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<template> <form class="relative h-full mt-4" @submit.prevent="updateCustomerData"> <BaseCard> <div> <h6 class="font-bold text-left"> {{ $t('settings.account_settings.account_settings') }} </h6> <p class="mt-2 text-sm leading-snug text-left text-gray-500" style="max-width: 680px" > {{ $t('settings.account_settings.section_description') }} </p> </div> <div class="grid gap-6 sm:grid-col-1 md:grid-cols-2 mt-6"> <BaseInputGroup :label="$t('settings.account_settings.profile_picture')" > <BaseFileUploader v-model="imgFiles" :avatar="true" accept="image/*" @change="onFileInputChange" @remove="onFileInputRemove" /> </BaseInputGroup> <!-- Empty Column --> <span></span> <BaseInputGroup :label="$t('')" :error=" v$$error && v$$errors[0].$message " required > <BaseInput v-model="" :invalid="v$$error" @input="v$$touch()" /> </BaseInputGroup> <BaseInputGroup :label="$t('')" :error=" v$$error && v$$errors[0].$message " required > <BaseInput v-model="" :invalid="v$$error" @input="v$$touch()" /> </BaseInputGroup> <BaseInputGroup :error=" v$.userForm.password.$error && v$.userForm.password.$errors[0].$message " :label="$t('settings.account_settings.password')" > <BaseInput v-model="userStore.userForm.password" :type="isShowPassword ? 'text' : 'password'" :invalid="v$.userForm.password.$error" @input="v$.userForm.password.$touch()" > <template #right> <BaseIcon v-if="isShowPassword" name="EyeOffIcon" class="w-5 h-5 mr-1 text-gray-500 cursor-pointer" @click="isShowPassword = !isShowPassword" /> <BaseIcon v-else name="EyeIcon" class="w-5 h-5 mr-1 text-gray-500 cursor-pointer" @click="isShowPassword = !isShowPassword" /> </template ></BaseInput> </BaseInputGroup> <BaseInputGroup :label="$t('settings.account_settings.confirm_password')" :error=" v$.userForm.confirm_password.$error && v$.userForm.confirm_password.$errors[0].$message " > <BaseInput v-model="userStore.userForm.confirm_password" :type="isShowConfirmPassword ? 'text' : 'password'" :invalid="v$.userForm.confirm_password.$error" @input="v$.userForm.confirm_password.$touch()" > <template #right> <BaseIcon v-if="isShowConfirmPassword" name="EyeOffIcon" class="w-5 h-5 mr-1 text-gray-500 cursor-pointer" @click="isShowConfirmPassword = !isShowConfirmPassword" /> <BaseIcon v-else name="EyeIcon" class="w-5 h-5 mr-1 text-gray-500 cursor-pointer" @click="isShowConfirmPassword = !isShowConfirmPassword" /> </template ></BaseInput> </BaseInputGroup> </div> <BaseButton :loading="isSaving" :disabled="isSaving" class="mt-6"> <template #left="slotProps"> <BaseIcon v-if="!isSaving" name="SaveIcon" :class="slotProps.class" /> </template> {{ $t('') }} </BaseButton> </BaseCard> </form> </template> <script setup> import { SaveIcon } from '@heroicons/vue/solid' import { ref, computed } from 'vue' import { useGlobalStore } from '@/scripts/customer/stores/global' import { useUserStore } from '@/scripts/customer/stores/user' import { useI18n } from 'vue-i18n' import { helpers, sameAs, email, required, minLength, } from '@vuelidate/validators' import { useVuelidate } from '@vuelidate/core' import { useRoute } from 'vue-router' const userStore = useUserStore() const globalStore = useGlobalStore() const route = useRoute() const { t, tm } = useI18n() // Local State let imgFiles = ref([]) let isSaving = ref(false) let avatarFileBlob = ref(null) let isShowPassword = ref(false) let isShowConfirmPassword = ref(false) const isCustomerAvatarRemoved = ref(false) if (userStore.userForm.avatar) { imgFiles.value.push({ image: userStore.userForm.avatar, }) } // Validation const rules = computed(() => { return { userForm: { name: { required: helpers.withMessage(t('validation.required'), required), minLength: helpers.withMessage( t('validation.name_min_length', { count: 3 }), minLength(3) ), }, email: { required: helpers.withMessage(t('validation.required'), required), email: helpers.withMessage(t('validation.email_incorrect'), email), }, password: { minLength: helpers.withMessage( t('validation.password_min_length', { count: 8 }), minLength(8) ), }, confirm_password: { sameAsPassword: helpers.withMessage( t('validation.password_incorrect'), sameAs(userStore.userForm.password) ), }, }, } }) const v$ = useVuelidate( rules, computed(() => userStore) ) // created // methods function onFileInputChange(fileName, file) { avatarFileBlob.value = file } function onFileInputRemove() { avatarFileBlob.value = null isCustomerAvatarRemoved.value = true } function updateCustomerData() { v$.value.userForm.$touch() if (v$.value.userForm.$invalid) { return true } isSaving.value = true let data = new FormData() data.append('name', data.append('email', if ( userStore.userForm.password != null && userStore.userForm.password !== undefined && userStore.userForm.password !== '' ) { data.append('password', userStore.userForm.password) } if (avatarFileBlob.value) { data.append('customer_avatar', avatarFileBlob.value) } data.append('is_customer_avatar_removed', isCustomerAvatarRemoved.value) userStore .updateCurrentUser({ data, message: tm('settings.account_settings.updated_message'), }) .then((res) => { if ( { isSaving.value = false userStore.$patch((state) => { state.userForm.password = '' state.userForm.confirm_password = '' }) avatarFileBlob.value = null isCustomerAvatarRemoved.value = false } }) .catch((error) => { isSaving.value = false }) } </script>