File "Elements.php"
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* Provide general element functions.
namespace Masterminds\HTML5;
* This class provides general information about HTML5 elements,
* including syntactic and semantic issues.
* Parsers and serializers can
* use this class as a reference point for information about the rules
* of various HTML5 elements.
* @todo consider using a bitmask table lookup. There is enough overlap in
* naming that this could significantly shrink the size and maybe make it
* faster. See the Go teams implementation at
class Elements
* Indicates an element is described in the specification.
const KNOWN_ELEMENT = 1;
// From section 8.1.2: "script", "style"
// From ("in body" insertion mode): "noembed"
// From 8.4 "style", "xmp", "iframe", "noembed", "noframes"
* Indicates the contained text should be processed as raw text.
const TEXT_RAW = 2;
// From section 8.1.2: "textarea", "title"
* Indicates the contained text should be processed as RCDATA.
const TEXT_RCDATA = 4;
* Indicates the tag cannot have content.
const VOID_TAG = 8;
// "address", "article", "aside", "blockquote", "center", "details", "dialog", "dir", "div", "dl",
// "fieldset", "figcaption", "figure", "footer", "header", "hgroup", "menu",
// "nav", "ol", "p", "section", "summary", "ul"
// "h1", "h2", "h3", "h4", "h5", "h6"
// "pre", "listing"
// "form"
// "plaintext"
* Indicates that if a previous event is for a P tag, that element
* should be considered closed.
const AUTOCLOSE_P = 16;
* Indicates that the text inside is plaintext (pre).
const TEXT_PLAINTEXT = 32;
// See
* Indicates that the tag is a block.
const BLOCK_TAG = 64;
* Indicates that the tag allows only inline elements as child nodes.
const BLOCK_ONLY_INLINE = 128;
* Elements with optional end tags that cause auto-closing of previous and parent tags,
* as example most of the table related tags, see
* Structure is as follows:
* Order is important, after auto-closing one parent with might have to close also their parent.
* @var array<string, string[]>
public static $optionalEndElementsParentsToClose = array(
'tr' => array('td', 'tr'),
'td' => array('td', 'th'),
'th' => array('td', 'th'),
'tfoot' => array('td', 'th', 'tr', 'tbody', 'thead'),
'tbody' => array('td', 'th', 'tr', 'thead'),
* The HTML5 elements as defined in
* @var array
public static $html5 = array(
'a' => 1,
'abbr' => 1,
'address' => 65, // NORMAL | BLOCK_TAG
'area' => 9, // NORMAL | VOID_TAG
'article' => 81, // NORMAL | AUTOCLOSE_P | BLOCK_TAG
'aside' => 81, // NORMAL | AUTOCLOSE_P | BLOCK_TAG
'audio' => 1, // NORMAL
'b' => 1,
'base' => 9, // NORMAL | VOID_TAG
'bdi' => 1,
'bdo' => 1,
'blockquote' => 81, // NORMAL | AUTOCLOSE_P | BLOCK_TAG
'body' => 1,
