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<?php /** * Mockery ( * * @copyright * @license BSD 3-Clause License * @link for the canonical source repository */ namespace Mockery; use Mockery\Container; use Mockery\CountValidator\Exception; use Mockery\Exception\BadMethodCallException; use Mockery\Exception\InvalidOrderException; use Mockery\Exception\NoMatchingExpectationException; use Mockery\Expectation; use Mockery\ExpectationDirector; use Mockery\ExpectsHigherOrderMessage; use Mockery\HigherOrderMessage; use Mockery\LegacyMockInterface; use Mockery\MethodCall; use Mockery\MockInterface; use Mockery\ReceivedMethodCalls; use Mockery\Reflector; use Mockery\Undefined; use Mockery\VerificationDirector; use Mockery\VerificationExpectation; #[\AllowDynamicProperties] class Mock implements MockInterface { /** * Stores an array of all expectation directors for this mock * * @var array */ protected $_mockery_expectations = []; /** * Stores an initial number of expectations that can be manipulated * while using the getter method. * * @var int */ protected $_mockery_expectations_count = 0; /** * Flag to indicate whether we can ignore method calls missing from our * expectations * * @var bool */ protected $_mockery_ignoreMissing = false; /** * Flag to indicate whether we want to set the ignoreMissing flag on * mocks generated form this calls to this one * * @var bool */ protected $_mockery_ignoreMissingRecursive = false; /** * Flag to indicate whether we can defer method calls missing from our * expectations * * @var bool */ protected $_mockery_deferMissing = false; /** * Flag to indicate whether this mock was verified * * @var bool */ protected $_mockery_verified = false; /** * Given name of the mock * * @var string */ protected $_mockery_name = null; /** * Order number of allocation * * @var int */ protected $_mockery_allocatedOrder = 0; /** * Current ordered number * * @var int */ protected $_mockery_currentOrder = 0; /** * Ordered groups * * @var array */ protected $_mockery_groups = []; /** * Mock container containing this mock object * * @var Container */ protected $_mockery_container = null; /** * Instance of a core object on which methods are called in the event * it has been set, and an expectation for one of the object's methods * does not exist. This implements a simple partial mock proxy system. * * @var object */ protected $_mockery_partial = null; /** * Flag to indicate we should ignore all expectations temporarily. Used * mainly to prevent expectation matching when in the middle of a mock * object recording session. * * @var bool */ protected $_mockery_disableExpectationMatching = false; /** * Stores all stubbed public methods separate from any on-object public * properties that may exist. * * @var array */ protected $_mockery_mockableProperties = []; /** * @var array */ protected $_mockery_mockableMethods = []; /** * Just a local cache for this mock's target's methods * * @var \ReflectionMethod[] */ protected static $_mockery_methods; protected $_mockery_allowMockingProtectedMethods = false; protected $_mockery_receivedMethodCalls; /** * If shouldIgnoreMissing is called, this value will be returned on all calls to missing methods * @var mixed */ protected $_mockery_defaultReturnValue = null; /** * Tracks internally all the bad method call exceptions that happened during runtime * * @var array */ protected $_mockery_thrownExceptions = []; protected $_mockery_instanceMock = true; /** @var null|string $parentClass */ private $_mockery_parentClass = null; /** * We want to avoid constructors since class is copied to Generator.php * for inclusion on extending class definitions. * * @param Container $container * @param object $partialObject * @param bool $instanceMock * @return void */ public function mockery_init(?Container $container = null, $partialObject = null, $instanceMock = true) { if (null === $container) { $container = new Container(); } $this->_mockery_container = $container; if (!is_null($partialObject)) { $this->_mockery_partial = $partialObject; } if (!\Mockery::getConfiguration()->mockingNonExistentMethodsAllowed()) { foreach ($this->mockery_getMethods() as $method) { if ($method->isPublic()) { $this->_mockery_mockableMethods[] = $method->getName(); } } } $this->_mockery_instanceMock = $instanceMock; $this->_mockery_parentClass = get_parent_class($this); } /** * Set expected method calls * * @param string ...$methodNames one or many methods that are expected to be called in this mock * * @return ExpectationInterface|Expectation|HigherOrderMessage */ public function shouldReceive(...