File "ListBlockStartParser.php"
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* This file is part of the league/commonmark package.
* (c) Colin O'Dell <>
* For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
* file that was distributed with this source code.
namespace League\CommonMark\Extension\CommonMark\Parser\Block;
use League\CommonMark\Extension\CommonMark\Node\Block\ListBlock;
use League\CommonMark\Extension\CommonMark\Node\Block\ListData;
use League\CommonMark\Parser\Block\BlockStart;
use League\CommonMark\Parser\Block\BlockStartParserInterface;
use League\CommonMark\Parser\Cursor;
use League\CommonMark\Parser\MarkdownParserStateInterface;
use League\CommonMark\Util\RegexHelper;
use League\Config\ConfigurationAwareInterface;
use League\Config\ConfigurationInterface;
final class ListBlockStartParser implements BlockStartParserInterface, ConfigurationAwareInterface
/** @psalm-readonly-allow-private-mutation */
private ?ConfigurationInterface $config = null;
* @psalm-var non-empty-string|null
* @psalm-readonly-allow-private-mutation
private ?string $listMarkerRegex = null;
public function setConfiguration(ConfigurationInterface $configuration): void
$this->config = $configuration;
public function tryStart(Cursor $cursor, MarkdownParserStateInterface $parserState): ?BlockStart
if ($cursor->isIndented()) {
return BlockStart::none();
$listData = $this->parseList($cursor, $parserState->getParagraphContent() !== null);
if ($listData === null) {
return BlockStart::none();
$listItemParser = new ListItemParser($listData);
// prepend the list block if needed
$matched = $parserState->getLastMatchedBlockParser();
if (! ($matched instanceof ListBlockParser) || ! $listData->equals($matched->getBlock()->getListData())) {
$listBlockParser = new ListBlockParser($listData);
// We start out with assuming a list is tight. If we find a blank line, we set it to loose later.
return BlockStart::of($listBlockParser, $listItemParser)->at($cursor);
return BlockStart::of($listItemParser)->at($cursor);
private function parseList(Cursor $cursor, bool $inParagraph): ?ListData
$indent = $cursor->getIndent();
$tmpCursor = clone $cursor;
$rest = $tmpCursor->getRemainder();
if (\preg_match($this->listMarkerRegex ?? $this->generateListMarkerRegex(), $rest) === 1) {
$data = new ListData();
$data->markerOffset = $indent;
$data->type = ListBlock::TYPE_BULLET;
$data->delimiter = null;
$data->bulletChar = $rest[0];
$markerLength = 1;
} elseif (($matches = RegexHelper::matchFirst('/^(\d{1,9})([.)])/', $rest)) && (! $inParagraph || $matches[1] === '1')) {
$data = new ListData();
$data->markerOffset = $indent;
$data->type = ListBlock::TYPE_ORDERED;
$data->start = (int) $matches[1];
$data->delimiter = $matches[2] === '.' ? ListBlock::DELIM_PERIOD : ListBlock::DELIM_PAREN;
$data->bulletChar = null;
$markerLength = \strlen($matches[0]);
} else {
return null;
// Make sure we have spaces after
$nextChar = $tmpCursor->peek($markerLength);
if (! ($nextChar === null || $nextChar === "\t" || $nextChar === ' ')) {
return null;
// If it interrupts paragraph, make sure first line isn't blank
if ($inParagraph && ! RegexHelper::matchAt(RegexHelper::REGEX_NON_SPACE, $rest, $markerLength)) {
return null;
$cursor->advanceToNextNonSpaceOrTab(); // to start of marker
$cursor->advanceBy($markerLength, true); // to end of marker
$data->padding = self::calculateListMarkerPadding($cursor, $markerLength);
return $data;
private static function calculateListMarkerPadding(Cursor $cursor, int $markerLength): int
$start = $cursor->saveState();
$spacesStartCol = $cursor->getColumn();
while ($cursor->getColumn() - $spacesStartCol < 5) {
if (! $cursor->advanceBySpaceOrTab()) {
$blankItem = $cursor->peek() === null;
$spacesAfterMarker = $cursor->getColumn() - $spacesStartCol;
if ($spacesAfterMarker >= 5 || $spacesAfterMarker < 1 || $blankItem) {
return $markerLength + 1;
return $markerLength + $spacesAfterMarker;
* @psalm-return non-empty-string
private function generateListMarkerRegex(): string
// No configuration given - use the defaults
if ($this->config === null) {
return $this->listMarkerRegex = '/^[*+-]/';
$markers = $this->config->get('commonmark/unordered_list_markers');
return $this->listMarkerRegex = '/^[' . \preg_quote(\implode('', $markers), '/') . ']/';