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<script setup> import { useI18n } from 'vue-i18n' import { computed, reactive, ref, watch } from 'vue' import { useRoute } from 'vue-router' import { debounce } from 'lodash' import { useInvoiceStore } from '@/scripts/admin/stores/invoice' import { useModalStore } from '@/scripts/stores/modal' import { useUserStore } from '@/scripts/admin/stores/user' import { useDialogStore } from '@/scripts/stores/dialog' import SendInvoiceModal from '@/scripts/admin/components/modal-components/SendInvoiceModal.vue' import InvoiceDropdown from '@/scripts/admin/components/dropdowns/InvoiceIndexDropdown.vue' import LoadingIcon from '@/scripts/components/icons/LoadingIcon.vue' import abilities from '@/scripts/admin/stub/abilities' const modalStore = useModalStore() const invoiceStore = useInvoiceStore() const userStore = useUserStore() const dialogStore = useDialogStore() const { t } = useI18n() const invoiceData = ref(null) const route = useRoute() const isMarkAsSent = ref(false) const isLoading = ref(false) const invoiceList = ref(null) const currentPageNumber = ref(1) const lastPageNumber = ref(1) const invoiceListSection = ref(null) const searchData = reactive({ orderBy: null, orderByField: null, searchText: null, }) const pageTitle = computed(() => invoiceData.value.invoice_number) const getOrderBy = computed(() => { if (searchData.orderBy === 'asc' || searchData.orderBy == null) { return true } return false }) const getOrderName = computed(() => { if (getOrderBy.value) { return t('general.ascending') } return t('general.descending') }) const shareableLink = computed(() => { return `/invoices/pdf/${invoiceData.value.unique_hash}` }) const getCurrentInvoiceId = computed(() => { if (invoiceData.value && { return } return null }) watch(route, (to, from) => { if ( === 'invoices.view') { loadInvoice() } }) async function onMarkAsSent() { dialogStore .openDialog({ title: t('general.are_you_sure'), message: t('invoices.invoice_mark_as_sent'), yesLabel: t('general.ok'), noLabel: t('general.cancel'), variant: 'primary', hideNoButton: false, size: 'lg', }) .then(async (response) => { isMarkAsSent.value = false if (response) { await invoiceStore.markAsSent({ id:, status: 'SENT', }) invoiceData.value.status = 'SENT' isMarkAsSent.value = true } isMarkAsSent.value = false }) } async function onSendInvoice(id) { modalStore.openModal({ title: t('invoices.send_invoice'), componentName: 'SendInvoiceModal', id:, data: invoiceData.value, }) } function hasActiveUrl(id) { return == id } async function loadInvoices(pageNumber, fromScrollListener = false) { if (isLoading.value) { return } let params = {} if ( searchData.searchText !== '' && searchData.searchText !== null && searchData.searchText !== undefined ) { = searchData.searchText } if (searchData.orderBy !== null && searchData.orderBy !== undefined) { params.orderBy = searchData.orderBy } if ( searchData.orderByField !== null && searchData.orderByField !== undefined ) { params.orderByField = searchData.orderByField } isLoading.value = true let response = await invoiceStore.fetchInvoices({ page: pageNumber, ...params, }) isLoading.value = false invoiceList.value = invoiceList.value ? invoiceList.value : [] invoiceList.value = [...invoiceList.value,] currentPageNumber.value = pageNumber ? pageNumber : 1 lastPageNumber.value = let invoiceFound = invoiceList.value.find((inv) => == if ( fromScrollListener == false && !invoiceFound && currentPageNumber.value < lastPageNumber.value && Object.keys(params).length === 0 ) { loadInvoices(++currentPageNumber.value) } if (invoiceFound) { setTimeout(() => { if (fromScrollListener == false) { scrollToInvoice() } }, 500) } } function scrollToInvoice() { const el = document.getElementById(`invoice-${}`) if (el) { el.scrollIntoView({ behavior: 'smooth' }) el.classList.add('shake') addScrollListener() } } function addScrollListener() { invoiceListSection.value.addEventListener('scroll', (ev) => { if ( > 0 && + > - 200 ) { if (currentPageNumber.value < lastPageNumber.value) { loadInvoices(++currentPageNumber.value, true) } } }) } async function loadInvoice() { let response = await invoiceStore.fetchInvoice( if ( { invoiceData.value = { } } } async function onSearched() { invoiceList.value = [] loadInvoices() } function sortData() { if (searchData.orderBy === 'asc') { searchData.orderBy = 'desc' onSearched() return true } searchData.orderBy = 'asc' onSearched() return true } function updateSentInvoice() { let pos = invoiceList.value.findIndex( (invoice) => === ) if (invoiceList.value[pos]) { invoiceList.value[pos].status = 'SENT' invoiceData.value.status = 'SENT' } } loadInvoices() loadInvoice() onSearched = debounce(onSearched, 500) </script> <template> <SendInvoiceModal @update="updateSentInvoice" /> <BasePage v-if="invoiceData" class="xl:pl-96 xl:ml-8"> <BasePageHeader :title="pageTitle"> <template #actions> <div class="text-sm mr-3"> <BaseButton v-if=" invoiceData.status === 'DRAFT' && userStore.hasAbilities(abilities.EDIT_INVOICE) " :disabled="isMarkAsSent" variant="primary-outline" @click="onMarkAsSent" > {{ $t('invoices.mark_as_sent') }} </BaseButton> </div> <BaseButton v-if=" invoiceData.status === 'DRAFT' && userStore.hasAbilities(abilities.SEND_INVOICE) " variant="primary" class="text-sm" @click="onSendInvoice" > {{ $t('invoices.send_invoice') }} </BaseButton> <!