File "Parameter.php"
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* Mockery (
* @copyright
* @license BSD 3-Clause License
* @link for the canonical source repository
namespace Mockery\Generator;
use Mockery\Reflector;
use ReflectionClass;
use ReflectionParameter;
use function class_exists;
* @mixin ReflectionParameter
class Parameter
* @var int
private static $parameterCounter = 0;
* @var ReflectionParameter
private $rfp;
public function __construct(ReflectionParameter $rfp)
$this->rfp = $rfp;
* Proxy all method calls to the reflection parameter.
* @template TMixed
* @template TResult
* @param string $method
* @param array<TMixed> $args
* @return TResult
public function __call($method, array $args)
/** @var TResult */
return $this->rfp->{$method}(...$args);
* Get the reflection class for the parameter type, if it exists.
* This will be null if there was no type, or it was a scalar or a union.
* @return null|ReflectionClass
* @deprecated since 1.3.3 and will be removed in 2.0.
public function getClass()
$typeHint = Reflector::getTypeHint($this->rfp, true);
return class_exists($typeHint) ? DefinedTargetClass::factory($typeHint, false) : null;
* Get the name of the parameter.
* Some internal classes have funny looking definitions!
* @return string
public function getName()
$name = $this->rfp->getName();
if (! $name || $name === '...') {
return 'arg' . self::$parameterCounter++;
return $name;
* Get the string representation for the paramater type.
* @return null|string
public function getTypeHint()
return Reflector::getTypeHint($this->rfp);
* Get the string representation for the paramater type.
* @return string
* @deprecated since 1.3.2 and will be removed in 2.0. Use getTypeHint() instead.
public function getTypeHintAsString()
return (string) Reflector::getTypeHint($this->rfp, true);
* Determine if the parameter is an array.
* @return bool
public function isArray()
return Reflector::isArray($this->rfp);
* Determine if the parameter is variadic.
* @return bool
public function isVariadic()
return $this->rfp->isVariadic();