<?php declare(strict_types=1); /* * This file is part of PHPUnit. * * (c) Sebastian Bergmann <sebastian@phpunit.de> * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace PHPUnit\Framework; use const PHP_EOL; use function array_keys; use function array_map; use function assert; use function call_user_func; use function class_exists; use function count; use function implode; use function is_callable; use function is_file; use function is_subclass_of; use function sprintf; use function str_ends_with; use function str_starts_with; use function trim; use Iterator; use IteratorAggregate; use PHPUnit\Event; use PHPUnit\Event\Code\TestMethod; use PHPUnit\Event\NoPreviousThrowableException; use PHPUnit\Metadata\Api\Dependencies; use PHPUnit\Metadata\Api\Groups; use PHPUnit\Metadata\Api\HookMethods; use PHPUnit\Metadata\Api\Requirements; use PHPUnit\Metadata\MetadataCollection; use PHPUnit\Runner\Exception as RunnerException; use PHPUnit\Runner\Filter\Factory; use PHPUnit\Runner\PhptTestCase; use PHPUnit\Runner\TestSuiteLoader; use PHPUnit\TestRunner\TestResult\Facade as TestResultFacade; use PHPUnit\Util\Filter; use PHPUnit\Util\Reflection; use PHPUnit\Util\Test as TestUtil; use ReflectionClass; use ReflectionMethod; use SebastianBergmann\CodeCoverage\InvalidArgumentException; use SebastianBergmann\CodeCoverage\UnintentionallyCoveredCodeException; use Throwable; /** * @template-implements IteratorAggregate<int, Test> * * @internal This class is not covered by the backward compatibility promise for PHPUnit */ class TestSuite implements IteratorAggregate, Reorderable, SelfDescribing, Test { /** * @psalm-var non-empty-string */ private string $name; /** * @psalm-var array<string,list<Test>> */ private array $groups = []; /** * @psalm-var ?list<ExecutionOrderDependency> */ private ?array $requiredTests = null; /** * @psalm-var list<Test> */ private array $tests = []; /** * @psalm-var ?list<ExecutionOrderDependency> */ private ?array $providedTests = null; private ?Factory $iteratorFilter = null; /** * @psalm-param non-empty-string $name */ public static function empty(string $name): static { return new static($name); } /** * @psalm-param class-string $className */ public static function fromClassName(string $className): static { assert(class_exists($className)); $class = new ReflectionClass($className); return static::fromClassReflector($class); } public static function fromClassReflector(ReflectionClass $class): static { $testSuite = new static($class->getName()); $constructor = $class->getConstructor(); if ($constructor !== null && !$constructor->isPublic()) { Event\Facade::emitter()->testRunnerTriggeredWarning( sprintf( 'Class "%s" has no public constructor.', $class->getName(), ), ); return $testSuite; } foreach (Reflection::publicMethodsInTestClass($class) as $method) { if ($method->getDeclaringClass()->getName() === Assert::class) { continue; } if ($method->getDeclaringClass()->getName() === TestCase::class) { continue; } if (!TestUtil::isTestMethod($method)) { continue; } $testSuite->addTestMethod($class, $method); } if (count($testSuite) === 0) { Event\Facade::emitter()->testRunnerTriggeredWarning( sprintf( 'No tests found in class "%s".', $class->getName(), ), ); } return $testSuite; } /** * @psalm-param non-empty-string $name */ final private function __construct(string $name) { $this->name = $name; } /** * Returns a string representation of the test suite. */ public function toString(): string { return $this->name(); } /** * Adds a test to the suite. */ public function addTest(Test $test, array $groups = []): void { $class = new ReflectionClass($test); if (!$class->isAbstract()) { $this->tests[] = $test; $this->clearCaches(); if ($test instanceof self && empty($groups)) { $groups = $test->groups(); } if ($this->containsOnlyVirtualGroups($groups)) { $groups[] = 'default'; } foreach ($groups as $group) { if (!isset($this->groups[$group])) { $this->groups[$group] = [$test]; } else { $this->groups[$group][] = $test; } } if ($test instanceof TestCase) { $test->setGroups($groups); } } } /** * Adds the tests from the given class to the suite. * * @throws Exception */ public function addTestSuite(ReflectionClass $testClass): void { if ($testClass->isAbstract()) { throw new Exception( sprintf( 'Class %s is abstract', $testClass->getName(), ), ); } if (!