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<?php declare(strict_types=1); namespace Termwind\ValueObjects; use Generator; /** * @internal */ final class Node { /** * A value object with helper methods for working with DOM node. */ public function __construct(private \DOMNode $node) { } /** * Gets the value of the node. */ public function getValue(): string { return $this->node->nodeValue ?? ''; } /** * Gets child nodes of the node. * * @return Generator<Node> */ public function getChildNodes(): Generator { foreach ($this->node->childNodes as $node) { yield new self($node); } } /** * Checks if the node is a text. */ public function isText(): bool { return $this->node instanceof \DOMText; } /** * Checks if the node is a comment. */ public function isComment(): bool { return $this->node instanceof \DOMComment; } /** * Compares the current node name with a given name. */ public function isName(string $name): bool { return $this->getName() === $name; } /** * Returns the current node type name. */ public function getName(): string { return $this->node->nodeName; } /** * Returns value of [class] attribute. */ public function getClassAttribute(): string { return $this->getAttribute('class'); } /** * Returns value of attribute with a given name. */ public function getAttribute(string $name): string { if ($this->node instanceof \DOMElement) { return $this->node->getAttribute($name); } return ''; } /** * Checks if the node is empty. */ public function isEmpty(): bool { return $this->isText() && preg_replace('/\s+/', '', $this->getValue()) === ''; } /** * Gets the previous sibling from the node. */ public function getPreviousSibling(): ?static { $node = $this->node; while ($node = $node->previousSibling) { $node = new self($node); if ($node->isEmpty()) { $node = $node->node; continue; } if (! $node->isComment()) { return $node; } $node = $node->node; } return is_null($node) ? null : new self($node); } /** * Gets the next sibling from the node. */ public function getNextSibling(): ?static { $node = $this->node; while ($node = $node->nextSibling) { $node = new self($node); if ($node->isEmpty()) { $node = $node->node; continue; } if (! $node->isComment()) { return $node; } $node = $node->node; } return is_null($node) ? null : new self($node); } /** * Checks if the node is the first child. */ public function isFirstChild(): bool { return is_null($this->getPreviousSibling()); } /** * Gets the inner HTML representation of the node including child nodes. */ public function getHtml(): string { $html = ''; foreach ($this->node->childNodes as $child) { if ($child->ownerDocument instanceof \DOMDocument) { $html .= $child->ownerDocument->saveXML($child); } } return html_entity_decode($html); } /** * Converts the node to a string. */ public function __toString(): string { if ($this->isComment()) { return ''; } if ($this->getValue() === ' ') { return ' '; } if ($this->isEmpty()) { return ''; } $text = preg_replace('/\s+/', ' ', $this->getValue()) ?? ''; if (is_null($this->getPreviousSibling())) { $text = ltrim($text); } if (is_null($this->getNextSibling())) { $text = rtrim($text); } return $text; } }