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<?php declare(strict_types=1); /* * This file is part of the league/commonmark package. * * (c) Colin O'Dell <> * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace League\CommonMark\Extension\ExternalLink; use League\CommonMark\Event\DocumentParsedEvent; use League\CommonMark\Extension\CommonMark\Node\Inline\Link; use League\Config\ConfigurationInterface; final class ExternalLinkProcessor { public const APPLY_NONE = ''; public const APPLY_ALL = 'all'; public const APPLY_EXTERNAL = 'external'; public const APPLY_INTERNAL = 'internal'; /** @psalm-readonly */ private ConfigurationInterface $config; public function __construct(ConfigurationInterface $config) { $this->config = $config; } public function __invoke(DocumentParsedEvent $e): void { $internalHosts = $this->config->get('external_link/internal_hosts'); $openInNewWindow = $this->config->get('external_link/open_in_new_window'); $classes = $this->config->get('external_link/html_class'); foreach ($e->getDocument()->iterator() as $link) { if (! ($link instanceof Link)) { continue; } $host = \parse_url($link->getUrl(), PHP_URL_HOST); if (! \is_string($host)) { // Something is terribly wrong with this URL continue; } if (self::hostMatches($host, $internalHosts)) { $link->data->set('external', false); $this->applyRelAttribute($link, false); continue; } // Host does not match our list $this->markLinkAsExternal($link, $openInNewWindow, $classes); } } private function markLinkAsExternal(Link $link, bool $openInNewWindow, string $classes): void { $link->data->set('external', true); $this->applyRelAttribute($link, true); if ($openInNewWindow) { $link->data->set('attributes/target', '_blank'); } if ($classes !== '') { $link->data->append('attributes/class', $classes); } } private function applyRelAttribute(Link $link, bool $isExternal): void { $options = [ 'nofollow' => $this->config->get('external_link/nofollow'), 'noopener' => $this->config->get('external_link/noopener'), 'noreferrer' => $this->config->get('external_link/noreferrer'), ]; foreach ($options as $type => $option) { switch (true) { case $option === self::APPLY_ALL: case $isExternal && $option === self::APPLY_EXTERNAL: case ! $isExternal && $option === self::APPLY_INTERNAL: $link->data->append('attributes/rel', $type); } } // No rel attributes? Mark the attribute as 'false' so LinkRenderer doesn't add defaults if (! $link->data->has('attributes/rel')) { $link->data->set('attributes/rel', false); } } /** * @internal This method is only public so we can easily test it. DO NOT USE THIS OUTSIDE OF THIS EXTENSION! * * @param non-empty-string|list<non-empty-string> $compareTo */ public static function hostMatches(string $host, $compareTo): bool { foreach ((array) $compareTo as $c) { if (\strpos($c, '/') === 0) { if (\preg_match($c, $host)) { return true; } } elseif ($c === $host) { return true; } } return false; } }