<?php /* * This file is part of Psy Shell. * * (c) 2012-2023 Justin Hileman * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Psy\VersionUpdater; use Psy\Exception\ErrorException; class Installer { /** * @var string */ protected $installLocation; /** * @var string */ protected $tempDirectory; public function __construct(?string $tempDirectory = null) { $this->tempDirectory = $tempDirectory ?: \sys_get_temp_dir(); $this->installLocation = \Phar::running(false); } /** * Public to allow the Downloader to use the temporary directory if it's been set. */ public function getTempDirectory(): string { return $this->tempDirectory; } /** * Verify the currently installed PsySH phar is writable so it can be replaced. */ public function isInstallLocationWritable(): bool { return \is_writable($this->installLocation); } /** * Verify the temporary directory is writable so downloads and backups can be saved there. */ public function isTempDirectoryWritable(): bool { return \is_writable($this->tempDirectory); } /** * Verifies the downloaded archive can be extracted with \PharData. * * @param string $sourceArchive */ public function isValidSource(string $sourceArchive): bool { if (!\class_exists('\PharData')) { return false; } $pharArchive = new \PharData($sourceArchive); return $pharArchive->valid(); } /** * Extract the "psysh" phar from the archive and move it, replacing the currently installed phar. * * @param string $sourceArchive */ public function install(string $sourceArchive): bool { $pharArchive = new \PharData($sourceArchive); $outputDirectory = \tempnam($this->tempDirectory, 'psysh-'); // remove the temp file, and replace it with a sub-directory if (!\unlink($outputDirectory) || !\mkdir($outputDirectory, 0700)) { return false; } $pharArchive->extractTo($outputDirectory, ['psysh'], true); $renamed = \rename($outputDirectory.'/psysh', $this->installLocation); // Remove the sub-directory created to extract the psysh binary/phar \rmdir($outputDirectory); return $renamed; } /** * Create a backup of the currently installed PsySH phar in the temporary directory with a version number postfix. * * @param string $version */ public function createBackup(string $version): bool { $backupFilename = $this->getBackupFilename($version); if (\file_exists($backupFilename) && !\is_writable($backupFilename)) { return false; } return \rename($this->installLocation, $backupFilename); } /** * Restore the backup file to the original PsySH install location. * * @param string $version * * @throws ErrorException If the backup file could not be found */ public function restoreFromBackup(string $version): bool { $backupFilename = $this->getBackupFilename($version); if (!\file_exists($backupFilename)) { throw new ErrorException("Cannot restore from backup. File not found! [{$backupFilename}]"); } return \rename($backupFilename, $this->installLocation); } /** * Get the full path for the backup target file location. * * @param string $version */ public function getBackupFilename(string $version): string { $installFilename = \basename($this->installLocation); return \sprintf('%s/%s.%s', $this->tempDirectory, $installFilename, $version); } }