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<?php namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Testing\Concerns; use Illuminate\Contracts\Support\Jsonable; use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model; use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\SoftDeletes; use Illuminate\Database\Events\QueryExecuted; use Illuminate\Support\Arr; use Illuminate\Support\Facades\DB; use Illuminate\Testing\Constraints\CountInDatabase; use Illuminate\Testing\Constraints\HasInDatabase; use Illuminate\Testing\Constraints\NotSoftDeletedInDatabase; use Illuminate\Testing\Constraints\SoftDeletedInDatabase; use PHPUnit\Framework\Constraint\LogicalNot as ReverseConstraint; trait InteractsWithDatabase { /** * Assert that a given where condition exists in the database. * * @param \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model|string $table * @param array $data * @param string|null $connection * @return $this */ protected function assertDatabaseHas($table, array $data, $connection = null) { $this->assertThat( $this->getTable($table), new HasInDatabase($this->getConnection($connection, $table), $data) ); return $this; } /** * Assert that a given where condition does not exist in the database. * * @param \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model|string $table * @param array $data * @param string|null $connection * @return $this */ protected function assertDatabaseMissing($table, array $data, $connection = null) { $constraint = new ReverseConstraint( new HasInDatabase($this->getConnection($connection, $table), $data) ); $this->assertThat($this->getTable($table), $constraint); return $this; } /** * Assert the count of table entries. * * @param \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model|string $table * @param int $count * @param string|null $connection * @return $this */ protected function assertDatabaseCount($table, int $count, $connection = null) { $this->assertThat( $this->getTable($table), new CountInDatabase($this->getConnection($connection, $table), $count) ); return $this; } /** * Assert that the given table has no entries. * * @param \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model|string $table * @param string|null $connection * @return $this */ protected function assertDatabaseEmpty($table, $connection = null) { $this->assertThat( $this->getTable($table), new CountInDatabase($this->getConnection($connection, $table), 0) ); return $this; } /** * Assert the given record has been "soft deleted". * * @param \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model|string $table * @param array $data * @param string|null $connection * @param string|null $deletedAtColumn * @return $this */ protected function assertSoftDeleted($table, array $data = [], $connection = null, $deletedAtColumn = 'deleted_at') { if ($this->isSoftDeletableModel($table)) { return $this->assertSoftDeleted( $table->getTable(), array_merge($data, [$table->getKeyName() => $table->getKey()]), $table->getConnectionName(), $table->getDeletedAtColumn() ); } $this->assertThat( $this->getTable($table), new SoftDeletedInDatabase( $this->getConnection($connection, $table), $data, $this->getDeletedAtColumn($table, $deletedAtColumn) ) ); return $this; } /** * Assert the given record has not been "soft deleted". * * @param \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model|string $table * @param array $data * @param string|null $connection * @param string|null $deletedAtColumn * @return $this */ protected function assertNotSoftDeleted($table, array $data = [], $connection = null, $deletedAtColumn = 'deleted_at') { if ($this->isSoftDeletableModel($table)) { return $this->assertNotSoftDeleted( $table->getTable(), array_merge($data, [$table->getKeyName() => $table->getKey()]), $table->getConnectionName(), $table->getDeletedAtColumn() ); } $this->assertThat( $this->getTable($table), new NotSoftDeletedInDatabase( $this->getConnection($connection, $table), $data, $this->getDeletedAtColumn($table, $deletedAtColumn) ) ); return $this; } /** * Assert the given model exists in the database. * * @param \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model $model * @return $this */ protected function assertModelExists($model) { return $this->assertDatabaseHas( $model->getTable(), [$model->getKeyName() => $model->getKey()], $model->getConnectionName() ); } /** * Assert the given model does not exist in the database. * * @param \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model $model * @return $this */ protected function assertModelMissing($model) { return $this->assertDatabaseMissing( $model->getTable(), [$model->getKeyName() => $model->getKey()], $model->getConnectionName() ); } /** * Specify the number of database queries that should occur throughout the test. * * @param int $expected * @param string|null $connection * @return $this */ public function expectsDatabaseQueryCount($expected, $connection = null) { with($this->getConnection($connection), function ($connectionInstance) use ($expected, $connection) { $actual = 0; $connectionInstance->listen(function (QueryExecuted $event) use (&$actual, $connectionInstance, $connection) { if (is_null($connection) || $connectionInstance === $event->connection) { $actual++; } }); $this->beforeApplicationDestroyed(function () use (&$actual, $expected, $connectionInstance) { $this->assertSame( $actual, $expected, "Expected {$expected} database queries on the [{$connectionInstance->getName()}] connection. {$actual} occurred." ); }); }); return $this; } /** * Determine if the argument is a soft deletable model. * * @param mixed $model * @return bool */ protected function isSoftDeletableModel($model) { return $model instanceof Model && in_array(SoftDeletes::class, class_uses_recursive($model)); } /** * Cast a JSON string to a database compatible type. * * @param array|object|string $value * @return \Illuminate\Contracts\Database\Query\Expression */ public function castAsJson($value) { if ($value instanceof Jsonable) { $value = $value->toJson(); } elseif (is_array($value) || is_object($value)) { $value = json_encode($value); } $value = DB::connection()->getPdo()->quote($value); return DB::raw( DB::connection()->getQueryGrammar()->compileJsonValueCast($value) ); } /** * Get the database connection. * * @param string|null $connection * @param string|null $table * @return \Illuminate\Database\Connection */ protected function getConnection($connection = null, $table = null) { $database = $this->app->make('db'); $connection = $connection ?: $this->getTableConnection($table) ?: $database->getDefaultConnection(); return $database->connection($connection); } /** * Get the table name from the given model or string. * * @param \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model|string $table * @return string */ protected function getTable($table) { return $this->newModelFor($table)?->getTable() ?: $table; } /** * Get the table connection specified in the given model. * * @param \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model|string $table * @return string|null */ protected function getTableConnection($table) { return $this->newModelFor($table)?->getConnectionName(); } /** * Get the table column name used for soft deletes. * * @param string $table * @param string $defaultColumnName * @return string */ protected function getDeletedAtColumn($table, $defaultColumnName = 'deleted_at') { return $this->newModelFor($table)?->getDeletedAtColumn() ?: $defaultColumnName; } /** * Get the model entity from the given model or string. * * @param \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model|string $table * @return \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model|null */ protected function newModelFor($table) { return is_subclass_of($table, Model::class) ? (new $table) : null; } /** * Seed a given database connection. * * @param array|string $class * @return $this */ public function seed($class = 'Database\\Seeders\\DatabaseSeeder') { foreach (Arr::wrap($class) as $class) { $this->artisan('db:seed', ['--class' => $class, '--no-interaction' => true]); } return $this; } }