<?php declare(strict_types=1); namespace Doctrine\DBAL\Cache; use Doctrine\DBAL\Cache\Exception\NoCacheKey; use Doctrine\DBAL\Connection; use Psr\Cache\CacheItemPoolInterface; use function hash; use function serialize; use function sha1; /** * Query Cache Profile handles the data relevant for query caching. * * It is a value object, setter methods return NEW instances. * * @psalm-import-type WrapperParameterType from Connection */ class QueryCacheProfile { public function __construct( private readonly int $lifetime = 0, private readonly ?string $cacheKey = null, private readonly ?CacheItemPoolInterface $resultCache = null, ) { } public function getResultCache(): ?CacheItemPoolInterface { return $this->resultCache; } public function getLifetime(): int { return $this->lifetime; } /** @throws CacheException */ public function getCacheKey(): string { if ($this->cacheKey === null) { throw NoCacheKey::new(); } return $this->cacheKey; } /** * Generates the real cache key from query, params, types and connection parameters. * * @param list<mixed>|array<string, mixed> $params * @param array<string, mixed> $connectionParams * @psalm-param array<int, WrapperParameterType>|array<string, WrapperParameterType> $types * * @return array{string, string} */ public function generateCacheKeys(string $sql, array $params, array $types, array $connectionParams = []): array { if (isset($connectionParams['password'])) { unset($connectionParams['password']); } $realCacheKey = 'query=' . $sql . '&params=' . serialize($params) . '&types=' . serialize($types) . '&connectionParams=' . hash('sha256', serialize($connectionParams)); // should the key be automatically generated using the inputs or is the cache key set? $cacheKey = $this->cacheKey ?? sha1($realCacheKey); return [$cacheKey, $realCacheKey]; } public function setResultCache(CacheItemPoolInterface $cache): QueryCacheProfile { return new QueryCacheProfile($this->lifetime, $this->cacheKey, $cache); } public function setCacheKey(?string $cacheKey): self { return new QueryCacheProfile($this->lifetime, $cacheKey, $this->resultCache); } public function setLifetime(int $lifetime): self { return new QueryCacheProfile($lifetime, $this->cacheKey, $this->resultCache); } }