<?php declare(strict_types=1); /* * This file is part of the league/commonmark package. * * (c) Colin O'Dell <colinodell@gmail.com> * * Original code based on the CommonMark JS reference parser (https://bitly.com/commonmark-js) * - (c) John MacFarlane * * Additional emphasis processing code based on commonmark-java (https://github.com/atlassian/commonmark-java) * - (c) Atlassian Pty Ltd * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace League\CommonMark\Delimiter\Processor; use League\CommonMark\Exception\InvalidArgumentException; final class DelimiterProcessorCollection implements DelimiterProcessorCollectionInterface { /** * @var array<string,DelimiterProcessorInterface>|DelimiterProcessorInterface[] * * @psalm-readonly-allow-private-mutation */ private array $processorsByChar = []; public function add(DelimiterProcessorInterface $processor): void { $opening = $processor->getOpeningCharacter(); $closing = $processor->getClosingCharacter(); if ($opening === $closing) { $old = $this->processorsByChar[$opening] ?? null; if ($old !== null && $old->getOpeningCharacter() === $old->getClosingCharacter()) { $this->addStaggeredDelimiterProcessorForChar($opening, $old, $processor); } else { $this->addDelimiterProcessorForChar($opening, $processor); } } else { $this->addDelimiterProcessorForChar($opening, $processor); $this->addDelimiterProcessorForChar($closing, $processor); } } public function getDelimiterProcessor(string $char): ?DelimiterProcessorInterface { return $this->processorsByChar[$char] ?? null; } /** * @return string[] */ public function getDelimiterCharacters(): array { return \array_keys($this->processorsByChar); } private function addDelimiterProcessorForChar(string $delimiterChar, DelimiterProcessorInterface $processor): void { if (isset($this->processorsByChar[$delimiterChar])) { throw new InvalidArgumentException(\sprintf('Delim processor for character "%s" already exists', $processor->getOpeningCharacter())); } $this->processorsByChar[$delimiterChar] = $processor; } private function addStaggeredDelimiterProcessorForChar(string $opening, DelimiterProcessorInterface $old, DelimiterProcessorInterface $new): void { if ($old instanceof StaggeredDelimiterProcessor) { $s = $old; } else { $s = new StaggeredDelimiterProcessor($opening, $old); } $s->add($new); $this->processorsByChar[$opening] = $s; } public function count(): int { return \count($this->processorsByChar); } }