File "AbstractRenderer-20250319084559.php"
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Charset: utf-8
* @package dompdf
* @link
* @license GNU Lesser General Public License
namespace Dompdf\Renderer;
use Dompdf\Adapter\CPDF;
use Dompdf\Css\Color;
use Dompdf\Css\Style;
use Dompdf\Dompdf;
use Dompdf\Helpers;
use Dompdf\Frame;
use Dompdf\Image\Cache;
* Base renderer class
* @package dompdf
abstract class AbstractRenderer
* Rendering backend
* @var \Dompdf\Canvas
protected $_canvas;
* Current dompdf instance
* @var Dompdf
protected $_dompdf;
* Class constructor
* @param Dompdf $dompdf The current dompdf instance
function __construct(Dompdf $dompdf)
$this->_dompdf = $dompdf;
$this->_canvas = $dompdf->getCanvas();
* Render a frame.
* Specialized in child classes
* @param Frame $frame The frame to render
abstract function render(Frame $frame);
* @param Frame $frame
* @param float[] $border_box
protected function _render_background(Frame $frame, array $border_box): void
$style = $frame->get_style();
$color = $style->background_color;
$image = $style->background_image;
[$x, $y, $w, $h] = $border_box;
if ($color === "transparent" && $image === "none") {
if ($style->has_border_radius()) {
[$tl, $tr, $br, $bl] = $style->resolve_border_radius($border_box);
$this->_canvas->clipping_roundrectangle($x, $y, $w, $h, $tl, $tr, $br, $bl);
if ($color !== "transparent") {
$this->_canvas->filled_rectangle($x, $y, $w, $h, $color);
if ($image !== "none") {
$this->_background_image($image, $x, $y, $w, $h, $style);
if ($style->has_border_radius()) {
* @param Frame $frame
* @param float[] $border_box
* @param string $corner_style
protected function _render_border(Frame $frame, array $border_box, string $corner_style = "bevel"): void
$style = $frame->get_style();
$bp = $style->get_border_properties();
[$x, $y, $w, $h] = $border_box;
[$tl, $tr, $br, $bl] = $style->resolve_border_radius($border_box);
// Short-cut: If all the borders are "solid" with the same color and
// style, and no radius, we'd better draw a rectangle
if ($bp["top"]["style"] === "solid" &&
$bp["top"] === $bp["right"] &&
$bp["right"] === $bp["bottom"] &&
$bp["bottom"] === $bp["left"] &&
) {
$props = $bp["top"];
if ($props["color"] === "transparent" || $props["width"] <= 0) {
$width = (float)$style->length_in_pt($props["width"]);
$this->_canvas->rectangle($x + $width / 2, $y + $width / 2, $w - $width, $h - $width, $props["color"], $width);
// Do it the long way
$widths = [
foreach ($bp as $side => $props) {
if ($props["style"] === "none" ||
$props["style"] === "hidden" ||
$props["color"] === "transparent" ||
$props["width"] <= 0
) {
[$x, $y, $w, $h] = $border_box;
$method = "_border_" . $props["style"];
switch ($side) {
case "top":
$length = $w;
$r1 = $tl;
$r2 = $tr;
case "bottom":
$length = $w;
$y += $h;
$r1 = $bl;
$r2 = $br;
case "left":
$length = $h;
$r1 = $tl;
$r2 = $bl;
case "right":
$length = $h;
$x += $w;
$r1 = $tr;
$r2 = $br;
// draw rounded corners
$this->$method($x, $y, $length, $props["color"], $widths, $side, $corner_style, $r1, $r2);
* @param Frame $frame
* @param float[] $border_box
* @param string $corner_style
protected function _render_outline(Frame $frame, array $border_box, string $corner_style = "bevel"): void
$style = $frame->get_style();
$width = $style->outline_width;
$outline_style = $style->outline_style;
$color = $style->outline_color;
if ($outline_style === "none" || $color === "transparent" || $width <= 0) {
$offset = $style->outline_offset;
[$x, $y, $w, $h] = $border_box;
$d = $width + $offset;
$outline_box = [$x - $d, $y - $d, $w + $d * 2, $h + $d * 2];
