<?php namespace Illuminate\Database\Query\Processors; class SQLiteProcessor extends Processor { /** * Process the results of a columns query. * * @param array $results * @param string $sql * @return array */ public function processColumns($results, $sql = '') { $hasPrimaryKey = array_sum(array_column($results, 'primary')) === 1; return array_map(function ($result) use ($hasPrimaryKey, $sql) { $result = (object) $result; $type = strtolower($result->type); $collation = preg_match( '/\b'.preg_quote($result->name).'\b[^,(]+(?:\([^()]+\)[^,]*)?(?:(?:default|check|as)\s*(?:\(.*?\))?[^,]*)*collate\s+["\'`]?(\w+)/i', $sql, $matches ) === 1 ? strtolower($matches[1]) : null; $isGenerated = in_array($result->extra, [2, 3]); $expression = $isGenerated && preg_match( '/\b'.preg_quote($result->name).'\b[^,]+\s+as\s+\(((?:[^()]+|\((?:[^()]+|\([^()]*\))*\))*)\)/i', $sql, $matches ) === 1 ? $matches[1] : null; return [ 'name' => $result->name, 'type_name' => strtok($type, '(') ?: '', 'type' => $type, 'collation' => $collation, 'nullable' => (bool) $result->nullable, 'default' => $result->default, 'auto_increment' => $hasPrimaryKey && $result->primary && $type === 'integer', 'comment' => null, 'generation' => $isGenerated ? [ 'type' => match ((int) $result->extra) { 3 => 'stored', 2 => 'virtual', default => null, }, 'expression' => $expression, ] : null, ]; }, $results); } /** * Process the results of an indexes query. * * @param array $results * @return array */ public function processIndexes($results) { $primaryCount = 0; $indexes = array_map(function ($result) use (&$primaryCount) { $result = (object) $result; if ($isPrimary = (bool) $result->primary) { $primaryCount += 1; } return [ 'name' => strtolower($result->name), 'columns' => explode(',', $result->columns), 'type' => null, 'unique' => (bool) $result->unique, 'primary' => $isPrimary, ]; }, $results); if ($primaryCount > 1) { $indexes = array_filter($indexes, fn ($index) => $index['name'] !== 'primary'); } return $indexes; } /** * Process the results of a foreign keys query. * * @param array $results * @return array */ public function processForeignKeys($results) { return array_map(function ($result) { $result = (object) $result; return [ 'name' => null, 'columns' => explode(',', $result->columns), 'foreign_schema' => null, 'foreign_table' => $result->foreign_table, 'foreign_columns' => explode(',', $result->foreign_columns), 'on_update' => strtolower($result->on_update), 'on_delete' => strtolower($result->on_delete), ]; }, $results); } }