$methodNames) { if ($methodNames === []) { return new HigherOrderMessage($this, 'shouldReceive'); } foreach ($methodNames as $method) { if ('' === $method) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Received empty method name'); } } $self = $this; $allowMockingProtectedMethods = $this->_mockery_allowMockingProtectedMethods; return \Mockery::parseShouldReturnArgs( $this, $methodNames, static function ($method) use ($self, $allowMockingProtectedMethods) { $rm = $self->mockery_getMethod($method); if ($rm) { if ($rm->isPrivate()) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException($method . '() cannot be mocked as it is a private method'); } if (!$allowMockingProtectedMethods && $rm->isProtected()) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException($method . '() cannot be mocked as it is a protected method and mocking protected methods is not enabled for the currently used mock object. Use shouldAllowMockingProtectedMethods() to enable mocking of protected methods.'); } } $director = $self->mockery_getExpectationsFor($method); if (!$director) { $director = new ExpectationDirector($method, $self); $self->mockery_setExpectationsFor($method, $director); } $expectation = new Expectation($self, $method); $director->addExpectation($expectation); return $expectation; } ); } // start method allows /** * @param mixed $something String method name or map of method => return * @return self|ExpectationInterface|Expectation|HigherOrderMessage */ public function allows($something = []) { if (is_string($something)) { return $this->shouldReceive($something); } if (empty($something)) { return $this->shouldReceive(); } foreach ($something as $method => $returnValue) { $this->shouldReceive($method)->andReturn($returnValue); } return $this; } // end method allows // start method expects /** /** * @param mixed $something String method name (optional) * @return ExpectationInterface|Expectation|ExpectsHigherOrderMessage */ public function expects($something = null) { if (is_string($something)) { return $this->shouldReceive($something)->once(); } return new ExpectsHigherOrderMessage($this); } // end method expects /** * Shortcut method for setting an expectation that a method should not be called. * * @param string ...$methodNames one or many methods that are expected not to be called in this mock * @return ExpectationInterface|Expectation|HigherOrderMessage */ public function shouldNotReceive(...$methodNames) { if ($methodNames === []) { return new HigherOrderMessage($this, 'shouldNotReceive'); } $expectation = call_user_func_array(function (string $methodNames) { return $this->shouldReceive($methodNames); }, $methodNames); $expectation->never(); return $expectation; } /** * Allows additional methods to be mocked that do not explicitly exist on mocked class * * @param string $method name of the method to be mocked * @return Mock|MockInterface|LegacyMockInterface */ public function shouldAllowMockingMethod($method) { $this->_mockery_mockableMethods[] = $method; return $this; } /** * Set mock to ignore unexpected methods and return Undefined class * @param mixed $returnValue the default return value for calls to missing functions on this mock * @param bool $recursive Specify if returned mocks should also have shouldIgnoreMissing set * @return static */ public function shouldIgnoreMissing($returnValue = null, $recursive = false) { $this->_mockery_ignoreMissing = true; $this->_mockery_ignoreMissingRecursive = $recursive; $this->_mockery_defaultReturnValue = $returnValue; return $this; } public function asUndefined() { $this->_mockery_ignoreMissing = true; $this->_mockery_defaultReturnValue = new Undefined(); return $this; } /** * @return static */ public function shouldAllowMockingProtectedMethods() { if (!\Mockery::getConfiguration()->mockingNonExistentMethodsAllowed()) { foreach ($this->mockery_getMethods() as $method) { if ($method->isProtected()) { $this->_mockery_mockableMethods[] = $method->getName(); } } } $this->_mockery_allowMockingProtectedMethods = true; return $this; } /** * Set mock to defer unexpected methods to it's parent * * This is particularly useless for this class, as it doesn't have a parent, * but included for completeness * * @deprecated 2.0.0 Please use makePartial() instead * * @return static */ public function shouldDeferMissing() { return $this->makePartial(); } /** * Set mock to defer unexpected methods to it's parent * * It was an alias for shouldDeferMissing(), which will be removed * in 2.0.0. * * @return static */ public function makePartial() { $this->_mockery_deferMissing = true; return $this; } /** * In the event shouldReceive() accepting one or more methods/returns, * this method will switch them from normal