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<template> <BasePage class="payments"> <SendPaymentModal /> <BasePageHeader :title="$t('payments.title')"> <BaseBreadcrumb> <BaseBreadcrumbItem :title="$t('general.home')" to="dashboard" /> <BaseBreadcrumbItem :title="$t('payments.payment', 2)" to="#" active /> </BaseBreadcrumb> <template #actions> <BaseButton v-show="paymentStore.paymentTotalCount" variant="primary-outline" @click="toggleFilter" > {{ $t('general.filter') }} <template #right="slotProps"> <BaseIcon v-if="!showFilters" :class="slotProps.class" name="FilterIcon" /> <BaseIcon v-else name="XIcon" :class="slotProps.class" /> </template> </BaseButton> <BaseButton v-if="userStore.hasAbilities(abilities.CREATE_PAYMENT)" variant="primary" class="ml-4" @click="$router.push('/admin/payments/create')" > <template #left="slotProps"> <BaseIcon name="PlusIcon" :class="slotProps.class" /> </template> {{ $t('payments.add_payment') }} </BaseButton> </template> </BasePageHeader> <BaseFilterWrapper :show="showFilters" class="mt-3" @clear="clearFilter"> <BaseInputGroup :label="$t('payments.customer')"> <BaseCustomerSelectInput v-model="filters.customer_id" :placeholder="$t('customers.type_or_click')" value-prop="id" label="name" /> </BaseInputGroup> <BaseInputGroup :label="$t('payments.payment_number')"> <BaseInput v-model="filters.payment_number"> <template #left="slotProps"> <BaseIcon name="HashtagIcon" :class="slotProps.class" /> </template> </BaseInput> </BaseInputGroup> <BaseInputGroup :label="$t('payments.payment_mode')"> <BaseMultiselect v-model="filters.payment_mode" value-prop="id" track-by="name" :filter-results="false" label="name" resolve-on-load :delay="500" searchable :options="searchPayment" /> </BaseInputGroup> </BaseFilterWrapper> <BaseEmptyPlaceholder v-if="showEmptyScreen" :title="$t('payments.no_payments')" :description="$t('payments.list_of_payments')" > <CapsuleIcon class="mt-5 mb-4" /> <template v-if="userStore.hasAbilities(abilities.CREATE_PAYMENT)" #actions > <BaseButton variant="primary-outline" @click="$router.push('/admin/payments/create')" > <template #left="slotProps"> <BaseIcon name="PlusIcon" :class="slotProps.class" /> </template> {{ $t('payments.add_new_payment') }} </BaseButton> </template> </BaseEmptyPlaceholder> <div v-show="!showEmptyScreen" class="relative table-container"> <!-- Multiple Select Actions --> <div class="relative flex items-center justify-end h-5"> <BaseDropdown v-if="paymentStore.selectedPayments.length"> <template #activator> <span class=" flex text-sm font-medium cursor-pointer select-none text-primary-400 " > {{ $t('general.actions') }} <BaseIcon name="ChevronDownIcon" /> </span> </template> <BaseDropdownItem @click="removeMultiplePayments"> <BaseIcon name="TrashIcon" class="mr-3 text-gray-600" /> {{ $t('general.delete') }} </BaseDropdownItem> </BaseDropdown> </div> <BaseTable ref="tableComponent" :data="fetchData" :columns="paymentColumns" :placeholder-count="paymentStore.paymentTotalCount >= 20 ? 10 : 5" class="mt-3" > <!-- Select All Checkbox --> <template #header> <div class="absolute items-center left-6 top-2.5 select-none"> <BaseCheckbox v-model="selectAllFieldStatus" variant="primary" @change="paymentStore.selectAllPayments" /> </div> </template> <template #cell-status="{ row }"> <div class="relative block"> <BaseCheckbox :id="" v-model="selectField" :value="" variant="primary" /> </div> </template> <template #cell-payment_date="{ row }"> {{ }} </template> <template #cell-payment_number="{ row }"> <router-link :to="{ path: `payments/${}/view` }" class="font-medium text-primary-500" > {{ }} </router-link> </template> <template #cell-name="{ row }"> <BaseText :text="" tag="span" /> </template> <template #cell-payment_mode="{ row }"> <span> {{ ? : '-' }} </span> </template> <template #cell-invoice_number="{ row }"> <span> {{ row?.data?.invoice?.invoice_number ? row?.data?.invoice?.invoice_number : '-' }} </span> </template> <template #cell-amount="{ row }"> <BaseFormatMoney :amount="" :currency="" /> </template> <template v-if="hasAtleastOneAbility()" #cell-actions="{ row }"> <PaymentDropdown :row="" :table="tableComponent" /> </template> </BaseTable> </div> </BasePage> </template> <script setup> import { debouncedWatch } from '@vueuse/core' import { ref, reactive, computed, onUnmounted } from 'vue' import { useI18n } from 'vue-i18n' import { useDialogStore } from '@/scripts/stores/dialog' import { usePaymentStore } from '@/scripts/admin/stores/payment' import { useCompanyStore } from '@/scripts/admin/stores/company' import { useUserStore } from '@/scripts/admin/stores/user' import abilities from '@/scripts/admin/stub/abilities' import CapsuleIcon from '@/scripts/components/icons/empty/CapsuleIcon.vue' import PaymentDropdown from '@/scripts/admin/components/dropdowns/PaymentIndexDropdown.vue' import SendPaymentModal from '@/scripts/admin/components/modal-components/SendPaymentModal.vue' const { t } = useI18n() let showFilters = ref(false) let isFetchingInitialData = ref(true) let tableComponent = ref(null) const filters = reactive({ customer: '', payment_mode: '', payment_number: '', }) const paymentStore = usePaymentStore() const companyStore = useCompanyStore() const dialogStore = useDialogStore() const userStore = useUserStore() const showEmptyScreen = computed(() => { return !paymentStore.paymentTotalCount && !isFetchingInitialData.value }) const paymentColumns = computed(() => { return [ { key: 'status', sortable: false, thClass: 'extra w-10', tdClass: 'text-left text-sm font-medium extra', }, { key: 'payment_date', label: t(''), thClass: 'extra', tdClass: 'font-medium text-gray-900', }, { key: 'payment_number', label: t('payments.payment_number') }, { key: 'name', label: t('payments.customer') }, { key: 'payment_mode', label: t('payments.payment_mode') }, { key: 'invoice_number', label: t('payments.invoice') }, { key: 'amount', label: t('payments.amount') }, { key: 'actions', label: '', tdClass: 'text-right text-sm font-medium', sortable: false, }, ] }) const selectField = computed({ get: () => paymentStore.selectedPayments, set: (value) => { return paymentStore.selectPayment(value) }, }) const selectAllFieldStatus = computed({ get: () => paymentStore.selectAllField, set: (value) => { return paymentStore.setSelectAllState(value) }, }) debouncedWatch( filters, () => { setFilters() }, { debounce: 500 } ) onUnmounted(() => { if (paymentStore.selectAllField) { paymentStore.selectAllPayments() } }) paymentStore.fetchPaymentModes({ limit: 'all' }) async function searchPayment(search) { let res = await paymentStore.fetchPaymentModes({ search }) return } function hasAtleastOneAbility() { return userStore.hasAbilities([ abilities.DELETE_PAYMENT, abilities.EDIT_PAYMENT, abilities.VIEW_PAYMENT, abilities.SEND_PAYMENT, ]) } async function fetchData({ page, filter, sort }) { let data = { customer_id: filters.customer_id, payment_method_id: filters.payment_mode !== null ? filters.payment_mode : '', payment_number: filters.payment_number, orderByField: sort.fieldName || 'created_at', orderBy: sort.order || 'desc', page, } isFetchingInitialData.value = true let response = await paymentStore.fetchPayments(data) isFetchingInitialData.value = false return { data:, pagination: { totalPages:, currentPage: page, totalCount:, limit: 10, }, } } function refreshTable() { tableComponent.value && tableComponent.value.refresh() } function setFilters() { refreshTable() } function clearFilter() { filters.customer_id = '' filters.payment_mode = '' filters.payment_number = '' } function toggleFilter() { if (showFilters.value) { clearFilter() } showFilters.value = !showFilters.value } function removeMultiplePayments() { dialogStore .openDialog({ title: t('general.are_you_sure'), message: t('payments.confirm_delete', 2), yesLabel: t('general.ok'), noLabel: t('general.cancel'), variant: 'danger', hideNoButton: false, size: 'lg', }) .then((res) => { if (res) { paymentStore.deleteMultiplePayments().then((response) => { if ( { refreshTable() } }) } }) } </script>