[$tl, $tr, $br, $bl] = $style->resolve_border_radius($border_box, $outline_box);
$x -= $offset;
$y -= $offset;
$w += $offset * 2;
$h += $offset * 2;
// For a simple outline, we can draw a rectangle
if ($outline_style === "solid" && !$style->has_border_radius()) {
$x -= $width / 2;
$y -= $width / 2;
$w += $width;
$h += $width;
$this->_canvas->rectangle($x, $y, $w, $h, $color, $width);
$x -= $width;
$y -= $width;
$w += $width * 2;
$h += $width * 2;
$method = "_border_" . $outline_style;
$widths = array_fill(0, 4, $width);
$sides = ["top", "right", "left", "bottom"];
foreach ($sides as $side) {
switch ($side) {
case "top":
$length = $w;
$side_x = $x;
$side_y = $y;
$r1 = $tl;
$r2 = $tr;
case "bottom":
$length = $w;
$side_x = $x;
$side_y = $y + $h;
$r1 = $bl;
$r2 = $br;
case "left":
$length = $h;
$side_x = $x;
$side_y = $y;
$r1 = $tl;
$r2 = $bl;
case "right":
$length = $h;
$side_x = $x + $w;
$side_y = $y;
$r1 = $tr;
$r2 = $br;
$this->$method($side_x, $side_y, $length, $color, $widths, $side, $corner_style, $r1, $r2);
* Render a background image over a rectangular area
* @param string $url The background image to load
* @param float $x The left edge of the rectangular area
* @param float $y The top edge of the rectangular area
* @param float $width The width of the rectangular area
* @param float $height The height of the rectangular area
* @param Style $style The associated Style object
* @throws \Exception
protected function _background_image($url, $x, $y, $width, $height, $style)
if (!function_exists("imagecreatetruecolor")) {
throw new \Exception("The PHP GD extension is required, but is not installed.");
$sheet = $style->get_stylesheet();
// Skip degenerate cases
if ($width == 0 || $height == 0) {
$box_width = $width;
$box_height = $height;
if ($this->_dompdf->getOptions()->getDebugPng()) {
print '[_background_image ' . $url . ']';
list($img, $type, /*$msg*/) = Cache::resolve_url(
// Bail if the image is no good
if (Cache::is_broken($img)) {
//Try to optimize away reading and composing of same background multiple times
//Postponing read with imagecreatefrom ...()
//final composition parameters and name not known yet
//Therefore read dimension directly from file, instead of creating gd object first.
//$img_w = imagesx($src); $img_h = imagesy($src);
list($img_w, $img_h) = Helpers::dompdf_getimagesize($img, $this->_dompdf->getHttpContext());
if ($img_w == 0 || $img_h == 0) {
// save for later check if file needs to be resized.
$org_img_w = $img_w;
$org_img_h = $img_h;
$repeat = $style->background_repeat;
$dpi = $this->_dompdf->getOptions()->getDpi();
//Increase background resolution and dependent box size according to image resolution to be placed in
//Then image can be copied in without resize
$bg_width = round((float)($width * $dpi) / 72);
$bg_height = round((float)($height * $dpi) / 72);
list($img_w, $img_h) = $this->_resize_background_image(
//Need %bg_x, $bg_y as background pos, where img starts, converted to pixel
list($bg_x, $bg_y) = $style->background_position;
if (Helpers::is_percent($bg_x)) {
// The point $bg_x % from the left edge of the image is placed
// $bg_x % from the left edge of the background rectangle
$p = ((float)$bg_x) / 100.0;
$x1 = $p * $img_w;
$x2 = $p * $bg_width;
$bg_x = $x2 - $x1;
} else {
$bg_x = (float)($style->length_in_pt($bg_x) * $dpi) / 72;
$bg_x = round($bg_x + (float)$style->length_in_pt($style->border_left_width) * $dpi / 72);
if (Helpers::is_percent($bg_y)) {
// The point $bg_y % from the left edge of the image is placed
// $bg_y % from the left edge of the background rectangle
$p = ((float)$bg_y) / 100.0;
$y1 = $p * $img_h;