'br' => 9, // NORMAL | VOID_TAG
'button' => 1,
'canvas' => 65, // NORMAL | BLOCK_TAG
'caption' => 1,
'cite' => 1,
'code' => 1,
'col' => 9, // NORMAL | VOID_TAG
'colgroup' => 1,
'command' => 9, // NORMAL | VOID_TAG
// "data" => 1, // This is highly experimental and only part of the whatwg spec (not w3c). See
'datalist' => 1,
'dd' => 65, // NORMAL | BLOCK_TAG
'del' => 1,
'details' => 17, // NORMAL | AUTOCLOSE_P,
'dfn' => 1,
'dialog' => 17, // NORMAL | AUTOCLOSE_P,
'div' => 81, // NORMAL | AUTOCLOSE_P | BLOCK_TAG
'dt' => 1,
'em' => 1,
'embed' => 9, // NORMAL | VOID_TAG
'fieldset' => 81, // NORMAL | AUTOCLOSE_P | BLOCK_TAG
'figcaption' => 81, // NORMAL | AUTOCLOSE_P | BLOCK_TAG
'figure' => 81, // NORMAL | AUTOCLOSE_P | BLOCK_TAG
'footer' => 81, // NORMAL | AUTOCLOSE_P | BLOCK_TAG
'form' => 81, // NORMAL | AUTOCLOSE_P | BLOCK_TAG
'head' => 1,
'header' => 81, // NORMAL | AUTOCLOSE_P | BLOCK_TAG
'hgroup' => 81, // NORMAL | AUTOCLOSE_P | BLOCK_TAG
'hr' => 73, // NORMAL | VOID_TAG
'html' => 1,
'i' => 1,
'iframe' => 3, // NORMAL | TEXT_RAW
'img' => 9, // NORMAL | VOID_TAG
'input' => 9, // NORMAL | VOID_TAG
'kbd' => 1,
'ins' => 1,
'keygen' => 9, // NORMAL | VOID_TAG
'label' => 1,
'legend' => 1,
'li' => 1,
'link' => 9, // NORMAL | VOID_TAG
'map' => 1,
'mark' => 1,
'menu' => 17, // NORMAL | AUTOCLOSE_P,
'meta' => 9, // NORMAL | VOID_TAG
'meter' => 1,
'nav' => 17, // NORMAL | AUTOCLOSE_P,
'noscript' => 65, // NORMAL | BLOCK_TAG
'object' => 1,
'optgroup' => 1,
'option' => 1,
'output' => 65, // NORMAL | BLOCK_TAG
'param' => 9, // NORMAL | VOID_TAG
'pre' => 81, // NORMAL | AUTOCLOSE_P | BLOCK_TAG
'progress' => 1,
'q' => 1,
'rp' => 1,
'rt' => 1,
'ruby' => 1,
's' => 1,
'samp' => 1,
'script' => 3, // NORMAL | TEXT_RAW
'section' => 81, // NORMAL | AUTOCLOSE_P | BLOCK_TAG
'select' => 1,
'small' => 1,
'source' => 9, // NORMAL | VOID_TAG
'span' => 1,
'strong' => 1,
'style' => 3, // NORMAL | TEXT_RAW
'sub' => 1,
'summary' => 17, // NORMAL | AUTOCLOSE_P,
'sup' => 1,
'table' => 65, // NORMAL | BLOCK_TAG
'tbody' => 1,
'td' => 1,
'textarea' => 5, // NORMAL | TEXT_RCDATA
'tfoot' => 65, // NORMAL | BLOCK_TAG
'th' => 1,
'thead' => 1,
'time' => 1,
'title' => 5, // NORMAL | TEXT_RCDATA
'tr' => 1,
'track' => 9, // NORMAL | VOID_TAG
'u' => 1,
'var' => 1,
'video' => 1,
'wbr' => 9, // NORMAL | VOID_TAG
// Legacy?
'basefont' => 8, // VOID_TAG
'bgsound' => 8, // VOID_TAG
'noframes' => 2, // RAW_TEXT
'frame' => 9, // NORMAL | VOID_TAG
'frameset' => 1,
'center' => 16,
'dir' => 16,
'listing' => 16, // AUTOCLOSE_P
'plaintext' => 48, // AUTOCLOSE_P | TEXT_PLAINTEXT
'applet' => 0,
'marquee' => 0,
'isindex' => 8, // VOID_TAG
'xmp' => 20, // AUTOCLOSE_P | VOID_TAG | RAW_TEXT
'noembed' => 2, // RAW_TEXT
* The MathML elements.
