address') ) ); } /** * Get current position (x and y) of the cursor. */ public static function getPosition(): array { $tput = Console::getTput(); $user7 = $tput->get('user7'); if (null === $user7) { return [ 'x' => 0, 'y' => 0, ]; } Console::getOutput()->writeAll($user7); $input = Console::getInput(); // Read $tput->get('user6'). $input->read(2); // skip \033 and [. $x = null; $y = null; $handle = &$y; while (true) { $char = $input->readCharacter(); switch ($char) { case ';': $handle = &$x; break; case 'R': break 2; default: $handle .= $char; } } return [ 'x' => (int) $x, 'y' => (int) $y, ]; } /** * Save current position. */ public static function save() { Console::getOutput()->writeAll( Console::getTput()->get('save_cursor') ); } /** * Restore cursor to the last saved position. */ public static function restore() { Console::getOutput()->writeAll( Console::getTput()->get('restore_cursor') ); } /** * Clear the screen. * Part can be: * • a, all, ↕ : clear entire screen and static::move(1, 1); * • u, up, ↑ : clear from cursor to beginning of the screen; * • r, right, → : clear from cursor to the end of the line; * • d, down, ↓ : clear from cursor to end of the screen; * • l, left, ← : clear from cursor to beginning of the screen; * • line, ↔ : clear all the line and static::move(1). * Parts can be concatenated by a single space. */ public static function clear(string $parts = 'all') { $tput = Console::getTput(); $output = Console::getOutput(); foreach (\explode(' ', $parts) as $part) { switch ($part) { case 'a': case 'all': case '↕': $output->writeAll($tput->get('clear_screen')); static::moveTo(1, 1); break; case 'u': case 'up': case '↑': $output->writeAll("\033[1J"); break; case 'r': case 'right': case '→': $output->writeAll($tput->get('clr_eol')); break; case 'd': case 'down': case '↓': $output->writeAll($tput->get('clr_eos')); break; case 'l': case 'left': case '←': $output->writeAll($tput->get('clr_bol')); break; case 'line': case '↔': $output->writeAll("\r".$tput->get('clr_eol')); break; } } } /** * Hide the cursor. */ public static function hide() { Console::getOutput()->writeAll( Console::getTput()->get('cursor_invisible') ); } /** * Show the cursor. */ public static function show() { Console::getOutput()->writeAll( Console::getTput()->get('cursor_visible') ); } /** * Colorize cursor. * Attributes can be: * • n, normal : normal; * • b, bold : bold; * • u, underlined : underlined; * • bl, blink : blink; * • i, inverse : inverse; * • !b, !bold : normal weight; * • !u, !underlined : not underlined; * • !bl, !blink : steady; * • !i, !inverse : positive; * • fg(color), foreground(color) : set foreground to “color”; * • bg(color), background(color) : set background to “color”. * “color” can be: * • default; * • black; * • red; * • green; * • yellow; * • blue; * • magenta; * • cyan; * • white; * • 0-256 (classic palette); * • #hexa. * Attributes can be concatenated by a single space. */ public static function colorize(string $attributes) { static $_rgbTo256 = null; if (null === $_rgbTo256) { $_rgbTo256 = [ '000000', '800000', '008000', '808000', '000080', '800080', '008080', 'c0c0c0', '808080', 'ff0000', '00ff00', 'ffff00', '0000ff', 'ff00ff', '00ffff', 'ffffff', '000000', '00005f', '000087', '0000af', '0000d7', '0000ff', '005f00', '005f5f', '005f87', '005faf', '005fd7', '005fff', '008700', '00875f', '008787', '0087af', '0087d7', '0087ff', '00af00', '00af5f', '00af87', '00afaf', '00afd7', '00afff', '00d700', '00d75f', '00d787', '00d7af', '00d7d7', '00d7ff', '00ff00', '00ff5f', '00ff87', '00ffaf', '00ffd7', '00ffff', '5f0000', '5f005f', '5f0087', '5f00af', '5f00d7', '5f00ff', '5f5f00', '5f5f5f', '5f5f87', '5f5faf', '5f5fd7', '5f5fff', '5f8700', '5f875f', '5f8787', '5f87af', '5f87d7', '5f87ff', '5faf00', '5faf5f', '5faf87', '5fafaf', '5fafd7', '5fafff', '5fd700', '5fd75f', '5fd787', '5fd7af', '5fd7d7', '5fd7ff', '5fff00', '5fff5f', '5fff87', '5fffaf', '5fffd7', '5fffff', '870000', '87005f', '870087', '8700af', '8700d7', '8700ff', '875f00', '875f5f', '875f87', '875faf', '875fd7', '875fff', '878700', '87875f', '878787', '8787af', '8787d7', '8787ff', '87af00', '87af5f', '87af87', '87afaf', '87afd7', '87afff', '87d700', '87d75f', '87d787', '87d7af', '87d7d7', '87d7ff', '87ff00', '87ff5f', '87ff87', '87ffaf', '87ffd7', '87ffff', 'af0000', 'af005f', 'af0087', 'af00af', 'af00d7', 'af00ff', 'af5f00', 'af5f5f', 'af5f87', 'af5faf', 'af5fd7', 'af5fff', 'af8700', 'af875f', 'af8787', 'af87af', 