$y2 = $p * $bg_height;
$bg_y = $y2 - $y1;
} else {
$bg_y = (float)($style->length_in_pt($bg_y) * $dpi) / 72;
$bg_y = round($bg_y + (float)$style->length_in_pt($style->border_top_width) * $dpi / 72);
//clip background to the image area on partial repeat. Nothing to do if img off area
//On repeat, normalize start position to the tile at immediate left/top or 0/0 of area
//On no repeat with positive offset: move size/start to have offset==0
//Handle x/y Dimensions separately
if ($repeat !== "repeat" && $repeat !== "repeat-x") {
//No repeat x
if ($bg_x < 0) {
$bg_width = $img_w + $bg_x;
} else {
$x += ($bg_x * 72) / $dpi;
$bg_width = $bg_width - $bg_x;
if ($bg_width > $img_w) {
$bg_width = $img_w;
$bg_x = 0;
if ($bg_width <= 0) {
$width = (float)($bg_width * 72) / $dpi;
} else {
//repeat x
if ($bg_x < 0) {
$bg_x = -((-$bg_x) % $img_w);
} else {
$bg_x = $bg_x % $img_w;
if ($bg_x > 0) {
$bg_x -= $img_w;
if ($repeat !== "repeat" && $repeat !== "repeat-y") {
//no repeat y
if ($bg_y < 0) {
$bg_height = $img_h + $bg_y;
} else {
$y += ($bg_y * 72) / $dpi;
$bg_height = $bg_height - $bg_y;
if ($bg_height > $img_h) {
$bg_height = $img_h;
$bg_y = 0;
if ($bg_height <= 0) {
$height = (float)($bg_height * 72) / $dpi;
} else {
//repeat y
if ($bg_y < 0) {
$bg_y = -((-$bg_y) % $img_h);
} else {
$bg_y = $bg_y % $img_h;
if ($bg_y > 0) {
$bg_y -= $img_h;
//Optimization, if repeat has no effect
if ($repeat === "repeat" && $bg_y <= 0 && $img_h + $bg_y >= $bg_height) {
$repeat = "repeat-x";
if ($repeat === "repeat" && $bg_x <= 0 && $img_w + $bg_x >= $bg_width) {
$repeat = "repeat-y";
if (($repeat === "repeat-x" && $bg_x <= 0 && $img_w + $bg_x >= $bg_width) ||
($repeat === "repeat-y" && $bg_y <= 0 && $img_h + $bg_y >= $bg_height)
) {
$repeat = "no-repeat";
// Avoid rendering identical background-image variants multiple times
// This is not dependent of background color of box! .'_'.(is_array($bg_color) ? $bg_color["hex"] : $bg_color)
// Note: Here, bg_* are the start values, not end values after going through the tile loops!
$key = implode("_", [$bg_width, $bg_height, $img_w, $img_h, $bg_x, $bg_y, $repeat]);
// FIXME: This will fail when a file with that exact name exists in the
// same directory, included in the document as regular image
$cpdfKey = $img . "_" . $key;
$tmpFile = Cache::getTempImage($img, $key);
$cached = ($this->_canvas instanceof CPDF && $this->_canvas->get_cpdf()->image_iscached($cpdfKey))
|| ($tmpFile !== null && file_exists($tmpFile));
if (!$cached) {
// img: image url string
// img_w, img_h: original image size in px
// width, height: box size in pt
// bg_width, bg_height: box size in px
// x, y: left/top edge of box on page in pt
// start_x, start_y: placement of image relative to pattern
// $repeat: repeat mode
// $bg: GD object of result image
// $src: GD object of original image
// Create a new image to fit over the background rectangle
$bg = imagecreatetruecolor($bg_width, $bg_height);
$cpdfFromGd = true;
switch (strtolower($type)) {
case "png":
$cpdfFromGd = false;
imagesavealpha($bg, true);
imagealphablending($bg, false);
$src = @imagecreatefrompng($img);
case "jpeg":
$src = @imagecreatefromjpeg($img);
case "webp":
$src = @imagecreatefromwebp($img);
case "gif":
$src = @imagecreatefromgif($img);
case "bmp":
$src = @Helpers::imagecreatefrombmp($img);
return; // Unsupported image type
if ($src == null) {
if ($img_w != $org_img_w || $img_h != $org_img_h) {
$newSrc = imagescale($src, $img_w, $img_h);
$src = $newSrc;
if ($src == null) {
//Background color if box is not relevant here
//Non transparent image: box clipped to real size. Background non relevant.