* See
* In our case we are only concerned with presentation MathML and not content
* MathML. There is a nice list of this subset at
* @var array
public static $mathml = array(
'maction' => 1,
'maligngroup' => 1,
'malignmark' => 1,
'math' => 1,
'menclose' => 1,
'merror' => 1,
'mfenced' => 1,
'mfrac' => 1,
'mglyph' => 1,
'mi' => 1,
'mlabeledtr' => 1,
'mlongdiv' => 1,
'mmultiscripts' => 1,
'mn' => 1,
'mo' => 1,
'mover' => 1,
'mpadded' => 1,
'mphantom' => 1,
'mroot' => 1,
'mrow' => 1,
'ms' => 1,
'mscarries' => 1,
'mscarry' => 1,
'msgroup' => 1,
'msline' => 1,
'mspace' => 1,
'msqrt' => 1,
'msrow' => 1,
'mstack' => 1,
'mstyle' => 1,
'msub' => 1,
'msup' => 1,
'msubsup' => 1,
'mtable' => 1,
'mtd' => 1,
'mtext' => 1,
'mtr' => 1,
'munder' => 1,
'munderover' => 1,
* The svg elements.
* The Mozilla documentation has a good list at
* The w3c list appears to be lacking in some areas like filter effect elements.
* That list can be found at
* Note, FireFox appears to do a better job rendering filter effects than chrome.
* While they are in the spec I'm not sure how widely implemented they are.
* @var array
public static $svg = array(
'a' => 1,
'altGlyph' => 1,
'altGlyphDef' => 1,
'altGlyphItem' => 1,
'animate' => 1,
'animateColor' => 1,
'animateMotion' => 1,
'animateTransform' => 1,
'circle' => 1,
'clipPath' => 1,
'color-profile' => 1,
'cursor' => 1,
'defs' => 1,
'desc' => 1,
'ellipse' => 1,
'feBlend' => 1,
'feColorMatrix' => 1,
'feComponentTransfer' => 1,
'feComposite' => 1,
'feConvolveMatrix' => 1,
'feDiffuseLighting' => 1,
'feDisplacementMap' => 1,
'feDistantLight' => 1,
'feFlood' => 1,
'feFuncA' => 1,
'feFuncB' => 1,
'feFuncG' => 1,
'feFuncR' => 1,
'feGaussianBlur' => 1,
'feImage' => 1,
'feMerge' => 1,
'feMergeNode' => 1,
'feMorphology' => 1,
'feOffset' => 1,
'fePointLight' => 1,
'feSpecularLighting' => 1,
'feSpotLight' => 1,
'feTile' => 1,
'feTurbulence' => 1,
'filter' => 1,
'font' => 1,
'font-face' => 1,
'font-face-format' => 1,
'font-face-name' => 1,
'font-face-src' => 1,
'font-face-uri' => 1,
'foreignObject' => 1,
'g' => 1,
'glyph' => 1,
'glyphRef' => 1,
'hkern' => 1,
'image' => 1,
'line' => 1,
'linearGradient' => 1,
'marker' => 1,
'mask' => 1,
'metadata' => 1,
'missing-glyph' => 1,
'mpath' => 1,
'path' => 1,
'pattern' => 1,
'polygon' => 1,
'polyline' => 1,
'radialGradient' => 1,
'rect' => 1,
'script' => 3, // NORMAL | RAW_TEXT
'set' => 1,
'stop' => 1,
'style' => 3, // NORMAL | RAW_TEXT
'svg' => 1,
'switch' => 1,
'symbol' => 1,
'text' => 1,
'textPath' => 1,
'title' => 1,
'tref' => 1,
'tspan' => 1,
'use' => 1,
'view' => 1,
'vkern' => 1,
* Some attributes in SVG are case sensitive.
