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<?php declare(strict_types=1); namespace Doctrine\DBAL\Schema; use Doctrine\DBAL\Exception; use Doctrine\DBAL\Platforms\PostgreSQLPlatform; use Doctrine\DBAL\Result; use Doctrine\DBAL\Types\JsonType; use Doctrine\DBAL\Types\Type; use function array_change_key_case; use function array_key_exists; use function array_map; use function array_merge; use function assert; use function explode; use function implode; use function in_array; use function is_string; use function preg_match; use function sprintf; use function str_contains; use function str_replace; use function strtolower; use function trim; use const CASE_LOWER; /** * PostgreSQL Schema Manager. * * @extends AbstractSchemaManager<PostgreSQLPlatform> */ class PostgreSQLSchemaManager extends AbstractSchemaManager { private ?string $currentSchema = null; /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function listSchemaNames(): array { return $this->connection->fetchFirstColumn( <<<'SQL' SELECT schema_name FROM information_schema.schemata WHERE schema_name NOT LIKE 'pg\_%' AND schema_name != 'information_schema' SQL, ); } public function createSchemaConfig(): SchemaConfig { $config = parent::createSchemaConfig(); $config->setName($this->getCurrentSchema()); return $config; } /** * Returns the name of the current schema. * * @throws Exception */ protected function getCurrentSchema(): ?string { return $this->currentSchema ??= $this->determineCurrentSchema(); } /** * Determines the name of the current schema. * * @throws Exception */ protected function determineCurrentSchema(): string { $currentSchema = $this->connection->fetchOne('SELECT current_schema()'); assert(is_string($currentSchema)); return $currentSchema; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ protected function _getPortableTableForeignKeyDefinition(array $tableForeignKey): ForeignKeyConstraint { $onUpdate = null; $onDelete = null; if ( preg_match( '(ON UPDATE ([a-zA-Z0-9]+( (NULL|ACTION|DEFAULT))?))', $tableForeignKey['condef'], $match, ) === 1 ) { $onUpdate = $match[1]; } if ( preg_match( '(ON DELETE ([a-zA-Z0-9]+( (NULL|ACTION|DEFAULT))?))', $tableForeignKey['condef'], $match, ) === 1 ) { $onDelete = $match[1]; } $result = preg_match('/FOREIGN KEY \((.+)\) REFERENCES (.+)\((.+)\)/', $tableForeignKey['condef'], $values); assert($result === 1); // PostgreSQL returns identifiers that are keywords with quotes, we need them later, don't get // the idea to trim them here. $localColumns = array_map('trim', explode(',', $values[1])); $foreignColumns = array_map('trim', explode(',', $values[3])); $foreignTable = $values[2]; return new ForeignKeyConstraint( $localColumns, $foreignTable, $foreignColumns, $tableForeignKey['conname'], ['onUpdate' => $onUpdate, 'onDelete' => $onDelete], ); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ protected function _getPortableViewDefinition(array $view): View { return new View($view['schemaname'] . '.' . $view['viewname'], $view['definition']); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ protected function _getPortableTableDefinition(array $table): string { $currentSchema = $this->getCurrentSchema(); if ($table['schema_name'] === $currentSchema) { return $table['table_name']; } return $table['schema_name'] . '.' . $table['table_name']; } /** * {@inheritDoc} * * @link */ protected function _getPortableTableIndexesList(array $tableIndexes, string $tableName): array { $buffer = []; foreach ($tableIndexes as $row) { $colNumbers = array_map('intval', explode(' ', $row['indkey'])); $columnNameSql = sprintf( 'SELECT attnum, attname FROM pg_attribute WHERE attrelid=%d AND attnum IN (%s) ORDER BY attnum ASC', $row['indrelid'], implode(' ,', $colNumbers), ); $indexColumns = $this->connection->fetchAllAssociative($columnNameSql); // required for getting the order of the columns right. foreach ($colNumbers as $colNum) { foreach ($indexColumns as $colRow) { if ($colNum !== $colRow['attnum']) { continue; } $buffer[] = [ 'key_name' => $row['relname'], 'column_name' => trim($colRow['attname']), 'non_unique' => ! $row['indisunique'], 'primary' => $row['indisprimary'], 'where' => $row['where'], ]; } } } return parent::_getPortableTableIndexesList($buffer, $tableName); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ protected function _getPortableDatabaseDefinition(array $database): string { return $database['datname']; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ protected function _getPortableSequenceDefinition(array $sequence): Sequence { if ($sequence['schemaname'] !