//Transparent image: The image controls the transparency and lets shine through whatever background.
//However on transparent image preset the composed image with the transparency color,
//to keep the transparency when copying over the non transparent parts of the tiles.
$ti = imagecolortransparent($src);
$palletsize = imagecolorstotal($src);
if ($ti >= 0 && $ti < $palletsize) {
$tc = imagecolorsforindex($src, $ti);
$ti = imagecolorallocate($bg, $tc['red'], $tc['green'], $tc['blue']);
imagefill($bg, 0, 0, $ti);
imagecolortransparent($bg, $ti);
//This has only an effect for the non repeatable dimension.
//compute start of src and dest coordinates of the single copy
if ($bg_x < 0) {
$dst_x = 0;
$src_x = -$bg_x;
} else {
$src_x = 0;
$dst_x = $bg_x;
if ($bg_y < 0) {
$dst_y = 0;
$src_y = -$bg_y;
} else {
$src_y = 0;
$dst_y = $bg_y;
//For historical reasons exchange meanings of variables:
//start_* will be the start values, while bg_* will be the temporary start values in the loops
$start_x = $bg_x;
$start_y = $bg_y;
// Copy regions from the source image to the background
if ($repeat === "no-repeat") {
// Simply place the image on the background
imagecopy($bg, $src, $dst_x, $dst_y, $src_x, $src_y, $img_w, $img_h);
} elseif ($repeat === "repeat-x") {
for ($bg_x = $start_x; $bg_x < $bg_width; $bg_x += $img_w) {
if ($bg_x < 0) {
$dst_x = 0;
$src_x = -$bg_x;
$w = $img_w + $bg_x;
} else {
$dst_x = $bg_x;
$src_x = 0;
$w = $img_w;
imagecopy($bg, $src, $dst_x, $dst_y, $src_x, $src_y, $w, $img_h);
} elseif ($repeat === "repeat-y") {
for ($bg_y = $start_y; $bg_y < $bg_height; $bg_y += $img_h) {
if ($bg_y < 0) {
$dst_y = 0;
$src_y = -$bg_y;
$h = $img_h + $bg_y;
} else {
$dst_y = $bg_y;
$src_y = 0;
$h = $img_h;
imagecopy($bg, $src, $dst_x, $dst_y, $src_x, $src_y, $img_w, $h);
} elseif ($repeat === "repeat") {
for ($bg_y = $start_y; $bg_y < $bg_height; $bg_y += $img_h) {
for ($bg_x = $start_x; $bg_x < $bg_width; $bg_x += $img_w) {
if ($bg_x < 0) {
$dst_x = 0;
$src_x = -$bg_x;
$w = $img_w + $bg_x;
} else {
$dst_x = $bg_x;
$src_x = 0;
$w = $img_w;
if ($bg_y < 0) {
$dst_y = 0;
$src_y = -$bg_y;
$h = $img_h + $bg_y;
} else {
$dst_y = $bg_y;
$src_y = 0;
$h = $img_h;
imagecopy($bg, $src, $dst_x, $dst_y, $src_x, $src_y, $w, $h);
} else {
print 'Unknown repeat!';
if ($cpdfFromGd && $this->_canvas instanceof CPDF) {
// Skip writing temp file as the GD object is added directly
} else {
$tmpDir = $this->_dompdf->getOptions()->getTempDir();
$tmpName = @tempnam($tmpDir, "bg_dompdf_img_");
$tmpFile = "$tmpName.png";
imagepng($bg, $tmpFile);
Cache::addTempImage($img, $tmpFile, $key);
} else {
$bg = null;
$cpdfFromGd = $tmpFile === null;
if ($this->_dompdf->getOptions()->getDebugPng()) {
print '[_background_image ' . $tmpFile . ']';
$this->_canvas->clipping_rectangle($x, $y, $box_width, $box_height);
// When using cpdf and optimization to direct png creation from gd object is available,
// don't create temp file, but place gd object directly into the pdf
if ($cpdfFromGd && $this->_canvas instanceof CPDF) {
// Note: CPDF_Adapter image converts y position
