<?php namespace Laravel\Prompts\Themes\Default\Concerns; use Illuminate\Support\Collection; trait DrawsScrollbars { /** * Render a scrollbar beside the visible items. * * @param \Illuminate\Support\Collection<int, string> $visible * @return \Illuminate\Support\Collection<int, string> */ protected function scrollbar(Collection $visible, int $firstVisible, int $height, int $total, int $width, string $color = 'cyan'): Collection { if ($height >= $total) { return $visible; } $scrollPosition = $this->scrollPosition($firstVisible, $height, $total); return $visible // @phpstan-ignore return.type ->values() ->map(fn ($line) => $this->pad($line, $width)) ->map(fn ($line, $index) => match ($index) { $scrollPosition => preg_replace('/.$/', $this->{$color}('┃'), $line), default => preg_replace('/.$/', $this->gray('│'), $line), }); } /** * Return the position where the scrollbar "handle" should be rendered. */ protected function scrollPosition(int $firstVisible, int $height, int $total): int { if ($firstVisible === 0) { return 0; } $maxPosition = $total - $height; if ($firstVisible === $maxPosition) { return $height - 1; } if ($height <= 2) { return -1; } $percent = $firstVisible / $maxPosition; return (int) round($percent * ($height - 3)) + 1; } }