== 'public') { $sequenceName = $sequence['schemaname'] . '.' . $sequence['relname']; } else { $sequenceName = $sequence['relname']; } return new Sequence($sequenceName, (int) $sequence['increment_by'], (int) $sequence['min_value']); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ protected function _getPortableTableColumnDefinition(array $tableColumn): Column { $tableColumn = array_change_key_case($tableColumn, CASE_LOWER); $length = null; if ( in_array(strtolower($tableColumn['type']), ['varchar', 'bpchar'], true) && preg_match('/\((\d*)\)/', $tableColumn['complete_type'], $matches) === 1 ) { $length = (int) $matches[1]; } $autoincrement = $tableColumn['attidentity'] === 'd'; $matches = []; assert(array_key_exists('default', $tableColumn)); assert(array_key_exists('complete_type', $tableColumn)); if ($tableColumn['default'] !== null) { if (preg_match("/^['(](.*)[')]::/", $tableColumn['default'], $matches) === 1) { $tableColumn['default'] = $matches[1]; } elseif (preg_match('/^NULL::/', $tableColumn['default']) === 1) { $tableColumn['default'] = null; } } if ($length === -1 && isset($tableColumn['atttypmod'])) { $length = $tableColumn['atttypmod'] - 4; } if ((int) $length <= 0) { $length = null; } $fixed = false; if (! isset($tableColumn['name'])) { $tableColumn['name'] = ''; } $precision = null; $scale = 0; $jsonb = null; $dbType = strtolower($tableColumn['type']); if ( $tableColumn['domain_type'] !== null && $tableColumn['domain_type'] !== '' && ! $this->platform->hasDoctrineTypeMappingFor($tableColumn['type']) ) { $dbType = strtolower($tableColumn['domain_type']); $tableColumn['complete_type'] = $tableColumn['domain_complete_type']; } $type = $this->platform->getDoctrineTypeMapping($dbType); switch ($dbType) { case 'smallint': case 'int2': case 'int': case 'int4': case 'integer': case 'bigint': case 'int8': $length = null; break; case 'bool': case 'boolean': if ($tableColumn['default'] === 'true') { $tableColumn['default'] = true; } if ($tableColumn['default'] === 'false') { $tableColumn['default'] = false; } $length = null; break; case 'json': case 'text': case '_varchar': case 'varchar': $tableColumn['default'] = $this->parseDefaultExpression($tableColumn['default']); break; case 'char': case 'bpchar': $fixed = true; break; case 'float': case 'float4': case 'float8': case 'double': case 'double precision': case 'real': case 'decimal': case 'money': case 'numeric': if ( preg_match( '([A-Za-z]+\(([0-9]+),([0-9]+)\))', $tableColumn['complete_type'], $match, ) === 1 ) { $precision = (int) $match[1]; $scale = (int) $match[2]; $length = null; } break; case 'year': $length = null; break; // PostgreSQL 9.4+ only case 'jsonb': $jsonb = true; break; } if ( is_string($tableColumn['default']) && preg_match( "('([^']+)'::)", $tableColumn['default'], $match, ) === 1 ) { $tableColumn['default'] = $match[1]; } $options = [ 'length' => $length, 'notnull' => (bool) $tableColumn['isnotnull'], 'default' => $tableColumn['default'], 'precision' => $precision, 'scale' => $scale, 'fixed' => $fixed, 'autoincrement' => $autoincrement, ]; if (isset($tableColumn['comment'])) { $options['comment'] = $tableColumn['comment']; } $column = new Column($tableColumn['field'], Type::getType($type), $options); if (! empty($tableColumn['collation'])) { $column->setPlatformOption('collation', $tableColumn['collation']); } if ($column->getType() instanceof JsonType) { $column->setPlatformOption('jsonb', $jsonb); } return $column; } /** * Parses a default value expression as given by PostgreSQL */ private function parseDefaultExpression(?string $default): ?string { if ($default === null) { return $default; } return str_replace("''", "'", $default); } protected function selectTableNames(string $databaseName): Result { $sql = <<<'SQL' SELECT quote_ident(table_name) AS table_name, table_schema AS schema_name FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_catalog = ? AND table_schema NOT LIKE 'pg\_%' AND table_schema != 'information_schema' AND table_name != 'geometry_columns' AND table_name != 'spatial_ref_sys' AND table_type = 'BASE TABLE' SQL; return $this->connection->executeQuery($sql, [$databaseName]); } protected function selectTableColumns(string $databaseName, ?string $tableName = null): Result { $sql = 'SELECT'; if ($tableName === null) { $sql .