$this->_canvas->get_cpdf()->addImagePng($bg, $cpdfKey, $x, $this->_canvas->get_height() - $y - $height, $width, $height);
if (isset($bg)) {
} else {
$this->_canvas->image($tmpFile, $x, $y, $width, $height);
// Border rendering functions
* @param float $x
* @param float $y
* @param float $length
* @param array $color
* @param float[] $widths
* @param string $side
* @param string $corner_style
* @param float $r1
* @param float $r2
protected function _border_dotted($x, $y, $length, $color, $widths, $side, $corner_style = "bevel", $r1 = 0, $r2 = 0)
$this->_border_line($x, $y, $length, $color, $widths, $side, $corner_style, "dotted", $r1, $r2);
* @param float $x
* @param float $y
* @param float $length
* @param array $color
* @param float[] $widths
* @param string $side
* @param string $corner_style
* @param float $r1
* @param float $r2
protected function _border_dashed($x, $y, $length, $color, $widths, $side, $corner_style = "bevel", $r1 = 0, $r2 = 0)
$this->_border_line($x, $y, $length, $color, $widths, $side, $corner_style, "dashed", $r1, $r2);
* @param float $x
* @param float $y
* @param float $length
* @param array $color
* @param float[] $widths
* @param string $side
* @param string $corner_style
* @param float $r1
* @param float $r2
protected function _border_solid($x, $y, $length, $color, $widths, $side, $corner_style = "bevel", $r1 = 0, $r2 = 0)
$this->_border_line($x, $y, $length, $color, $widths, $side, $corner_style, "solid", $r1, $r2);
* @param string $side
* @param float $ratio
* @param float $top
* @param float $right
* @param float $bottom
* @param float $left
* @param float $x
* @param float $y
* @param float $length
* @param float $r1
* @param float $r2
protected function _apply_ratio($side, $ratio, $top, $right, $bottom, $left, &$x, &$y, &$length, &$r1, &$r2)
switch ($side) {
case "top":
$r1 -= $left * $ratio;
$r2 -= $right * $ratio;
$x += $left * $ratio;
$y += $top * $ratio;
$length -= $left * $ratio + $right * $ratio;
case "bottom":
$r1 -= $right * $ratio;
$r2 -= $left * $ratio;
$x += $left * $ratio;
$y -= $bottom * $ratio;
$length -= $left * $ratio + $right * $ratio;
case "left":
$r1 -= $top * $ratio;
$r2 -= $bottom * $ratio;
$x += $left * $ratio;
$y += $top * $ratio;
$length -= $top * $ratio + $bottom * $ratio;
case "right":
$r1 -= $bottom * $ratio;
$r2 -= $top * $ratio;
$x -= $right * $ratio;
$y += $top * $ratio;
$length -= $top * $ratio + $bottom * $ratio;
* @param float $x
* @param float $y
* @param float $length
* @param array $color
* @param float[] $widths
* @param string $side
* @param string $corner_style
* @param float $r1
* @param float $r2
protected function _border_double($x, $y, $length, $color, $widths, $side, $corner_style = "bevel", $r1 = 0, $r2 = 0)
list($top, $right, $bottom, $left) = $widths;
$third_widths = [$top / 3, $right / 3, $bottom / 3, $left / 3];
// draw the outer border
$this->_border_solid($x, $y, $length, $color, $third_widths, $side, $corner_style, $r1, $r2);
$this->_apply_ratio($side, 2 / 3, $top, $right, $bottom, $left, $x, $y, $length, $r1, $r2);
$this->_border_solid($x, $y, $length, $color, $third_widths, $side, $corner_style, $r1, $r2);
