<?php /** * Hoa * * * @license * * New BSD License * * Copyright © 2007-2017, Hoa community. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * Neither the name of the Hoa nor the names of its contributors may be * used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without * specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS BE * LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN * CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ namespace Psy\Readline\Hoa; /** * Manipulate a processus as a stream. */ class ConsoleProcessus extends Stream implements StreamIn, StreamOut, StreamPathable { /** * Signal: terminal line hangup (terminate process). */ const SIGHUP = 1; /** * Signal: interrupt program (terminate process). */ const SIGINT = 2; /** * Signal: quit program (create core image). */ const SIGQUIT = 3; /** * Signal: illegal instruction (create core image). */ const SIGILL = 4; /** * Signal: trace trap (create core image). */ const SIGTRAP = 5; /** * Signal: abort program, formerly SIGIOT (create core image). */ const SIGABRT = 6; /** * Signal: emulate instruction executed (create core image). */ const SIGEMT = 7; /** * Signal: floating-point exception (create core image). */ const SIGFPE = 8; /** * Signal: kill program (terminate process). */ const SIGKILL = 9; /** * Signal: bus error. */ const SIGBUS = 10; /** * Signal: segmentation violation (create core image). */ const SIGSEGV = 11; /** * Signal: non-existent system call invoked (create core image). */ const SIGSYS = 12; /** * Signal: write on a pipe with no reader (terminate process). */ const SIGPIPE = 13; /** * Signal: real-time timer expired (terminate process). */ const SIGALRM = 14; /** * Signal: software termination signal (terminate process). */ const SIGTERM = 15; /** * Signal: urgent condition present on socket (discard signal). */ const SIGURG = 16; /** * Signal: stop, cannot be caught or ignored (stop proces). */ const SIGSTOP = 17; /** * Signal: stop signal generated from keyboard (stop process). */ const SIGTSTP = 18; /** * Signal: continue after stop (discard signal). */ const SIGCONT = 19; /** * Signal: child status has changed (discard signal). */ const SIGCHLD = 20; /** * Signal: background read attempted from control terminal (stop process). */ const SIGTTIN = 21; /** * Signal: background write attempted to control terminal (stop process). */ const SIGTTOU = 22; /** * Signal: I/O is possible on a descriptor, see fcntl(2) (discard signal). */ const SIGIO = 23; /** * Signal: cpu time limit exceeded, see setrlimit(2) (terminate process). */ const SIGXCPU = 24; /** * Signal: file size limit exceeded, see setrlimit(2) (terminate process). */ const SIGXFSZ = 25; /** * Signal: virtual time alarm, see setitimer(2) (terminate process). */ const SIGVTALRM = 26; /** * Signal: profiling timer alarm, see setitimer(2) (terminate process). */ const SIGPROF = 27; /** * Signal: Window size change (discard signal). */ const SIGWINCH = 28; /** * Signal: status request from keyboard (discard signal). */ const SIGINFO = 29; /** * Signal: User defined signal 1 (terminate process). */ const SIGUSR1 = 30; /** * Signal: User defined signal 2 (terminate process). */ const SIGUSR2 = 31; /** * Command name. */ protected $_command = null; /** * Command options (options => value, or input). */ protected $_options = []; /** * Current working directory. */ protected $_cwd = null; /** * Environment. */ protected $_environment = null; /** * Timeout. */ protected $_timeout = 30; /** * Descriptor. */ protected $_descriptors = [ 0 => ['pipe', 'r'], 1 => ['pipe', 'w'], 2 => ['pipe', 'w'], ]; /** * Pipe descriptors of the processus. */ protected $_pipes = null; /** * Seekability of pipes. */ protected $_seekable = []; /** * Start a processus. */ public function __construct( string $command, ?array $options = null, ?array $descriptors = null, ?string $cwd = null, ?array $environment = null, int $timeout = 30 ) { $this->setCommand($command); if (null !== $options) { $this->setOptions($options); } if (null !== $descriptors) { $this->_descriptors = []; foreach ($descriptors as $descriptor => $nature) { if (isset($this->_descriptors[$descriptor])) { throw new ConsoleException('Pipe descriptor %d already exists, cannot '.'redefine it.', 0, $descriptor); } $this->_descriptors[$descriptor] = $nature; } } $this->setCwd($cwd ?: \getcwd()); if (null !