$testClass->isSubclassOf(TestCase::class)) { throw new Exception( sprintf( 'Class %s is not a subclass of %s', $testClass->getName(), TestCase::class, ), ); } $this->addTest(self::fromClassReflector($testClass)); } /** * Wraps both <code>addTest()</code> and <code>addTestSuite</code> * as well as the separate import statements for the user's convenience. * * If the named file cannot be read or there are no new tests that can be * added, a <code>PHPUnit\Framework\WarningTestCase</code> will be created instead, * leaving the current test run untouched. * * @throws Exception */ public function addTestFile(string $filename): void { if (str_ends_with($filename, '.phpt') && is_file($filename)) { try { $this->addTest(new PhptTestCase($filename)); } catch (RunnerException $e) { Event\Facade::emitter()->testRunnerTriggeredWarning( $e->getMessage(), ); } return; } try { $this->addTestSuite( (new TestSuiteLoader)->load($filename), ); } catch (RunnerException $e) { Event\Facade::emitter()->testRunnerTriggeredWarning( $e->getMessage(), ); } } /** * Wrapper for addTestFile() that adds multiple test files. * * @throws Exception */ public function addTestFiles(iterable $fileNames): void { foreach ($fileNames as $filename) { $this->addTestFile((string) $filename); } } /** * Counts the number of test cases that will be run by this test. */ public function count(): int { $numTests = 0; foreach ($this as $test) { $numTests += count($test); } return $numTests; } public function isEmpty(): bool { return empty($this->tests); } /** * @psalm-return non-empty-string */ public function name(): string { return $this->name; } /** * Returns the test groups of the suite. * * @psalm-return list<string> */ public function groups(): array { return array_map( 'strval', array_keys($this->groups), ); } public function groupDetails(): array { return $this->groups; } /** * @throws CodeCoverageException * @throws Event\RuntimeException * @throws Exception * @throws InvalidArgumentException * @throws NoPreviousThrowableException * @throws UnintentionallyCoveredCodeException */ public function run(): void { if (count($this) === 0) { return; } $emitter = Event\Facade::emitter(); $testSuiteValueObjectForEvents = Event\TestSuite\TestSuiteBuilder::from($this); $emitter->testSuiteStarted($testSuiteValueObjectForEvents); if (!$this->invokeMethodsBeforeFirstTest($emitter, $testSuiteValueObjectForEvents)) { return; } foreach ($this as $test) { if (TestResultFacade::shouldStop()) { $emitter->testRunnerExecutionAborted(); break; } $test->run(); } $this->invokeMethodsAfterLastTest($emitter); $emitter->testSuiteFinished($testSuiteValueObjectForEvents); } /** * Returns the tests as an enumeration. * * @psalm-return list<Test> */ public function tests(): array { return $this->tests; } /** * Set tests of the test suite. * * @psalm-param list<Test> $tests */ public function setTests(array $tests): void { $this->tests = $tests; } /** * Mark the test suite as skipped. * * @throws SkippedTestSuiteError */ public function markTestSuiteSkipped(string $message = ''): never { throw new SkippedTestSuiteError($message); } /** * Returns an iterator for this test suite. */ public function getIterator(): Iterator { $iterator = new TestSuiteIterator($this); if ($this->iteratorFilter !== null) { $iterator = $this->iteratorFilter->factory($iterator, $this); } return $iterator; } public function injectFilter(Factory $filter): void { $this->iteratorFilter = $filter; foreach ($this as $test) { if ($test instanceof self) { $test->injectFilter($filter); } } } /** * @psalm-return list<ExecutionOrderDependency> */ public function provides(): array { if ($this->providedTests === null) { $this->providedTests = []; if (is_callable($this->sortId(), true)) { $this->providedTests[] = new ExecutionOrderDependency($this->sortId()); } foreach ($this->tests as $test) { if (!($test instanceof Reorderable)) { continue; } $this->providedTests = ExecutionOrderDependency::mergeUnique($this->providedTests, $test->provides()); } } return $this->providedTests; } /** * @psalm-return list<ExecutionOrderDependency> */ public function requires(): array { if ($this->requiredTests === null) { $this->requiredTests = []; foreach ($this->tests as $test) { if (!