* @param float $x
* @param float $y
* @param float $length
* @param array $color
* @param float[] $widths
* @param string $side
* @param string $corner_style
* @param float $r1
* @param float $r2
protected function _border_groove($x, $y, $length, $color, $widths, $side, $corner_style = "bevel", $r1 = 0, $r2 = 0)
list($top, $right, $bottom, $left) = $widths;
$half_widths = [$top / 2, $right / 2, $bottom / 2, $left / 2];
$this->_border_inset($x, $y, $length, $color, $half_widths, $side, $corner_style, $r1, $r2);
$this->_apply_ratio($side, 0.5, $top, $right, $bottom, $left, $x, $y, $length, $r1, $r2);
$this->_border_outset($x, $y, $length, $color, $half_widths, $side, $corner_style, $r1, $r2);
* @param float $x
* @param float $y
* @param float $length
* @param array $color
* @param float[] $widths
* @param string $side
* @param string $corner_style
* @param float $r1
* @param float $r2
protected function _border_ridge($x, $y, $length, $color, $widths, $side, $corner_style = "bevel", $r1 = 0, $r2 = 0)
list($top, $right, $bottom, $left) = $widths;
$half_widths = [$top / 2, $right / 2, $bottom / 2, $left / 2];
$this->_border_outset($x, $y, $length, $color, $half_widths, $side, $corner_style, $r1, $r2);
$this->_apply_ratio($side, 0.5, $top, $right, $bottom, $left, $x, $y, $length, $r1, $r2);
$this->_border_inset($x, $y, $length, $color, $half_widths, $side, $corner_style, $r1, $r2);
* @param $c
* @return mixed
protected function _tint($c)
if (!is_numeric($c)) {
return $c;
return min(1, $c + 0.16);
* @param $c
* @return mixed
protected function _shade($c)
if (!is_numeric($c)) {
return $c;
return max(0, $c - 0.33);
* @param float $x
* @param float $y
* @param float $length
* @param array $color
* @param float[] $widths
* @param string $side
* @param string $corner_style
* @param float $r1
* @param float $r2
protected function _border_inset($x, $y, $length, $color, $widths, $side, $corner_style = "bevel", $r1 = 0, $r2 = 0)
switch ($side) {
case "top":
case "left":
$shade = array_map([$this, "_shade"], $color);
$this->_border_solid($x, $y, $length, $shade, $widths, $side, $corner_style, $r1, $r2);
case "bottom":
case "right":
$tint = array_map([$this, "_tint"], $color);
$this->_border_solid($x, $y, $length, $tint, $widths, $side, $corner_style, $r1, $r2);
* @param float $x
* @param float $y
* @param float $length
* @param array $color
* @param float[] $widths
* @param string $side
* @param string $corner_style
* @param float $r1
* @param float $r2
protected function _border_outset($x, $y, $length, $color, $widths, $side, $corner_style = "bevel", $r1 = 0, $r2 = 0)
switch ($side) {
case "top":
case "left":
$tint = array_map([$this, "_tint"], $color);
$this->_border_solid($x, $y, $length, $tint, $widths, $side, $corner_style, $r1, $r2);
case "bottom":
case "right":
$shade = array_map([$this, "_shade"], $color);
$this->_border_solid($x, $y, $length, $shade, $widths, $side, $corner_style, $r1, $r2);
* Get the dash pattern and cap style for the given border style, width, and
* line length.
* The base pattern is adjusted so that it fits the given line length
* symmetrically.
