File "InteractsWithStrings.php"
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namespace Laravel\Prompts\Themes\Default\Concerns;
trait InteractsWithStrings
* Get the length of the longest line.
* @param array<string> $lines
protected function longest(array $lines, int $padding = 0): int
return max(
->map(fn ($line) => mb_strwidth($this->stripEscapeSequences($line)) + $padding)
* Pad text ignoring ANSI escape sequences.
protected function pad(string $text, int $length, string $char = ' '): string
$rightPadding = str_repeat($char, max(0, $length - mb_strwidth($this->stripEscapeSequences($text))));
return "{$text}{$rightPadding}";
* Strip ANSI escape sequences from the given text.
protected function stripEscapeSequences(string $text): string
// Strip ANSI escape sequences.
$text = preg_replace("/\e[^m]*m/", '', $text);
// Strip Symfony named style tags.
$text = preg_replace("/<(info|comment|question|error)>(.*?)<\/\\1>/", '$2', $text);
// Strip Symfony inline style tags.
return preg_replace("/<(?:(?:[fb]g|options)=[a-z,;]+)+>(.*?)<\/>/i", '$1', $text);