File "PhpiredisStreamConnection.php"

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 * This file is part of the Predis package.
 * (c) 2009-2020 Daniele Alessandri
 * (c) 2021-2023 Till Krüss
 * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
 * file that was distributed with this source code.

namespace Predis\Connection;

use Closure;
use InvalidArgumentException;
use Predis\Command\CommandInterface;
use Predis\NotSupportedException;
use Predis\Response\Error as ErrorResponse;
use Predis\Response\Status as StatusResponse;

 * This class provides the implementation of a Predis connection that uses PHP's
 * streams for network communication and wraps the phpiredis C extension (PHP
 * bindings for hiredis) to parse and serialize the Redis protocol.
 * This class is intended to provide an optional low-overhead alternative for
 * processing responses from Redis compared to the standard pure-PHP classes.
 * Differences in speed when dealing with short inline responses are practically
 * nonexistent, the actual speed boost is for big multibulk responses when this
 * protocol processor can parse and return responses very fast.
 * For instructions on how to build and install the phpiredis extension, please
 * consult the repository of the project.
 * The connection parameters supported by this class are:
 *  - scheme: it can be either 'redis', 'tcp' or 'unix'.
 *  - host: hostname or IP address of the server.
 *  - port: TCP port of the server.
 *  - path: path of a UNIX domain socket when scheme is 'unix'.
 *  - timeout: timeout to perform the connection.
 *  - read_write_timeout: timeout of read / write operations.
 *  - async_connect: performs the connection asynchronously.
 *  - tcp_nodelay: enables or disables Nagle's algorithm for coalescing.
 *  - persistent: the connection is left intact after a GC collection.
 * @see
 * @deprecated 2.1.2
class PhpiredisStreamConnection extends StreamConnection
    private $reader;

     * {@inheritdoc}
    public function __construct(ParametersInterface $parameters)


        $this->reader = $this->createReader();

     * {@inheritdoc}
    public function __destruct()


     * {@inheritdoc}
    public function disconnect()


     * Checks if the phpiredis extension is loaded in PHP.
    private function assertExtensions()
        if (!extension_loaded('phpiredis')) {
            throw new NotSupportedException(
                'The "phpiredis" extension is required by this connection backend.'

     * {@inheritdoc}
    protected function assertParameters(ParametersInterface $parameters)
        switch ($parameters->scheme) {
            case 'tcp':
            case 'redis':
            case 'unix':

            case 'tls':
            case 'rediss':
                throw new InvalidArgumentException('SSL encryption is not supported by this connection backend.');
                throw new InvalidArgumentException("Invalid scheme: '$parameters->scheme'.");

        return $parameters;

     * {@inheritdoc}
    protected function createStreamSocket(ParametersInterface $parameters, $address, $flags)
        $socket = null;
        $timeout = (isset($parameters->timeout) ? (float) $parameters->timeout : 5.0);
        $context = stream_context_create(['socket' => ['tcp_nodelay' => (bool) $parameters->tcp_nodelay]]);

        if (!$resource = @stream_socket_client($address, $errno, $errstr, $timeout, $flags, $context)) {
            $this->onConnectionError(trim($errstr), $errno);

        if (isset($parameters->read_write_timeout) && function_exists('socket_import_stream')) {
            $rwtimeout = (float) $parameters->read_write_timeout;
            $rwtimeout = $rwtimeout > 0 ? $rwtimeout : -1;

            $timeout = [
                'sec' => $timeoutSeconds = floor($rwtimeout),
                'usec' => ($rwtimeout - $timeoutSeconds) * 1000000,

            $socket = $socket ?: socket_import_stream($resource);
            @socket_set_option($socket, SOL_SOCKET, SO_SNDTIMEO, $timeout);
            @socket_set_option($socket, SOL_SOCKET, SO_RCVTIMEO, $timeout);

        if (isset($parameters->tcp_nodelay) && function_exists('socket_import_stream')) {
            $socket = $socket ?: socket_import_stream($resource);
            socket_set_option($socket, SOL_TCP, TCP_NODELAY, (int) $parameters->tcp_nodelay);

        return $resource;

     * Creates a new instance of the protocol reader resource.
     * @return resource
    private function createReader()
        $reader = phpiredis_reader_create();

        phpiredis_reader_set_status_handler($reader, $this->getStatusHandler());
        phpiredis_reader_set_error_handler($reader, $this->getErrorHandler());

        return $reader;

     * Returns the underlying protocol reader resource.
     * @return resource
    protected function getReader()
        return $this->reader;

     * Returns the handler used by the protocol reader for inline responses.
     * @return Closure
    protected function getStatusHandler()
        static $statusHandler;

        if (!$statusHandler) {
            $statusHandler = function ($payload) {
                return StatusResponse::get($payload);

        return $statusHandler;

     * Returns the handler used by the protocol reader for error responses.
     * @return Closure
    protected function getErrorHandler()
        static $errorHandler;

        if (!$errorHandler) {
            $errorHandler = function ($errorMessage) {
                return new ErrorResponse($errorMessage);

        return $errorHandler;

     * {@inheritdoc}
    public function read()
        $socket = $this->getResource();
        $reader = $this->reader;

        while (PHPIREDIS_READER_STATE_INCOMPLETE === $state = phpiredis_reader_get_state($reader)) {
            $buffer = stream_socket_recvfrom($socket, 4096);

            if ($buffer === false || $buffer === '') {
                $this->onConnectionError('Error while reading bytes from the server.');

            phpiredis_reader_feed($reader, $buffer);

        if ($state === PHPIREDIS_READER_STATE_COMPLETE) {
            return phpiredis_reader_get_reply($reader);
        } else {


     * {@inheritdoc}
    public function writeRequest(CommandInterface $command)
        $arguments = $command->getArguments();
        array_unshift($arguments, $command->getId());


     * {@inheritdoc}
    public function __wakeup()
        $this->reader = $this->createReader();