'af87d7', 'af87ff', 'afaf00', 'afaf5f', 'afaf87', 'afafaf', 'afafd7', 'afafff', 'afd700', 'afd75f', 'afd787', 'afd7af', 'afd7d7', 'afd7ff', 'afff00', 'afff5f', 'afff87', 'afffaf', 'afffd7', 'afffff', 'd70000', 'd7005f', 'd70087', 'd700af', 'd700d7', 'd700ff', 'd75f00', 'd75f5f', 'd75f87', 'd75faf', 'd75fd7', 'd75fff', 'd78700', 'd7875f', 'd78787', 'd787af', 'd787d7', 'd787ff', 'd7af00', 'd7af5f', 'd7af87', 'd7afaf', 'd7afd7', 'd7afff', 'd7d700', 'd7d75f', 'd7d787', 'd7d7af', 'd7d7d7', 'd7d7ff', 'd7ff00', 'd7ff5f', 'd7ff87', 'd7ffaf', 'd7ffd7', 'd7ffff', 'ff0000', 'ff005f', 'ff0087', 'ff00af', 'ff00d7', 'ff00ff', 'ff5f00', 'ff5f5f', 'ff5f87', 'ff5faf', 'ff5fd7', 'ff5fff', 'ff8700', 'ff875f', 'ff8787', 'ff87af', 'ff87d7', 'ff87ff', 'ffaf00', 'ffaf5f', 'ffaf87', 'ffafaf', 'ffafd7', 'ffafff', 'ffd700', 'ffd75f', 'ffd787', 'ffd7af', 'ffd7d7', 'ffd7ff', 'ffff00', 'ffff5f', 'ffff87', 'ffffaf', 'ffffd7', 'ffffff', '080808', '121212', '1c1c1c', '262626', '303030', '3a3a3a', '444444', '4e4e4e', '585858', '606060', '666666', '767676', '808080', '8a8a8a', '949494', '9e9e9e', 'a8a8a8', 'b2b2b2', 'bcbcbc', 'c6c6c6', 'd0d0d0', 'dadada', 'e4e4e4', 'eeeeee', ]; } $tput = Console::getTput(); if (1 >= $tput->count('max_colors')) { return; } $handle = []; foreach (\explode(' ', $attributes) as $attribute) { switch ($attribute) { case 'n': case 'normal': $handle[] = 0; break; case 'b': case 'bold': $handle[] = 1; break; case 'u': case 'underlined': $handle[] = 4; break; case 'bl': case 'blink': $handle[] = 5; break; case 'i': case 'inverse': $handle[] = 7; break; case '!b': case '!bold': $handle[] = 22; break; case '!u': case '!underlined': $handle[] = 24; break; case '!bl': case '!blink': $handle[] = 25; break; case '!i': case '!inverse': $handle[] = 27; break; default: if (0 === \preg_match('#^([^\(]+)\(([^\)]+)\)$#', $attribute, $m)) { break; } $shift = 0; switch ($m[1]) { case 'fg': case 'foreground': $shift = 0; break; case 'bg': case 'background': $shift = 10; break; default: break 2; } $_handle = 0; $_keyword = true; switch ($m[2]) { case 'black': $_handle = 30; break; case 'red': $_handle = 31; break; case 'green': $_handle = 32; break; case 'yellow': $_handle = 33; break; case 'blue': $_handle = 34; break; case 'magenta': $_handle = 35; break; case 'cyan': $_handle = 36; break; case 'white': $_handle = 37; break; case 'default': $_handle = 39; break; default: $_keyword = false; if (256 <= $tput->count('max_colors') && '#' === $m[2][0]) { $rgb = \hexdec(\substr($m[2], 1)); $r = ($rgb >> 16) & 255; $g = ($rgb >> 8) & 255; $b = $rgb & 255; $distance = null; foreach ($_rgbTo256 as $i => $_rgb) { $_rgb = \hexdec($_rgb); $_r = ($_rgb >> 16) & 255; $_g = ($_rgb >> 8) & 255; $_b = $_rgb & 255; $d = \sqrt( ($_r - $r) ** 2 + ($_g - $g) ** 2 + ($_b - $b) ** 2 ); if (null === $distance || $d <= $distance) { $distance = $d; $_handle = $i; } } } else { $_handle = (int) ($m[2]); } } if (true === $_keyword) { $handle[] = $_handle + $shift; } else { $handle[] = (38 + $shift).';5;'.$_handle; } } } Console::getOutput()->writeAll("\033[".\implode(';', $handle).'m'); return; } /** * Change color number to a specific RGB color. */ public static function changeColor(int $fromCode, int $toColor) { $tput = Console::getTput(); if (true !== $tput->has('can_change')) { return; } $r = ($toColor >> 16) & 255; $g = ($toColor >> 8) & 255; $b = $toColor & 255; Console::getOutput()->writeAll( \str_replace( [ '%p1%d', 'rgb:', '%p2%{255}%*%{1000}%/%2.2X/', '%p3%{255}%*%{1000}%/%2.2X/', '%p4%{255}%*%{1000}%/%2.2X', ], [ $fromCode, '', \sprintf('%02x', $r), \sprintf('%02x', $g), \sprintf('%02x', $b), ], $tput->get('initialize_color') ) ); return; } /** * Set cursor style. * Style can be: * • b, block, ▋: block; * • u, underline, _: underline; * • v, vertical, |: vertical. */ public static function setStyle(string $style, bool $blink = true) { if (\defined('PHP_WINDOWS_VERSION_PLATFORM')) { return; } switch ($style) { case 'u': case 'underline': case '_': $_style = 2; break; case 'v': case 'vertical': case '|': $_style = 5; break; case 'b': case 'block': case '▋': default: $_style = 1; break; } if (false === $blink) { ++$_style; } // Not sure what tput entry we can use here… Console::getOutput()->writeAll("\033[".$_style.' q'); return; } /** * Make a stupid “bip”. */ public static function bip() { Console::getOutput()->writeAll( Console::getTput()->get('bell') ); } } /* * Advanced interaction. */ Console::advancedInteraction();