expectations to default * expectations * * @return self */ public function byDefault() { foreach ($this->_mockery_expectations as $director) { $exps = $director->getExpectations(); foreach ($exps as $exp) { $exp->byDefault(); } } return $this; } /** * Capture calls to this mock */ public function __call($method, array $args) { return $this->_mockery_handleMethodCall($method, $args); } public static function __callStatic($method, array $args) { return self::_mockery_handleStaticMethodCall($method, $args); } /** * Forward calls to this magic method to the __call method */ #[\ReturnTypeWillChange] public function __toString() { return $this->__call('__toString', []); } /** * Iterate across all expectation directors and validate each * * @throws Exception * @return void */ public function mockery_verify() { if ($this->_mockery_verified) { return; } if (property_exists($this, '_mockery_ignoreVerification') && $this->_mockery_ignoreVerification !== null && $this->_mockery_ignoreVerification == true) { return; } $this->_mockery_verified = true; foreach ($this->_mockery_expectations as $director) { $director->verify(); } } /** * Gets a list of exceptions thrown by this mock * * @return array */ public function mockery_thrownExceptions() { return $this->_mockery_thrownExceptions; } /** * Tear down tasks for this mock * * @return void */ public function mockery_teardown() { } /** * Fetch the next available allocation order number * * @return int */ public function mockery_allocateOrder() { ++$this->_mockery_allocatedOrder; return $this->_mockery_allocatedOrder; } /** * Set ordering for a group * * @param mixed $group * @param int $order */ public function mockery_setGroup($group, $order) { $this->_mockery_groups[$group] = $order; } /** * Fetch array of ordered groups * * @return array */ public function mockery_getGroups() { return $this->_mockery_groups; } /** * Set current ordered number * * @param int $order */ public function mockery_setCurrentOrder($order) { $this->_mockery_currentOrder = $order; return $this->_mockery_currentOrder; } /** * Get current ordered number * * @return int */ public function mockery_getCurrentOrder() { return $this->_mockery_currentOrder; } /** * Validate the current mock's ordering * * @param string $method * @param int $order * @throws \Mockery\Exception * @return void */ public function mockery_validateOrder($method, $order) { if ($order < $this->_mockery_currentOrder) { $exception = new InvalidOrderException( 'Method ' . self::class . '::' . $method . '()' . ' called out of order: expected order ' . $order . ', was ' . $this->_mockery_currentOrder ); $exception->setMock($this) ->setMethodName($method) ->setExpectedOrder($order) ->setActualOrder($this->_mockery_currentOrder); throw $exception; } $this->mockery_setCurrentOrder($order); } /** * Gets the count of expectations for this mock * * @return int */ public function mockery_getExpectationCount() { $count = $this->_mockery_expectations_count; foreach ($this->_mockery_expectations as $director) { $count += $director->getExpectationCount(); } return $count; } /** * Return the expectations director for the given method * * @var string $method * @return ExpectationDirector|null */ public function mockery_setExpectationsFor($method, ExpectationDirector $director) { $this->_mockery_expectations[$method] = $director; } /** * Return the expectations director for the given method * * @var string $method * @return ExpectationDirector|null */ public function mockery_getExpectationsFor($method) { if (isset($this->_mockery_expectations[$method])) { return $this->_mockery_expectations[$method]; } } /** * Find an expectation matching the given method and arguments * * @var string $method * @var array $args * @return Expectation|null */ public function mockery_findExpectation($method, array $args) { if (!isset($this->_mockery_expectations[$method])) { return null; } $director = $this->_mockery_expectations[$method]; return $director->findExpectation($args); } /** * Return the container for this mock * * @return Container */ public function mockery_getContainer() { return $this->_mockery_container; } /** * Return the name for this mock * * @return string */ public function mockery_getName() { return self::class; } /** * @return array */ public function mockery_getMockableProperties() { return $this->_mockery_mockableProperties; } public function __isset($name) { if (false !== stripos($name, '_mockery_')) { return false; } if (!