<?php namespace Laravel\Prompts; class TextareaPrompt extends Prompt { use Concerns\Scrolling; use Concerns\Truncation; use Concerns\TypedValue; /** * The width of the textarea. */ public int $width = 60; /** * Create a new TextareaPrompt instance. */ public function __construct( public string $label, public string $placeholder = '', public string $default = '', public bool|string $required = false, public mixed $validate = null, public string $hint = '', int $rows = 5, ) { $this->scroll = $rows; $this->initializeScrolling(); $this->trackTypedValue( default: $default, submit: false, allowNewLine: true, ); $this->on('key', function ($key) { if ($key[0] === "\e") { match ($key) { Key::UP, Key::UP_ARROW, Key::CTRL_P => $this->handleUpKey(), Key::DOWN, Key::DOWN_ARROW, Key::CTRL_N => $this->handleDownKey(), default => null, }; return; } // Keys may be buffered. foreach (mb_str_split($key) as $key) { if ($key === Key::CTRL_D) { $this->submit(); return; } } }); } /** * Get the formatted value with a virtual cursor. */ public function valueWithCursor(): string { if ($this->value() === '') { return $this->wrappedPlaceholderWithCursor(); } return $this->addCursor($this->wrappedValue(), $this->cursorPosition + $this->cursorOffset(), -1); } /** * The word-wrapped version of the typed value. */ public function wrappedValue(): string { return $this->mbWordwrap($this->value(), $this->width, PHP_EOL, true); } /** * The formatted lines. * * @return array<int, string> */ public function lines(): array { return explode(PHP_EOL, $this->wrappedValue()); } /** * The currently visible lines. * * @return array<int, string> */ public function visible(): array { $this->adjustVisibleWindow(); $withCursor = $this->valueWithCursor(); return array_slice(explode(PHP_EOL, $withCursor), $this->firstVisible, $this->scroll, preserve_keys: true); } /** * Handle the up key press. */ protected function handleUpKey(): void { if ($this->cursorPosition === 0) { return; } $lines = collect($this->lines()); // Line length + 1 for the newline character $lineLengths = $lines->map(fn ($line, $index) => mb_strlen($line) + ($index === $lines->count() - 1 ? 0 : 1)); $currentLineIndex = $this->currentLineIndex(); if ($currentLineIndex === 0) { // They're already at the first line, jump them to the first position $this->cursorPosition = 0; return; } $currentLines = $lineLengths->slice(0, $currentLineIndex + 1); $currentColumn = $currentLines->last() - ($currentLines->sum() - $this->cursorPosition); $destinationLineLength = ($lineLengths->get($currentLineIndex - 1) ?? $currentLines->first()) - 1; $newColumn = min($destinationLineLength, $currentColumn); $fullLines = $currentLines->slice(0, -2); $this->cursorPosition = $fullLines->sum() + $newColumn; } /** * Handle the down key press. */ protected function handleDownKey(): void { $lines = collect($this->lines()); // Line length + 1 for the newline character $lineLengths = $lines->map(fn ($line, $index) => mb_strlen($line) + ($index === $lines->count() - 1 ? 0 : 1)); $currentLineIndex = $this->currentLineIndex(); if ($currentLineIndex === $lines->count() - 1) { // They're already at the last line, jump them to the last position $this->cursorPosition = mb_strlen($lines->implode(PHP_EOL)); return; } // Lines up to and including the current line $currentLines = $lineLengths->slice(0, $currentLineIndex + 1); $currentColumn = $currentLines->last() - ($currentLines->sum() - $this->cursorPosition); $destinationLineLength = $lineLengths->get($currentLineIndex + 1) ?? $currentLines->last(); if ($currentLineIndex + 1 !== $lines->count() - 1) { $destinationLineLength--; } $newColumn = min(max(0, $destinationLineLength), $currentColumn); $this->cursorPosition = $currentLines->sum() + $newColumn; } /** * Adjust the visible window to ensure the cursor is always visible. */ protected function adjustVisibleWindow(): void { if (count($this->lines()) < $this->scroll) { return; } $currentLineIndex = $this->currentLineIndex(); while ($this->firstVisible + $this->scroll <= $currentLineIndex) { $this->firstVisible++; } if ($currentLineIndex === $this->firstVisible - 1) { $this->firstVisible = max(0, $this->firstVisible - 1); } // Make sure there are always the scroll amount visible if ($this->firstVisible + $this->scroll > count($this->lines())) { $this->firstVisible = count($this->lines()) - $this->scroll; } } /** * Get the index of the current line that the cursor is on. */ protected function currentLineIndex(): int { $totalLineLength = 0; return (int) collect($this->lines())->search(function ($line) use (&$totalLineLength) { $totalLineLength += mb_strlen($line) + 1; return $totalLineLength > $this->cursorPosition; }) ?: 0; } /** * Calculate the cursor offset considering wrapped words. */ protected function cursorOffset(): int { $cursorOffset = 0; preg_match_all('/\S{'.$this->width.',}/u', $this->value(), $matches, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE); foreach ($matches[0] as $match) { if ($this->cursorPosition + $cursorOffset >= $match[1] + mb_strwidth($match[0])) { $cursorOffset += (int) floor(mb_strwidth($match[0]) / $this->width); } } return $cursorOffset; } /** * A wrapped version of the placeholder with the virtual cursor. */ protected function wrappedPlaceholderWithCursor(): string { return implode(PHP_EOL, array_map( $this->dim(...), explode(PHP_EOL, $this->addCursor( $this->mbWordwrap($this->placeholder, $this->width, PHP_EOL, true), cursorPosition: 0, )) )); } }