-- Record Payment --> <router-link v-if="userStore.hasAbilities(abilities.CREATE_PAYMENT)" :to="`/admin/payments/${$}/create`" > <BaseButton v-if=" invoiceData.status === 'SENT' || invoiceData.status === 'VIEWED' " variant="primary" > {{ $t('invoices.record_payment') }} </BaseButton> </router-link> <!-- Invoice Dropdown --> <InvoiceDropdown class="ml-3" :row="invoiceData" :load-data="loadInvoices" /> </template> </BasePageHeader> <!-- sidebar --> <div class=" fixed top-0 left-0 hidden h-full pt-16 pb-[6.4rem] ml-56 bg-white xl:ml-64 w-88 xl:block " > <div class=" flex items-center justify-between px-4 pt-8 pb-2 border border-gray-200 border-solid height-full " > <div class="mb-6"> <BaseInput v-model="searchData.searchText" :placeholder="$t('')" type="text" variant="gray" @input="onSearched()" > <template #right> <BaseIcon name="SearchIcon" class="h-5 text-gray-400" /> </template> </BaseInput> </div> <div class="flex mb-6 ml-3" role="group" aria-label="First group"> <BaseDropdown class="ml-3" position="bottom-start"> <template #activator> <BaseButton size="md" variant="gray"> <BaseIcon name="FilterIcon" /> </BaseButton> </template> <div class=" px-2 py-1 pb-2 mb-1 mb-2 text-sm border-b border-gray-200 border-solid " > {{ $t('general.sort_by') }} </div> <BaseDropdownItem class="flex px-1 py-2 cursor-pointer"> <BaseInputGroup class="-mt-3 font-normal"> <BaseRadio id="filter_invoice_date" v-model="searchData.orderByField" :label="$t('reports.invoices.invoice_date')" size="sm" name="filter" value="invoice_date" @update:modelValue="onSearched" /> </BaseInputGroup> </BaseDropdownItem> <BaseDropdownItem class="flex px-1 py-2 cursor-pointer"> <BaseInputGroup class="-mt-3 font-normal"> <BaseRadio id="filter_due_date" v-model="searchData.orderByField" :label="$t('invoices.due_date')" value="due_date" size="sm" name="filter" @update:modelValue="onSearched" /> </BaseInputGroup> </BaseDropdownItem> <BaseDropdownItem class="flex px-1 py-2 cursor-pointer"> <BaseInputGroup class="-mt-3 font-normal"> <BaseRadio id="filter_invoice_number" v-model="searchData.orderByField" :label="$t('invoices.invoice_number')" value="invoice_number" size="sm" name="filter" @update:modelValue="onSearched" /> </BaseInputGroup> </BaseDropdownItem> </BaseDropdown> <BaseButton class="ml-1" size="md" variant="gray" @click="sortData"> <BaseIcon v-if="getOrderBy" name="SortAscendingIcon" /> <BaseIcon v-else name="SortDescendingIcon" /> </BaseButton> </div> </div> <div ref="invoiceListSection" class=" h-full overflow-y-scroll border-l border-gray-200 border-solid base-scroll " > <div v-for="(invoice, index) in invoiceList" :key="index"> <router-link v-if="invoice" :id="'invoice-' +" :to="`/admin/invoices/${}/view`" :class="[ 'flex justify-between side-invoice p-4 cursor-pointer hover:bg-gray-100 items-center border-l-4 border-transparent', { 'bg-gray-100 border-l-4 border-primary-500 border-solid': hasActiveUrl(, }, ]" style="border-bottom: 1px solid rgba(185, 193, 209, 0.41)" > <div class="flex-2"> <BaseText :text="" class=" pr-2 mb-2 text-sm not-italic font-normal leading-5 text-black capitalize truncate " /> <div class=" mt-1 mb-2 text-xs not-italic font-medium leading-5 text-gray-600 " > {{ invoice.invoice_number }} </div> <BaseEstimateStatusBadge :status="invoice.status" class="px-1 text-xs" > <BaseInvoiceStatusLabel :status="invoice.status" /> </BaseEstimateStatusBadge> </div> <div class="flex-1 whitespace-nowrap right"> <BaseFormatMoney class=" mb-2 text-xl not-italic font-semibold leading-8 text-right text-gray-900 block " :amount="" :currency="invoice.customer.currency" /> <div class=" text-sm not-italic font-normal leading-5 text-right text-gray-600 est-date " > {{ invoice.formatted_invoice_date }} </div> </div> </router-link> </div> <div v-if="isLoading" class="flex justify-center p-4 items-center"> <LoadingIcon class="h-6 m-1 animate-spin text-primary-400" /> </div> <p v-if="!invoiceList?.length && !isLoading" class="flex justify-center px-4 mt-5 text-sm text-gray-600" > {{ $t('invoices.no_matching_invoices') }} </p> </div> </div> <div class="flex flex-col min-h-0 mt-8 overflow-hidden" style="height: 75vh" > <iframe :src="`${shareableLink}`" class=" flex-1 border border-gray-400 border-solid bg-white rounded-md frame-style " /> </div> </BasePage> </template>