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<?php /* * This file is part of Psy Shell. * * (c) 2012-2023 Justin Hileman * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Psy\CodeCleaner; use PhpParser\Node; use PhpParser\Node\Stmt\Do_; use PhpParser\Node\Stmt\Function_; use PhpParser\Node\Stmt\If_; use PhpParser\Node\Stmt\Switch_; use PhpParser\Node\Stmt\While_; use Psy\Exception\FatalErrorException; /** * Validate that function calls will succeed. * * This pass throws a FatalErrorException rather than letting PHP run * headfirst into a real fatal error and die. */ class ValidFunctionNamePass extends NamespaceAwarePass { private $conditionalScopes = 0; /** * Store newly defined function names on the way in, to allow recursion. * * @throws FatalErrorException if a function is redefined in a non-conditional scope * * @param Node $node * * @return int|Node|null Replacement node (or special return value) */ public function enterNode(Node $node) { parent::enterNode($node); if (self::isConditional($node)) { $this->conditionalScopes++; } elseif ($node instanceof Function_) { $name = $this->getFullyQualifiedName($node->name); // @todo add an "else" here which adds a runtime check for instances where we can't tell // whether a function is being redefined by static analysis alone. if ($this->conditionalScopes === 0) { if (\function_exists($name) || isset($this->currentScope[\strtolower($name)])) { $msg = \sprintf('Cannot redeclare %s()', $name); throw new FatalErrorException($msg, 0, \E_ERROR, null, $node->getStartLine()); } } $this->currentScope[\strtolower($name)] = true; } } /** * @param Node $node * * @return int|Node|Node[]|null Replacement node (or special return value) */ public function leaveNode(Node $node) { if (self::isConditional($node)) { $this->conditionalScopes--; } } private static function isConditional(Node $node) { return $node instanceof If_ || $node instanceof While_ || $node instanceof Do_ || $node instanceof Switch_; } }