* @param string $style
* @param float $width
* @param float $length
* @return array
protected function dashPattern(string $style, float $width, float $length): array
if ($style === "dashed") {
$w = 3 * $width;
if ($length < $w) {
$s = $w;
} else {
// Scale dashes and gaps
$r = round($length / $w);
$r = $r % 2 === 0 ? $r + 1 : $r;
$s = $length / $r;
return [[$s], "butt"];
if ($style === "dotted") {
// Draw circles along the line
// Round caps extend outwards by half line width, so a zero dash
// width results in a circle
$gap = $width <= 1 ? 2 : 1;
$w = ($gap + 1) * $width;
if ($length < $w) {
$s = $w;
} else {
// Only scale gaps
$l = $length - $width;
$r = max(round($l / $w), 1);
$s = $l / $r;
return [[0, $s], "round"];
return [[], "butt"];
* Draws a solid, dotted, or dashed line, observing the border radius
* @param float $x
* @param float $y
* @param float $length
* @param array $color
* @param float[] $widths
* @param string $side
* @param string $corner_style
* @param string $pattern_name
* @param float $r1
* @param float $r2
protected function _border_line($x, $y, $length, $color, $widths, $side, $corner_style = "bevel", $pattern_name = "none", $r1 = 0, $r2 = 0)
/** used by $$side */
[$top, $right, $bottom, $left] = $widths;
$width = $$side;
// No need to clip corners if border radius is large enough
$cornerClip = $corner_style === "bevel" && ($r1 < $width || $r2 < $width);
$lineLength = $length - $r1 - $r2;
[$pattern, $cap] = $this->dashPattern($pattern_name, $width, $lineLength);
// Determine arc border radius for corner arcs
$halfWidth = $width / 2;
$ar1 = max($r1 - $halfWidth, 0);
$ar2 = max($r2 - $halfWidth, 0);
// Small angle adjustments to prevent the background from shining through
$adj1 = $ar1 / 80;
$adj2 = $ar2 / 80;
// Adjust line width and corner angles to account for the fact that
// round caps extend outwards. The line is actually only shifted below,
// not shortened, as otherwise the end dash (circle) will vanish
// occasionally
$dl = $cap === "round" ? $halfWidth : 0;
if ($cap === "round" && $ar1 > 0) {
$adj1 -= rad2deg(asin($halfWidth / $ar1));
if ($cap === "round" && $ar2 > 0) {
$adj2 -= rad2deg(asin($halfWidth / $ar2));
switch ($side) {
case "top":
if ($cornerClip) {
$points = [
$x, $y,
$x, $y - 1, // Extend outwards to avoid gaps
$x + $length, $y - 1, // Extend outwards to avoid gaps
$x + $length, $y,
$x + $length - max($right, $r2), $y + max($width, $r2),
$x + max($left, $r1), $y + max($width, $r1)
$y += $halfWidth;
if ($ar1 > 0 && $adj1 > -22.5) {
$this->_canvas->arc($x + $r1, $y + $ar1, $ar1, $ar1, 90 - $adj1, 135 + $adj1, $color, $width, $pattern, $cap);
if ($lineLength > 0) {
$this->_canvas->line($x + $dl + $r1, $y, $x + $dl + $length - $r2, $y, $color, $width, $pattern, $cap);
if ($ar2 > 0 && $adj2 > -22.5) {
$this->_canvas->arc($x + $length - $r2, $y + $ar2, $ar2, $ar2, 45 - $adj2, 90 + $adj2, $color, $width, $pattern, $cap);
case "bottom":
if ($cornerClip) {
$points = [
$x, $y,
$x, $y + 1, // Extend outwards to avoid gaps
$x + $length, $y + 1, // Extend outwards to avoid gaps
$x + $length, $y,
$x + $length - max($right, $r2), $y - max($width, $r2),
$x + max($left, $r1), $y - max($width, $r1)
$y -= $halfWidth;
if ($ar1 > 0 && $adj1 > -22.5) {
$this->_canvas->arc($x + $r1, $y - $ar1, $ar1, $ar1, 225 - $adj1, 270 + $adj1, $color, $width, $pattern, $cap);
if ($lineLength > 0) {
$this->_canvas->line($x + $dl + $r1, $y, $x + $dl + $length - $r2, $y, $color, $width, $pattern, $cap);
if ($ar2 > 0 && $adj2 > -22.5) {
$this->_canvas->arc($x + $length - $r2, $y - $ar2, $ar2, $ar2, 270 - $adj2, 315 + $adj2, $color, $width, $pattern, $cap);
case "left":
