<?php namespace Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Concerns; use Closure; use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Attributes\ScopedBy; use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Scope; use Illuminate\Support\Arr; use InvalidArgumentException; use ReflectionClass; trait HasGlobalScopes { /** * Boot the has global scopes trait for a model. * * @return void */ public static function bootHasGlobalScopes() { static::addGlobalScopes(static::resolveGlobalScopeAttributes()); } /** * Resolve the global scope class names from the attributes. * * @return array */ public static function resolveGlobalScopeAttributes() { $reflectionClass = new ReflectionClass(static::class); return collect($reflectionClass->getAttributes(ScopedBy::class)) ->map(fn ($attribute) => $attribute->getArguments()) ->flatten() ->all(); } /** * Register a new global scope on the model. * * @param \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Scope|\Closure|string $scope * @param \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Scope|\Closure|null $implementation * @return mixed * * @throws \InvalidArgumentException */ public static function addGlobalScope($scope, $implementation = null) { if (is_string($scope) && ($implementation instanceof Closure || $implementation instanceof Scope)) { return static::$globalScopes[static::class][$scope] = $implementation; } elseif ($scope instanceof Closure) { return static::$globalScopes[static::class][spl_object_hash($scope)] = $scope; } elseif ($scope instanceof Scope) { return static::$globalScopes[static::class][get_class($scope)] = $scope; } elseif (is_string($scope) && class_exists($scope) && is_subclass_of($scope, Scope::class)) { return static::$globalScopes[static::class][$scope] = new $scope; } throw new InvalidArgumentException('Global scope must be an instance of Closure or Scope or be a class name of a class extending '.Scope::class); } /** * Register multiple global scopes on the model. * * @param array $scopes * @return void */ public static function addGlobalScopes(array $scopes) { foreach ($scopes as $key => $scope) { if (is_string($key)) { static::addGlobalScope($key, $scope); } else { static::addGlobalScope($scope); } } } /** * Determine if a model has a global scope. * * @param \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Scope|string $scope * @return bool */ public static function hasGlobalScope($scope) { return ! is_null(static::getGlobalScope($scope)); } /** * Get a global scope registered with the model. * * @param \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Scope|string $scope * @return \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Scope|\Closure|null */ public static function getGlobalScope($scope) { if (is_string($scope)) { return Arr::get(static::$globalScopes, static::class.'.'.$scope); } return Arr::get( static::$globalScopes, static::class.'.'.get_class($scope) ); } /** * Get all of the global scopes that are currently registered. * * @return array */ public static function getAllGlobalScopes() { return static::$globalScopes; } /** * Set the current global scopes. * * @param array $scopes * @return void */ public static function setAllGlobalScopes($scopes) { static::$globalScopes = $scopes; } /** * Get the global scopes for this class instance. * * @return array */ public function getGlobalScopes() { return Arr::get(static::$globalScopes, static::class, []); } }