($test instanceof Reorderable)) { continue; } $this->requiredTests = ExecutionOrderDependency::mergeUnique( ExecutionOrderDependency::filterInvalid($this->requiredTests), $test->requires(), ); } $this->requiredTests = ExecutionOrderDependency::diff($this->requiredTests, $this->provides()); } return $this->requiredTests; } public function sortId(): string { return $this->name() . '::class'; } /** * @psalm-assert-if-true class-string $this->name */ public function isForTestClass(): bool { return class_exists($this->name, false) && is_subclass_of($this->name, TestCase::class); } /** * @throws Event\TestData\MoreThanOneDataSetFromDataProviderException * @throws Exception */ protected function addTestMethod(ReflectionClass $class, ReflectionMethod $method): void { $className = $class->getName(); $methodName = $method->getName(); assert(!empty($methodName)); try { $test = (new TestBuilder)->build($class, $methodName); } catch (InvalidDataProviderException $e) { Event\Facade::emitter()->testTriggeredPhpunitError( new TestMethod( $className, $methodName, $class->getFileName(), $method->getStartLine(), Event\Code\TestDoxBuilder::fromClassNameAndMethodName( $className, $methodName, ), MetadataCollection::fromArray([]), Event\TestData\TestDataCollection::fromArray([]), ), sprintf( "The data provider specified for %s::%s is invalid\n%s", $className, $methodName, $this->throwableToString($e), ), ); return; } if ($test instanceof TestCase || $test instanceof DataProviderTestSuite) { $test->setDependencies( Dependencies::dependencies($class->getName(), $methodName), ); } $this->addTest( $test, (new Groups)->groups($class->getName(), $methodName), ); } private function clearCaches(): void { $this->providedTests = null; $this->requiredTests = null; } private function containsOnlyVirtualGroups(array $groups): bool { foreach ($groups as $group) { if (!str_starts_with($group, '__phpunit_')) { return false; } } return true; } private function methodDoesNotExistOrIsDeclaredInTestCase(string $methodName): bool { $reflector = new ReflectionClass($this->name); return !$reflector->hasMethod($methodName) || $reflector->getMethod($methodName)->getDeclaringClass()->getName() === TestCase::class; } /** * @throws Exception */ private function throwableToString(Throwable $t): string { $message = $t->getMessage(); if (empty(trim($message))) { $message = '<no message>'; } if ($t instanceof InvalidDataProviderException) { return sprintf( "%s\n%s", $message, Filter::getFilteredStacktrace($t), ); } return sprintf( "%s: %s\n%s", $t::class, $message, Filter::getFilteredStacktrace($t), ); } /** * @throws Exception * @throws NoPreviousThrowableException */ private function invokeMethodsBeforeFirstTest(Event\Emitter $emitter, Event\TestSuite\TestSuite $testSuiteValueObjectForEvents): bool { if (!$this->isForTestClass()) { return true; } $methodsCalledBeforeFirstTest = []; $beforeClassMethods = (new HookMethods)->hookMethods($this->name)['beforeClass']; try { foreach ($beforeClassMethods as $beforeClassMethod) { if ($this->methodDoesNotExistOrIsDeclaredInTestCase($beforeClassMethod)) { continue; } if ($missingRequirements = (new Requirements)->requirementsNotSatisfiedFor($this->name, $beforeClassMethod)) { $this->markTestSuiteSkipped(implode(PHP_EOL, $missingRequirements)); } $methodCalledBeforeFirstTest = new Event\Code\ClassMethod( $this->name, $beforeClassMethod, ); $emitter->testBeforeFirstTestMethodCalled( $this->name, $methodCalledBeforeFirstTest, ); $methodsCalledBeforeFirstTest[] = $methodCalledBeforeFirstTest; call_user_func([$this->name, $beforeClassMethod]); } } catch (SkippedTest|SkippedTestSuiteError $e) { $emitter->testSuiteSkipped( $testSuiteValueObjectForEvents, $e->getMessage(), ); return false; } catch (Throwable $t) { assert(isset($methodCalledBeforeFirstTest)); $emitter->testBeforeFirstTestMethodErrored( $this->name, $methodCalledBeforeFirstTest, Event\Code\ThrowableBuilder::from($t), ); if (!empty($methodsCalledBeforeFirstTest)) { $emitter->testBeforeFirstTestMethodFinished( $this->name, ...$methodsCalledBeforeFirstTest, ); } return false; } if (!empty($methodsCalledBeforeFirstTest)) { $emitter->testBeforeFirstTestMethodFinished( $this->name, ...$methodsCalledBeforeFirstTest, ); } return true; } private function invokeMethodsAfterLastTest(Event\Emitter $emitter): void { if (!$this->isForTestClass()) { return; } $methodsCalledAfterLastTest = []; $afterClassMethods = (new HookMethods)->hookMethods($this->name)['afterClass']; foreach ($afterClassMethods as $afterClassMethod) { if ($this->methodDoesNotExistOrIsDeclaredInTestCase($afterClassMethod)) { continue; } try { call_user_func([$this->name, $afterClassMethod]); $methodCalledAfterLastTest = new Event\Code\ClassMethod( $this->name, $afterClassMethod, ); $emitter->testAfterLastTestMethodCalled( $this->name, $methodCalledAfterLastTest, ); $methodsCalledAfterLastTest[] = $methodCalledAfterLastTest; } catch (Throwable) { // @todo } } if (!empty($methodsCalledAfterLastTest)) { $emitter->testAfterLastTestMethodFinished( $this->name, ...$methodsCalledAfterLastTest, ); } } }