if ($cornerClip) {
$points = [
$x, $y,
$x - 1, $y, // Extend outwards to avoid gaps
$x - 1, $y + $length, // Extend outwards to avoid gaps
$x, $y + $length,
$x + max($width, $r2), $y + $length - max($bottom, $r2),
$x + max($width, $r1), $y + max($top, $r1)
$x += $halfWidth;
if ($ar1 > 0 && $adj1 > -22.5) {
$this->_canvas->arc($x + $ar1, $y + $r1, $ar1, $ar1, 135 - $adj1, 180 + $adj1, $color, $width, $pattern, $cap);
if ($lineLength > 0) {
$this->_canvas->line($x, $y + $dl + $r1, $x, $y + $dl + $length - $r2, $color, $width, $pattern, $cap);
if ($ar2 > 0 && $adj2 > -22.5) {
$this->_canvas->arc($x + $ar2, $y + $length - $r2, $ar2, $ar2, 180 - $adj2, 225 + $adj2, $color, $width, $pattern, $cap);
case "right":
if ($cornerClip) {
$points = [
$x, $y,
$x + 1, $y, // Extend outwards to avoid gaps
$x + 1, $y + $length, // Extend outwards to avoid gaps
$x, $y + $length,
$x - max($width, $r2), $y + $length - max($bottom, $r2),
$x - max($width, $r1), $y + max($top, $r1)
$x -= $halfWidth;
if ($ar1 > 0 && $adj1 > -22.5) {
$this->_canvas->arc($x - $ar1, $y + $r1, $ar1, $ar1, 0 - $adj1, 45 + $adj1, $color, $width, $pattern, $cap);
if ($lineLength > 0) {
$this->_canvas->line($x, $y + $dl + $r1, $x, $y + $dl + $length - $r2, $color, $width, $pattern, $cap);
if ($ar2 > 0 && $adj2 > -22.5) {
$this->_canvas->arc($x - $ar2, $y + $length - $r2, $ar2, $ar2, 315 - $adj2, 360 + $adj2, $color, $width, $pattern, $cap);
if ($cornerClip) {
* @param float $opacity
protected function _set_opacity(float $opacity): void
if ($opacity >= 0.0 && $opacity <= 1.0) {
* @param float[] $box
* @param string $color
* @param array $style
protected function _debug_layout($box, $color = "red", $style = [])
$this->_canvas->rectangle($box[0], $box[1], $box[2], $box[3], Color::parse($color), 0.1, $style);
* @param float $img_width
* @param float $img_height
* @param float $container_width
* @param float $container_height
* @param array|string $bg_resize
* @param int $dpi
* @return array
protected function _resize_background_image(
) {
// We got two some specific numbers and/or auto definitions
if (is_array($bg_resize)) {
$is_auto_width = $bg_resize[0] === 'auto';
if ($is_auto_width) {
$new_img_width = $img_width;
} else {
$new_img_width = $bg_resize[0];
if (Helpers::is_percent($new_img_width)) {
$new_img_width = round(($container_width / 100) * (float)$new_img_width);
} else {
$new_img_width = round($new_img_width * $dpi / 72);
$is_auto_height = $bg_resize[1] === 'auto';
if ($is_auto_height) {
$new_img_height = $img_height;
} else {
$new_img_height = $bg_resize[1];
if (Helpers::is_percent($new_img_height)) {
$new_img_height = round(($container_height / 100) * (float)$new_img_height);
} else {
$new_img_height = round($new_img_height * $dpi / 72);
// if one of both was set to auto the other one needs to scale proportionally
if ($is_auto_width !== $is_auto_height) {
if ($is_auto_height) {
$new_img_height = round($new_img_width * ($img_height / $img_width));
} else {
$new_img_width = round($new_img_height * ($img_width / $img_height));
} else {
$container_ratio = $container_height / $container_width;
if ($bg_resize === 'cover' || $bg_resize === 'contain') {
$img_ratio = $img_height / $img_width;
if (
($bg_resize === 'cover' && $container_ratio > $img_ratio) ||
($bg_resize === 'contain' && $container_ratio < $img_ratio)
) {
$new_img_height = $container_height;
$new_img_width = round($container_height / $img_ratio);
} else {
$new_img_width = $container_width;
$new_img_height = round($container_width * $img_ratio);
} else {
$new_img_width = $img_width;
$new_img_height = $img_height;
return [$new_img_width, $new_img_height];