<?php declare(strict_types=1); namespace League\Flysystem; use RuntimeException; use Throwable; final class UnableToRetrieveMetadata extends RuntimeException implements FilesystemOperationFailed { /** * @var string */ private $location; /** * @var string */ private $metadataType; /** * @var string */ private $reason; public static function lastModified(string $location, string $reason = '', ?Throwable $previous = null): self { return static::create($location, FileAttributes::ATTRIBUTE_LAST_MODIFIED, $reason, $previous); } public static function visibility(string $location, string $reason = '', ?Throwable $previous = null): self { return static::create($location, FileAttributes::ATTRIBUTE_VISIBILITY, $reason, $previous); } public static function fileSize(string $location, string $reason = '', ?Throwable $previous = null): self { return static::create($location, FileAttributes::ATTRIBUTE_FILE_SIZE, $reason, $previous); } public static function mimeType(string $location, string $reason = '', ?Throwable $previous = null): self { return static::create($location, FileAttributes::ATTRIBUTE_MIME_TYPE, $reason, $previous); } public static function create(string $location, string $type, string $reason = '', ?Throwable $previous = null): self { $e = new static("Unable to retrieve the $type for file at location: $location. {$reason}", 0, $previous); $e->reason = $reason; $e->location = $location; $e->metadataType = $type; return $e; } public function reason(): string { return $this->reason; } public function location(): string { return $this->location; } public function metadataType(): string { return $this->metadataType; } public function operation(): string { return FilesystemOperationFailed::OPERATION_RETRIEVE_METADATA; } }