File "DatabaseTruncation.php"
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namespace Illuminate\Foundation\Testing;
use Illuminate\Contracts\Console\Kernel;
use Illuminate\Database\ConnectionInterface;
use Illuminate\Foundation\Testing\Traits\CanConfigureMigrationCommands;
trait DatabaseTruncation
use CanConfigureMigrationCommands;
* The cached names of the database tables for each connection.
* @var array
protected static array $allTables;
* Truncate the database tables for all configured connections.
* @return void
protected function truncateDatabaseTables(): void
// Migrate and seed the database on first run...
if (! RefreshDatabaseState::$migrated) {
$this->artisan('migrate:fresh', $this->migrateFreshUsing());
RefreshDatabaseState::$migrated = true;
// Always clear any test data on subsequent runs...
if ($seeder = $this->seeder()) {
// Use a specific seeder class...
$this->artisan('db:seed', ['--class' => $seeder]);
} elseif ($this->shouldSeed()) {
// Use the default seeder class...
* Truncate the database tables for all configured connections.
* @return void
protected function truncateTablesForAllConnections(): void
$database = $this->app->make('db');
->each(function ($name) use ($database) {
$connection = $database->connection($name);
fn () => $this->truncateTablesForConnection($connection, $name)
* Truncate the database tables for the given database connection.
* @param \Illuminate\Database\ConnectionInterface $connection
* @param string|null $name
* @return void
protected function truncateTablesForConnection(ConnectionInterface $connection, ?string $name): void
$dispatcher = $connection->getEventDispatcher();
collect(static::$allTables[$name] ??= $connection->getSchemaBuilder()->getTableListing())
property_exists($this, 'tablesToTruncate'),
fn ($tables) => $tables->intersect($this->tablesToTruncate),
fn ($tables) => $tables->diff($this->exceptTables($name))
->filter(fn ($table) => $connection->table($this->withoutTablePrefix($connection, $table))->exists())
->each(fn ($table) => $connection->table($this->withoutTablePrefix($connection, $table))->truncate());
* Remove the table prefix from a table name, if it exists.
* @param \Illuminate\Database\ConnectionInterface $connection
* @param string $table
* @return string
protected function withoutTablePrefix(ConnectionInterface $connection, string $table)
$prefix = $connection->getTablePrefix();
return strpos($table, $prefix) === 0
? substr($table, strlen($prefix))
: $table;
* The database connections that should have their tables truncated.
* @return array
protected function connectionsToTruncate(): array
return property_exists($this, 'connectionsToTruncate')
? $this->connectionsToTruncate : [null];
* Get the tables that should not be truncated.
* @param string|null $connectionName
* @return array
protected function exceptTables(?string $connectionName): array
$migrations = $this->app['config']->get('database.migrations');
$migrationsTable = is_array($migrations) ? ($migrations['table'] ?? null) : $migrations;
if (property_exists($this, 'exceptTables')) {
if (array_is_list($this->exceptTables ?? [])) {
return array_merge(
$this->exceptTables ?? [],
return array_merge(
$this->exceptTables[$connectionName] ?? [],
return [$migrationsTable];
* Perform any work that should take place before the database has started truncating.
* @return void
protected function beforeTruncatingDatabase(): void
* Perform any work that should take place once the database has finished truncating.
* @return void
protected function afterTruncatingDatabase(): void