= ' c.relname AS table_name, n.nspname AS schema_name,'; } $sql .= <<<'SQL' a.attnum, quote_ident(a.attname) AS field, t.typname AS type, format_type(a.atttypid, a.atttypmod) AS complete_type, (SELECT tc.collcollate FROM pg_catalog.pg_collation tc WHERE tc.oid = a.attcollation) AS collation, (SELECT t1.typname FROM pg_catalog.pg_type t1 WHERE t1.oid = t.typbasetype) AS domain_type, (SELECT format_type(t2.typbasetype, t2.typtypmod) FROM pg_catalog.pg_type t2 WHERE t2.typtype = 'd' AND t2.oid = a.atttypid) AS domain_complete_type, a.attnotnull AS isnotnull, a.attidentity, (SELECT 't' FROM pg_index WHERE c.oid = pg_index.indrelid AND pg_index.indkey[0] = a.attnum AND pg_index.indisprimary = 't' ) AS pri, (SELECT pg_get_expr(adbin, adrelid) FROM pg_attrdef WHERE c.oid = pg_attrdef.adrelid AND pg_attrdef.adnum=a.attnum ) AS default, (SELECT pg_description.description FROM pg_description WHERE pg_description.objoid = c.oid AND a.attnum = pg_description.objsubid ) AS comment FROM pg_attribute a INNER JOIN pg_class c ON c.oid = a.attrelid INNER JOIN pg_type t ON t.oid = a.atttypid INNER JOIN pg_namespace n ON n.oid = c.relnamespace LEFT JOIN pg_depend d ON d.objid = c.oid AND d.deptype = 'e' AND d.classid = (SELECT oid FROM pg_class WHERE relname = 'pg_class') SQL; $conditions = array_merge([ 'a.attnum > 0', "c.relkind = 'r'", 'd.refobjid IS NULL', ], $this->buildQueryConditions($tableName)); $sql .= ' WHERE ' . implode(' AND ', $conditions) . ' ORDER BY a.attnum'; return $this->connection->executeQuery($sql); } protected function selectIndexColumns(string $databaseName, ?string $tableName = null): Result { $sql = 'SELECT'; if ($tableName === null) { $sql .= ' tc.relname AS table_name, tn.nspname AS schema_name,'; } $sql .= <<<'SQL' quote_ident(ic.relname) AS relname, i.indisunique, i.indisprimary, i.indkey, i.indrelid, pg_get_expr(indpred, indrelid) AS "where" FROM pg_index i JOIN pg_class AS tc ON tc.oid = i.indrelid JOIN pg_namespace tn ON tn.oid = tc.relnamespace JOIN pg_class AS ic ON ic.oid = i.indexrelid WHERE ic.oid IN ( SELECT indexrelid FROM pg_index i, pg_class c, pg_namespace n SQL; $conditions = array_merge([ 'c.oid = i.indrelid', 'c.relnamespace = n.oid', ], $this->buildQueryConditions($tableName)); $sql .= ' WHERE ' . implode(' AND ', $conditions) . ')'; return $this->connection->executeQuery($sql); } protected function selectForeignKeyColumns(string $databaseName, ?string $tableName = null): Result { $sql = 'SELECT'; if ($tableName === null) { $sql .= ' tc.relname AS table_name, tn.nspname AS schema_name,'; } $sql .= <<<'SQL' quote_ident(r.conname) as conname, pg_get_constraintdef(r.oid, true) as condef FROM pg_constraint r JOIN pg_class AS tc ON tc.oid = r.conrelid JOIN pg_namespace tn ON tn.oid = tc.relnamespace WHERE r.conrelid IN ( SELECT c.oid FROM pg_class c, pg_namespace n SQL; $conditions = array_merge(['n.oid = c.relnamespace'], $this->buildQueryConditions($tableName)); $sql .= ' WHERE ' . implode(' AND ', $conditions) . ") AND r.contype = 'f'"; return $this->connection->executeQuery($sql); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ protected function fetchTableOptionsByTable(string $databaseName, ?string $tableName = null): array { $sql = <<<'SQL' SELECT c.relname, CASE c.relpersistence WHEN 'u' THEN true ELSE false END as unlogged, obj_description(c.oid, 'pg_class') AS comment FROM pg_class c INNER JOIN pg_namespace n ON n.oid = c.relnamespace SQL; $conditions = array_merge(["c.relkind = 'r'"], $this->buildQueryConditions($tableName)); $sql .= ' WHERE ' . implode(' AND ', $conditions); return $this->connection->fetchAllAssociativeIndexed($sql); } /** @return list<string> */ private function buildQueryConditions(?string $tableName): array { $conditions = []; if ($tableName !== null) { if (str_contains($tableName, '.')) { [$schemaName, $tableName] = explode('.', $tableName); $conditions[] = 'n.nspname = ' . $this->platform->quoteStringLiteral($schemaName); } else { $conditions[] = 'n.nspname = ANY(current_schemas(false))'; } $identifier = new Identifier($tableName); $conditions[] = 'c.relname = ' . $this->platform->quoteStringLiteral($identifier->getName()); } $conditions[] = "n.nspname NOT IN ('pg_catalog', 'information_schema', 'pg_toast')"; return $conditions; } }