$this->_mockery_parentClass) { return false; } if (!method_exists($this->_mockery_parentClass, '__isset')) { return false; } return call_user_func($this->_mockery_parentClass . '::__isset', $name); } public function mockery_getExpectations() { return $this->_mockery_expectations; } /** * Calls a parent class method and returns the result. Used in a passthru * expectation where a real return value is required while still taking * advantage of expectation matching and call count verification. * * @param string $name * @param array $args * @return mixed */ public function mockery_callSubjectMethod($name, array $args) { if (!method_exists($this, $name) && $this->_mockery_parentClass && method_exists($this->_mockery_parentClass, '__call')) { return call_user_func($this->_mockery_parentClass . '::__call', $name, $args); } return call_user_func_array($this->_mockery_parentClass . '::' . $name, $args); } /** * @return string[] */ public function mockery_getMockableMethods() { return $this->_mockery_mockableMethods; } /** * @return bool */ public function mockery_isAnonymous() { $rfc = new \ReflectionClass($this); // PHP 8 has Stringable interface $interfaces = array_filter($rfc->getInterfaces(), static function ($i) { return $i->getName() !== 'Stringable'; }); return false === $rfc->getParentClass() && 2 === count($interfaces); } public function mockery_isInstance() { return $this->_mockery_instanceMock; } public function __wakeup() { /** * This does not add __wakeup method support. It's a blind method and any * expected __wakeup work will NOT be performed. It merely cuts off * annoying errors where a __wakeup exists but is not essential when * mocking */ } public function __destruct() { /** * Overrides real class destructor in case if class was created without original constructor */ } public function mockery_getMethod($name) { foreach ($this->mockery_getMethods() as $method) { if ($method->getName() == $name) { return $method; } } return null; } /** * @param string $name Method name. * * @return mixed Generated return value based on the declared return value of the named method. */ public function mockery_returnValueForMethod($name) { $rm = $this->mockery_getMethod($name); if ($rm === null) { return null; } $returnType = Reflector::getSimplestReturnType($rm); switch ($returnType) { case null: return null; case 'string': return ''; case 'int': return 0; case 'float': return 0.0; case 'bool': return false; case 'true': return true; case 'false': return false; case 'array': case 'iterable': return []; case 'callable': case '\Closure': return static function () : void { }; case '\Traversable': case '\Generator': $generator = static function () { yield; }; return $generator(); case 'void': return null; case 'static': return $this; case 'object': $mock = \Mockery::mock(); if ($this->_mockery_ignoreMissingRecursive) { $mock->shouldIgnoreMissing($this->_mockery_defaultReturnValue, true); } return $mock; default: $mock = \Mockery::mock($returnType); if ($this->_mockery_ignoreMissingRecursive) { $mock->shouldIgnoreMissing($this->_mockery_defaultReturnValue, true); } return $mock; } } public function shouldHaveReceived($method = null, $args = null) { if ($method === null) { return new HigherOrderMessage($this, 'shouldHaveReceived'); } $expectation = new VerificationExpectation($this, $method); if (null !== $args) { $expectation->withArgs($args); } $expectation->atLeast()->once(); $director = new VerificationDirector($this->_mockery_getReceivedMethodCalls(), $expectation); ++$this->_mockery_expectations_count; $director->verify(); return $director; } public function shouldHaveBeenCalled() { return $this->shouldHaveReceived('__invoke'); } public function shouldNotHaveReceived($method = null, $args = null) { if ($method === null) { return new HigherOrderMessage($this, 'shouldNotHaveReceived'); } $expectation = new VerificationExpectation($this, $method); if (null !== $args) { $expectation->withArgs($args); } $expectation->never(); $director = new VerificationDirector($this->_mockery_getReceivedMethodCalls(), $expectation); ++$this->_mockery_expectations_count; $director->verify(); return null; } public function shouldNotHaveBeenCalled(?array $args = null) { return $this->shouldNotHaveReceived('__invoke', $args); } protected static function _mockery_handleStaticMethodCall($method, array $args) { $associatedRealObject = \Mockery::fetchMock(self::class); try { return $associatedRealObject->__call($method, $args); } catch (BadMethodCallException $badMethodCallException) { throw new BadMethodCallException( 'Static method ' . $associatedRealObject->mockery_getName() . '::' . $method . '() does not exist on this mock object', 0, $badMethodCallException ); } } protected function _mockery_getReceivedMethodCalls() { return $this->_mockery_receivedMethodCalls ?: $this->_mockery_receivedMethodCalls = new ReceivedMethodCalls(); } /** * Called when an instance Mock was created and its constructor is getting called * * @see \Mockery\Generator\StringManipulation\Pass\InstanceMockPass * @param array $args */ protected function _mockery_constructorCalled(array $args) { if (!isset($this->_mockery_expectations['__construct']) /* _mockery_handleMethodCall runs the other checks */) { return; } $this->_mockery_handleMethodCall('__construct', $args); } protected function _mockery_findExpectedMethodHandler($method) { if (isset($this->_mockery_expectations[$method])) { return $this->_mockery_expectations[$method]; } $lowerCasedMockeryExpectations = array_change_key_case($this->_mockery_expectations, CASE_LOWER); $lowerCasedMethod = strtolower($method); return $lowerCasedMockeryExpectations[$lowerCasedMethod] ?? null; } protected function _mockery_handleMethodCall($method, array $args) { $this->_mockery_getReceivedMethodCalls()->push(new MethodCall($method, $args)); $rm = $this->mockery_getMethod($method); if ($rm && $rm->isProtected() && !$this->_mockery_allowMockingProtectedMethods) { if ($rm->isAbstract()) { return; } try { $prototype = $rm->getPrototype(); if ($prototype->isAbstract()) { return; } } catch (\ReflectionException $re) { // noop - there is no hasPrototype method } if (null === $this->_mockery_parentClass) { $this->_mockery_parentClass = get_parent_class($this); } return call_user_func_array($this->_mockery_parentClass . '::' . $method, $args); } $handler = $this->_mockery_findExpectedMethodHandler($method); if ($handler !== null && !$this->_mockery_disableExpectationMatching) { try { return $handler->call($args); } catch (NoMatchingExpectationException $e) { if (!$this->_mockery_ignoreMissing && !$this->_mockery_deferMissing) { throw $e; } } } if (!is_null($this->_mockery_partial) && (method_exists($this->_mockery_partial, $method) || method_exists($this->_mockery_partial, '__call'))) { return $this->_mockery_partial->{$method}(...$args); } if ($this->_mockery_deferMissing && is_callable($this->_mockery_parentClass . '::' . $method) && (!$this->hasMethodOverloadingInParentClass() || ($this->_mockery_parentClass && method_exists($this->_mockery_parentClass, $method)))) { return call_user_func_array($this->_mockery_parentClass . '::' . $method, $args); } if ($this->_mockery_deferMissing && $this->_mockery_parentClass && method_exists($this->_mockery_parentClass, '__call')) { return call_user_func($this->_mockery_parentClass . '::__call', $method, $args); } if ($method === '__toString') { // __toString is special because we force its addition to the class API regardless of the // original implementation. Thus, we should always return a string rather than honor // _mockery_ignoreMissing and break the API with an error. return sprintf('%s#%s', self::class, spl_object_hash($this)); } if ($this->_mockery_ignoreMissing && (\Mockery::getConfiguration()->mockingNonExistentMethodsAllowed() || (!is_null($this->_mockery_partial) && method_exists($this->_mockery_partial, $method)) || is_callable($this->_mockery_parentClass . '::' . $method))) { if ($this->_mockery_defaultReturnValue instanceof Undefined) { return $this->_mockery_defaultReturnValue->{$method}(...$args); } if (null === $this->_mockery_defaultReturnValue) { return $this->mockery_returnValueForMethod($method); } return $this->_mockery_defaultReturnValue; } $message = 'Method ' . self::class . '::' . $method . '() does not exist on this mock object'; if (!is_null($rm)) { $message = 'Received ' . self::class . '::' . $method . '(), but no expectations were specified'; } $bmce = new BadMethodCallException($message); $this->_mockery_thrownExceptions[] = $bmce; throw $bmce; } /** * Uses reflection to get the list of all * methods within the current mock object * * @return array */ protected function mockery_getMethods() { if (static::$_mockery_methods && \Mockery::getConfiguration()->reflectionCacheEnabled()) { return static::$_mockery_methods; } if ($this->_mockery_partial !== null) { $reflected = new \ReflectionObject($this->_mockery_partial); } else { $reflected = new \ReflectionClass($this); } return static::$_mockery_methods = $reflected->getMethods(); } private function hasMethodOverloadingInParentClass() { // if there's __call any name would be callable return is_callable($this->_mockery_parentClass . '::aFunctionNameThatNoOneWouldEverUseInRealLife12345'); } /** * @return array */ private function getNonPublicMethods() { return array_map( static function ($method) { return $method->getName(); }, array_filter($this->mockery_getMethods(), static function ($method) { return !$method->isPublic(); }) ); } }