== $environment) { $this->setEnvironment($environment); } $this->setTimeout($timeout); parent::__construct($this->getCommandLine(), null, true); $this->getListener()->addIds(['input', 'output', 'timeout', 'start', 'stop']); return; } /** * Open the stream and return the associated resource. */ protected function &_open(string $streamName, ?StreamContext $context = null) { $out = @\proc_open( $streamName, $this->_descriptors, $this->_pipes, $this->getCwd(), $this->getEnvironment() ); if (false === $out) { throw new ConsoleException('Something wrong happen when running %s.', 1, $streamName); } return $out; } /** * Close the current stream. */ protected function _close(): bool { foreach ($this->_pipes as $pipe) { @\fclose($pipe); } return (bool) @\proc_close($this->getStream()); } /** * Run the process and fire events (amongst start, stop, input, output and * timeout). * If an event returns false, it will close the current pipe. * For a simple run without firing events, use the $this->open() method. */ public function run() { if (false === $this->isOpened()) { $this->open(); } else { $this->_close(); $this->_setStream($this->_open( $this->getStreamName(), $this->getStreamContext() )); } $this->getListener()->fire('start', new EventBucket()); $_read = []; $_write = []; $_except = []; foreach ($this->_pipes as $p => $pipe) { switch ($this->_descriptors[$p][1]) { case 'r': \stream_set_blocking($pipe, false); $_write[] = $pipe; break; case 'w': case 'a': \stream_set_blocking($pipe, true); $_read[] = $pipe; break; } } while (true) { foreach ($_read as $i => $r) { if (false === \is_resource($r)) { unset($_read[$i]); } } foreach ($_write as $i => $w) { if (false === \is_resource($w)) { unset($_write[$i]); } } foreach ($_except as $i => $e) { if (false === \is_resource($e)) { unset($_except[$i]); } } if (empty($_read) && empty($_write) && empty($_except)) { break; } $read = $_read; $write = $_write; $except = $_except; $select = \stream_select($read, $write, $except, $this->getTimeout()); if (0 === $select) { $this->getListener()->fire('timeout', new EventBucket()); break; } foreach ($read as $i => $_r) { $pipe = \array_search($_r, $this->_pipes); $line = $this->readLine($pipe); if (false === $line) { $result = [false]; } else { $result = $this->getListener()->fire( 'output', new EventBucket([ 'pipe' => $pipe, 'line' => $line, ]) ); } if (true === \feof($_r) || \in_array(false, $result, true)) { \fclose($_r); unset($_read[$i]); break; } } foreach ($write as $j => $_w) { $result = $this->getListener()->fire( 'input', new EventBucket([ 'pipe' => \array_search($_w, $this->_pipes), ]) ); if (true === \feof($_w) || \in_array(false, $result, true)) { \fclose($_w); unset($_write[$j]); } } if (empty($_read)) { break; } } $this->getListener()->fire('stop', new EventBucket()); return; } /** * Get pipe resource. */ protected function getPipe(int $pipe) { if (!isset($this->_pipes[$pipe])) { throw new ConsoleException('Pipe descriptor %d does not exist, cannot read from it.', 2, $pipe); } return $this->_pipes[$pipe]; } /** * Check if a pipe is seekable or not. */ protected function isPipeSeekable(int $pipe): bool { if (!isset($this->_seekable[$pipe])) { $_pipe = $this->getPipe($pipe); $data = \stream_get_meta_data($_pipe); $this->_seekable[$pipe] = $data['seekable']; } return $this->_seekable[$pipe]; } /** * Test for end-of-file. */ public function eof(int $pipe = 1): bool { return \feof($this->getPipe($pipe)); } /** * Read n characters. */ public function read(int $length, int $pipe = 1) { if (0 > $length) { throw new ConsoleException('Length must be greater than 0, given %d.', 3, $length); } return \fread($this->getPipe($pipe), $length); } /** * Alias of $this->read(). */ public function readString(int $length, int $pipe = 1) { return $this->read($length, $pipe); } /** * Read a character. */ public function readCharacter(int $pipe = 1) { return \fgetc($this->getPipe($pipe)); } /** * Read a boolean. */ public function readBoolean(int $pipe = 1) { return (bool) $this->read(1, $pipe); } /** * Read an integer. */ public function readInteger(int $length = 1, int $pipe = 1) { return (int) $this->read($length, $pipe); } /** * Read a float. */ public function readFloat(int $length = 1, int $pipe = 1) { return (float) $this->read($length, $pipe); } /** * Read an array. * Alias of the $this->scanf() method. */ public function readArray(?string $format = null, int $pipe = 1) { return $this->scanf($format, $pipe); } /** * Read a line. */ public function readLine(int $pipe = 1) { return \stream_get_line($this->getPipe($pipe), 1 << 15, "\n"); } /** * Read all, i.e. read as much as possible. */ public function readAll(int $offset = -1, int $pipe = 1) { $_pipe = $this->getPipe($pipe); if (true === $this->isPipeSeekable($pipe)) { $offset += \ftell($_pipe); } else { $offset = -1; } return \stream_get_contents($_pipe, -1, $offset); } /** * Parse input from a stream according to a format. */ public function scanf(string $format, int $pipe = 1): array { return \fscanf($this->getPipe($pipe), $format); } /** * Write n characters. */ public function write(string $string, int $length, int $pipe = 0) { if (0 > $length) { throw new ConsoleException('Length must be greater than 0, given %d.', 4, $length); } return \fwrite($this->getPipe($pipe), $string, $length); } /** * Write a string. */ public function writeString(string $string, int $pipe = 0) { $string = (string) $string; return $this->write($string, \strlen($string), $pipe); } /** * Write a character. */ public function writeCharacter(string $char, int $pipe = 0) { return $this->write((string) $char[0], 1, $pipe); } /** * Write a boolean. */ public function writeBoolean(bool $boolean, int $pipe = 0) { return $this->write((string) (bool) $boolean, 1, $pipe); } /** * Write an integer. */ public function writeInteger(int $integer, int $pipe = 0) { $integer = (string) (int) $integer; return $this->write($integer, \strlen($integer), $pipe); } /** * Write a float. */ public function writeFloat(float $float, int $pipe = 0) { $float = (string) (float) $float; return $this->write($float, \strlen($float), $pipe); } /** * Write an array. */ public function writeArray(array $array, int $pipe = 0) { $array = \var_export($array, true); return $this->write($array, \strlen($array), $pipe); } /** * Write a line. */ public function writeLine(string $line, int $pipe = 0) { if (false === $n = \strpos($line, "\n")) { return $this->write($line."\n", \strlen($line) + 1, $pipe); } ++$n; return $this->write(\substr($line, 0, $n), $n, $pipe); } /** * Write all, i.e. as much as possible. */ public function writeAll(string $string, int $pipe = 0) { return $this->write($string, \strlen($string), $pipe); } /** * Truncate a file to a given length. */ public function truncate(int $size, int $pipe = 0): bool { return \ftruncate($this->getPipe($pipe), $size); } /** * Get filename component of path. */ public function getBasename(): string { return \basename($this->getCommand()); } /** * Get directory name component of path. */ public function getDirname(): string { return \dirname($this->getCommand()); } /** * Get status. */ public function getStatus(): array { return \proc_get_status($this->getStream()); } /** * Get exit code (alias of $this->getStatus()['exitcode']);. */ public function getExitCode(): int { $handle = $this->getStatus(); return $handle['exitcode']; } /** * Whether the processus have ended successfully. * * @return bool */ public function isSuccessful(): bool { return 0 === $this->getExitCode(); } /** * Terminate the process. * * Valid signals are self::SIGHUP, SIGINT, SIGQUIT, SIGABRT, SIGKILL, * SIGALRM and SIGTERM. */ public function terminate(int $signal = self::SIGTERM): bool { return \proc_terminate($this->getStream(), $signal); } /** * Set command name. */ protected function setCommand(string $command) { $old = $this->_command; $this->_command = \escapeshellcmd($command); return $old; } /** * Get command name. */ public function getCommand() { return $this->_command; } /** * Set command options. */ protected function setOptions(array $options): array { foreach ($options as &$option) { $option = \escapeshellarg($option); } $old = $this->_options; $this->_options = $options; return $old; } /** * Get options. */ public function getOptions(): array { return $this->_options; } /** * Get command-line. */ public function getCommandLine(): string { $out = $this->getCommand(); foreach ($this->getOptions() as $key => $value) { if (!\is_int($key)) { $out .= ' '.$key.'='.$value; } else { $out .= ' '.$value; } } return $out; } /** * Set current working directory of the process. */ protected function setCwd(string $cwd) { $old = $this->_cwd; $this->_cwd = $cwd; return $old; } /** * Get current working directory of the process. */ public function getCwd(): string { return $this->_cwd; } /** * Set environment of the process. */ protected function setEnvironment(array $environment) { $old = $this->_environment; $this->_environment = $environment; return $old; } /** * Get environment of the process. */ public function getEnvironment() { return $this->_environment; } /** * Set timeout of the process. */ public function setTimeout(int $timeout) { $old = $this->_timeout; $this->_timeout = $timeout; return $old; } /** * Get timeout of the process. */ public function getTimeout(): int { return $this->_timeout; } /** * Set process title. */ public static function setTitle(string $title) { \cli_set_process_title($title); } /** * Get process title. */ public static function getTitle() { return \cli_get_process_title(); } /** * Found the place of a binary. */ public static function locate(string $binary) { if (isset($_ENV['PATH'])) { $separator = ':'; $path = &$_ENV['PATH']; } elseif (isset($_SERVER['PATH'])) { $separator = ':'; $path = &$_SERVER['PATH']; } elseif (isset($_SERVER['Path'])) { $separator = ';'; $path = &$_SERVER['Path']; } else { return null; } foreach (\explode($separator, $path) as $directory) { if (true === \file_exists($out = $directory.\DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$binary)) { return $out; } } return null; } /** * Quick process execution. * Returns only the STDOUT. */ public static function execute(string $commandLine, bool $escape = true): string { if (true === $escape) { $commandLine = \escapeshellcmd($commandLine); } return \rtrim(\shell_exec($commandLine) ?? ''); } }