<?php declare(strict_types=1); namespace Brick\Math\Internal\Calculator; use Brick\Math\Internal\Calculator; /** * Calculator implementation using only native PHP code. * * @internal * * @psalm-immutable */ class NativeCalculator extends Calculator { /** * The max number of digits the platform can natively add, subtract, multiply or divide without overflow. * For multiplication, this represents the max sum of the lengths of both operands. * * In addition, it is assumed that an extra digit can hold a carry (1) without overflowing. * Example: 32-bit: max number 1,999,999,999 (9 digits + carry) * 64-bit: max number 1,999,999,999,999,999,999 (18 digits + carry) */ private readonly int $maxDigits; /** * @codeCoverageIgnore */ public function __construct() { $this->maxDigits = match (PHP_INT_SIZE) { 4 => 9, 8 => 18, default => throw new \RuntimeException('The platform is not 32-bit or 64-bit as expected.') }; } public function add(string $a, string $b) : string { /** * @psalm-var numeric-string $a * @psalm-var numeric-string $b */ $result = $a + $b; if (is_int($result)) { return (string) $result; } if ($a === '0') { return $b; } if ($b === '0') { return $a; } [$aNeg, $bNeg, $aDig, $bDig] = $this->init($a, $b); $result = $aNeg === $bNeg ? $this->doAdd($aDig, $bDig) : $this->doSub($aDig, $bDig); if ($aNeg) { $result = $this->neg($result); } return $result; } public function sub(string $a, string $b) : string { return $this->add($a, $this->neg($b)); } public function mul(string $a, string $b) : string { /** * @psalm-var numeric-string $a * @psalm-var numeric-string $b */ $result = $a * $b; if (is_int($result)) { return (string) $result; } if ($a === '0' || $b === '0') { return '0'; } if ($a === '1') { return $b; } if ($b === '1') { return $a; } if ($a === '-1') { return $this->neg($b); } if ($b === '-1') { return $this->neg($a); } [$aNeg, $bNeg, $aDig, $bDig] = $this->init($a, $b); $result = $this->doMul($aDig, $bDig); if ($aNeg !== $bNeg) { $result = $this->neg($result); } return $result; } public function divQ(string $a, string $b) : string { return $this->divQR($a, $b)[0]; } public function divR(string $a, string $b): string { return $this->divQR($a, $b)[1]; } public function divQR(string $a, string $b) : array { if ($a === '0') { return ['0', '0']; } if ($a === $b) { return ['1', '0']; } if ($b === '1') { return [$a, '0']; } if ($b === '-1') { return [$this->neg($a), '0']; } /** @psalm-var numeric-string $a */ $na = $a * 1; // cast to number if (is_int($na)) { /** @psalm-var numeric-string $b */ $nb = $b * 1; if (is_int($nb)) { // the only division that may overflow is PHP_INT_MIN / -1, // which cannot happen here as we've already handled a divisor of -1 above. $q = intdiv($na, $nb); $r = $na % $nb; return [ (string) $q, (string) $r ]; } } [$aNeg, $bNeg, $aDig, $bDig] = $this->init($a, $b); [$q, $r] = $this->doDiv($aDig, $bDig); if ($aNeg !== $bNeg) { $q = $this->neg($q); } if ($aNeg) { $r = $this->neg($r); } return [$q, $r]; } public function pow(string $a, int $e) : string { if ($e === 0) { return '1'; } if ($e === 1) { return $a; } $odd = $e % 2; $e -= $odd; $aa = $this->mul($a, $a); /** @psalm-suppress PossiblyInvalidArgument We're sure that $e / 2 is an int now */ $result = $this->pow($aa, $e / 2); if ($odd === 1) { $result = $this->mul($result, $a); } return $result; } /** * Algorithm from: https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/modular-exponentiation-power-in-modular-arithmetic/ */ public function modPow(string $base, string $exp, string $mod) : string { // special case: the algorithm below fails with 0 power 0 mod 1 (returns 1 instead of 0) if ($base === '0' && $exp === '0' && $mod === '1') { return '0'; } // special case: the algorithm below fails with power 0 mod 1 (returns 1 instead of 0) if ($exp === '0' && $mod === '1') { return '0'; } $x = $base; $res = '1'; // numbers are positive, so we can use remainder instead of modulo $x = $this->divR($x, $mod); while ($exp !== '0') { if (in_array($exp[-1], ['1', '3', '5', '7', '9'])) { // odd $res = $this->divR($this->mul($res, $x), $mod); } $exp = $this->divQ($exp, '2'); $x = $this->divR($this->mul($x, $x), $mod); } return $res; } /** * Adapted from https://cp-algorithms.com/num_methods/roots_newton.html */ public function sqrt(string $n) : string { if ($n === '0') { return '0'; } // initial approximation $x = \str_repeat('9', \intdiv(\strlen($n), 2) ?: 1); $decreased = false; for (;;) { $nx = $this->divQ($this->add($x, $this->divQ($n, $x)), '2'); if ($x === $nx || $this->cmp($nx, $x) > 0 && $decreased) { break; } $decreased = $this->cmp($nx, $x) < 0; $x = $nx; } return $x; } /** * Performs the addition of two non-signed large integers. */ private function doAdd(string $a, string $b) : string { [$a, $b, $length] = $this->pad($a, $b); $carry = 0; $result = ''; for ($i = $length - $this->maxDigits;; $i -= $this->maxDigits) { $blockLength = $this->maxDigits; if ($i < 0) { $blockLength += $i; /** @psalm-suppress LoopInvalidation */ $i = 0; } /** @psalm-var numeric-string $blockA */ $blockA = \substr($a, $i, $blockLength); /** @psalm-var numeric-string $blockB */ $blockB = \substr($b, $i, $blockLength); $sum = (string) ($blockA + $blockB + $carry); $sumLength = \strlen($sum); if ($sumLength > $blockLength) { $sum = \substr($sum, 1); $carry = 1; } else { if ($sumLength < $blockLength) { $sum = \str_repeat('0', $blockLength - $sumLength) . $sum; } $carry = 0; } $result = $sum . $result; if ($i === 0) { break; } } if ($carry === 1) { $result = '1' . $result; } return $result; } /** * Performs the subtraction of two non-signed large integers. */ private function doSub(string $a, string $b) : string { if ($a === $b) { return '0'; } // Ensure that we always subtract to a positive result: biggest minus smallest. $cmp = $this->doCmp($a, $b); $invert = ($cmp === -1); if ($invert) { $c = $a; $a = $b; $b = $c; } [$a, $b, $length] = $this->pad($a, $b); $carry = 0; $result = ''; $complement = 10 ** $this->maxDigits; for ($i = $length - $this->maxDigits;; $i -= $this->maxDigits) { $blockLength = $this->maxDigits; if ($i < 0) { $blockLength += $i; /** @psalm-suppress LoopInvalidation */ $i = 0; } /** @psalm-var numeric-string $blockA */ $blockA = \substr($a, $i, $blockLength); /** @psalm-var numeric-string $blockB */ $blockB = \substr($b, $i, $blockLength); $sum = $blockA - $blockB - $carry; if ($sum < 0) { $sum += $complement; $carry = 1; } else { $carry = 0; } $sum = (string) $sum; $sumLength = \strlen($sum); if ($sumLength < $blockLength) { $sum = \str_repeat('0', $blockLength - $sumLength) . $sum; } $result = $sum . $result; if ($i === 0) { break; } } // Carry cannot be 1 when the loop ends, as a > b assert($carry === 0); $result = \ltrim($result, '0'); if ($invert) { $result = $this->neg($result); } return $result; } /** * Performs the multiplication of two non-signed large integers. */ private function doMul(string $a, string $b) : string { $x = \strlen($a); $y = \strlen($b); $maxDigits = \intdiv($this->maxDigits, 2); $complement = 10 ** $maxDigits; $result = '0'; for ($i = $x - $maxDigits;; $i -= $maxDigits) { $blockALength = $maxDigits; if ($i < 0) { $blockALength += $i; /** @psalm-suppress LoopInvalidation */ $i = 0; } $blockA = (int) \substr($a, $i, $blockALength); $line = ''; $carry = 0; for ($j = $y - $maxDigits;; $j -= $maxDigits) { $blockBLength = $maxDigits; if ($j < 0) { $blockBLength += $j; /** @psalm-suppress LoopInvalidation */ $j = 0; } $blockB = (int) \substr($b, $j, $blockBLength); $mul = $blockA * $blockB + $carry; $value = $mul % $complement; $carry = ($mul - $value) / $complement; $value = (string) $value; $value = \str_pad($value, $maxDigits, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT); $line = $value . $line; if ($j === 0) { break; } } if ($carry !== 0) { $line = $carry . $line; } $line = \ltrim($line, '0'); if ($line !== '') { $line .= \str_repeat('0', $x - $blockALength - $i); $result = $this->add($result, $line); } if ($i === 0) { break; } } return $result; } /** * Performs the division of two non-signed large integers. * * @return string[] The quotient and remainder. */ private function doDiv(string $a, string $b) : array { $cmp = $this->doCmp($a, $b); if ($cmp === -1) { return ['0', $a]; } $x = \strlen($a); $y = \strlen($b); // we now know that a >= b && x >= y $q = '0'; // quotient $r = $a; // remainder $z = $y; // focus length, always $y or $y+1 for (;;) { $focus = \substr($a, 0, $z); $cmp = $this->doCmp($focus, $b); if ($cmp === -1) { if ($z === $x) { // remainder < dividend break; } $z++; } $zeros = \str_repeat('0', $x - $z); $q = $this->add($q, '1' . $zeros); $a = $this->sub($a, $b . $zeros); $r = $a; if ($r === '0') { // remainder == 0 break; } $x = \strlen($a); if ($x < $y) { // remainder < dividend break; } $z = $y; } return [$q, $r]; } /** * Compares two non-signed large numbers. * * @psalm-return -1|0|1 */ private function doCmp(string $a, string $b) : int { $x = \strlen($a); $y = \strlen($b); $cmp = $x <=> $y; if ($cmp !== 0) { return $cmp; } return \strcmp($a, $b) <=> 0; // enforce -1|0|1 } /** * Pads the left of one of the given numbers with zeros if necessary to make both numbers the same length. * * The numbers must only consist of digits, without leading minus sign. * * @return array{string, string, int} */ private function pad(string $a, string $b) : array { $x = \strlen($a); $y = \strlen($b); if ($x > $y) { $b = \str_repeat('0', $x - $y) . $b; return [$a, $b, $x]; } if ($x < $y) { $a = \str_repeat('0', $y - $x) . $a; return [$a, $b, $y]; } return [$a, $b, $x]; } }