<?php namespace Laravel\Prompts\Themes\Default; use Laravel\Prompts\MultiSearchPrompt; use Laravel\Prompts\Themes\Contracts\Scrolling; class MultiSearchPromptRenderer extends Renderer implements Scrolling { use Concerns\DrawsBoxes; use Concerns\DrawsScrollbars; /** * Render the suggest prompt. */ public function __invoke(MultiSearchPrompt $prompt): string { $maxWidth = $prompt->terminal()->cols() - 6; return match ($prompt->state) { 'submit' => $this ->box( $this->dim($this->truncate($prompt->label, $prompt->terminal()->cols() - 6)), $this->renderSelectedOptions($prompt), ), 'cancel' => $this ->box( $this->dim($this->truncate($prompt->label, $prompt->terminal()->cols() - 6)), $this->strikethrough($this->dim($this->truncate($prompt->searchValue() ?: $prompt->placeholder, $maxWidth))), color: 'red', ) ->error($prompt->cancelMessage), 'error' => $this ->box( $this->truncate($prompt->label, $prompt->terminal()->cols() - 6), $prompt->valueWithCursor($maxWidth), $this->renderOptions($prompt), color: 'yellow', info: $this->getInfoText($prompt), ) ->warning($this->truncate($prompt->error, $prompt->terminal()->cols() - 5)), 'searching' => $this ->box( $this->cyan($this->truncate($prompt->label, $prompt->terminal()->cols() - 6)), $this->valueWithCursorAndSearchIcon($prompt, $maxWidth), $this->renderOptions($prompt), info: $this->getInfoText($prompt), ) ->hint($prompt->hint), default => $this ->box( $this->cyan($this->truncate($prompt->label, $prompt->terminal()->cols() - 6)), $prompt->valueWithCursor($maxWidth), $this->renderOptions($prompt), info: $this->getInfoText($prompt), ) ->when( $prompt->hint, fn () => $this->hint($prompt->hint), fn () => $this->newLine() // Space for errors ) ->spaceForDropdown($prompt) }; } /** * Render the value with the cursor and a search icon. */ protected function valueWithCursorAndSearchIcon(MultiSearchPrompt $prompt, int $maxWidth): string { return preg_replace( '/\s$/', $this->cyan('…'), $this->pad($prompt->valueWithCursor($maxWidth - 1).' ', min($this->longest($prompt->matches(), padding: 2), $maxWidth)) ); } /** * Render a spacer to prevent jumping when the suggestions are displayed. */ protected function spaceForDropdown(MultiSearchPrompt $prompt): self { if ($prompt->searchValue() !== '') { return $this; } $this->newLine(max( 0, min($prompt->scroll, $prompt->terminal()->lines() - 7) - count($prompt->matches()), )); if ($prompt->matches() === []) { $this->newLine(); } return $this; } /** * Render the options. */ protected function renderOptions(MultiSearchPrompt $prompt): string { if ($prompt->searchValue() !== '' && empty($prompt->matches())) { return $this->gray(' '.($prompt->state === 'searching' ? 'Searching...' : 'No results.')); } return $this->scrollbar( collect($prompt->visible()) ->map(fn ($label) => $this->truncate($label, $prompt->terminal()->cols() - 12)) ->map(function ($label, $key) use ($prompt) { $index = array_search($key, array_keys($prompt->matches())); $active = $index === $prompt->highlighted; $selected = $prompt->isList() ? in_array($label, $prompt->value()) : in_array($key, $prompt->value()); return match (true) { $active && $selected => "{$this->cyan('› ◼')} {$label} ", $active => "{$this->cyan('›')} ◻ {$label} ", $selected => " {$this->cyan('◼')} {$this->dim($label)} ", default => " {$this->dim('◻')} {$this->dim($label)} ", }; }), $prompt->firstVisible, $prompt->scroll, count($prompt->matches()), min($this->longest($prompt->matches(), padding: 4), $prompt->terminal()->cols() - 6) )->implode(PHP_EOL); } /** * Render the selected options. */ protected function renderSelectedOptions(MultiSearchPrompt $prompt): string { if (count($prompt->labels()) === 0) { return $this->gray('None'); } return implode("\n", array_map( fn ($label) => $this->truncate($label, $prompt->terminal()->cols() - 6), $prompt->labels() )); } /** * Render the info text. */ protected function getInfoText(MultiSearchPrompt $prompt): string { $info = count($prompt->value()).' selected'; $hiddenCount = count($prompt->value()) - collect($prompt->matches()) ->filter(fn ($label, $key) => in_array($prompt->isList() ? $label : $key, $prompt->value())) ->count(); if ($hiddenCount > 0) { $info .= " ($hiddenCount hidden)"; } return $info; } /** * The number of lines to reserve outside of the scrollable area. */ public function reservedLines(): int { return 7; } }