* This map contains key/value pairs with the key as the lowercase attribute
* name and the value with the correct casing.
public static $svgCaseSensitiveAttributeMap = array(
'attributename' => 'attributeName',
'attributetype' => 'attributeType',
'basefrequency' => 'baseFrequency',
'baseprofile' => 'baseProfile',
'calcmode' => 'calcMode',
'clippathunits' => 'clipPathUnits',
'contentscripttype' => 'contentScriptType',
'contentstyletype' => 'contentStyleType',
'diffuseconstant' => 'diffuseConstant',
'edgemode' => 'edgeMode',
'externalresourcesrequired' => 'externalResourcesRequired',
'filterres' => 'filterRes',
'filterunits' => 'filterUnits',
'glyphref' => 'glyphRef',
'gradienttransform' => 'gradientTransform',
'gradientunits' => 'gradientUnits',
'kernelmatrix' => 'kernelMatrix',
'kernelunitlength' => 'kernelUnitLength',
'keypoints' => 'keyPoints',
'keysplines' => 'keySplines',
'keytimes' => 'keyTimes',
'lengthadjust' => 'lengthAdjust',
'limitingconeangle' => 'limitingConeAngle',
'markerheight' => 'markerHeight',
'markerunits' => 'markerUnits',
'markerwidth' => 'markerWidth',
'maskcontentunits' => 'maskContentUnits',
'maskunits' => 'maskUnits',
'numoctaves' => 'numOctaves',
'pathlength' => 'pathLength',
'patterncontentunits' => 'patternContentUnits',
'patterntransform' => 'patternTransform',
'patternunits' => 'patternUnits',
'pointsatx' => 'pointsAtX',
'pointsaty' => 'pointsAtY',
'pointsatz' => 'pointsAtZ',
'preservealpha' => 'preserveAlpha',
'preserveaspectratio' => 'preserveAspectRatio',
'primitiveunits' => 'primitiveUnits',
'refx' => 'refX',
'refy' => 'refY',
'repeatcount' => 'repeatCount',
'repeatdur' => 'repeatDur',
'requiredextensions' => 'requiredExtensions',
'requiredfeatures' => 'requiredFeatures',
'specularconstant' => 'specularConstant',
'specularexponent' => 'specularExponent',
'spreadmethod' => 'spreadMethod',
'startoffset' => 'startOffset',
'stddeviation' => 'stdDeviation',
'stitchtiles' => 'stitchTiles',
'surfacescale' => 'surfaceScale',
'systemlanguage' => 'systemLanguage',
'tablevalues' => 'tableValues',
'targetx' => 'targetX',
'targety' => 'targetY',
'textlength' => 'textLength',
'viewbox' => 'viewBox',
'viewtarget' => 'viewTarget',
'xchannelselector' => 'xChannelSelector',
'ychannelselector' => 'yChannelSelector',
'zoomandpan' => 'zoomAndPan',
* Some SVG elements are case sensitive.
* This map contains these.
* The map contains key/value store of the name is lowercase as the keys and
* the correct casing as the value.
public static $svgCaseSensitiveElementMap = array(
'altglyph' => 'altGlyph',
'altglyphdef' => 'altGlyphDef',
'altglyphitem' => 'altGlyphItem',
'animatecolor' => 'animateColor',
'animatemotion' => 'animateMotion',
'animatetransform' => 'animateTransform',
'clippath' => 'clipPath',
'feblend' => 'feBlend',
'fecolormatrix' => 'feColorMatrix',
'fecomponenttransfer' => 'feComponentTransfer',
'fecomposite' => 'feComposite',
'feconvolvematrix' => 'feConvolveMatrix',
'fediffuselighting' => 'feDiffuseLighting',
'fedisplacementmap' => 'feDisplacementMap',
'fedistantlight' => 'feDistantLight',
'feflood' => 'feFlood',
'fefunca' => 'feFuncA',
'fefuncb' => 'feFuncB',
'fefuncg' => 'feFuncG',
'fefuncr' => 'feFuncR',
'fegaussianblur' => 'feGaussianBlur',
'feimage' => 'feImage',
'femerge' => 'feMerge',
'femergenode' => 'feMergeNode',
'femorphology' => 'feMorphology',
'feoffset' => 'feOffset',
'fepointlight' => 'fePointLight',
'fespecularlighting' => 'feSpecularLighting',
'fespotlight' => 'feSpotLight',
'fetile' => 'feTile',
'feturbulence' => 'feTurbulence',
'foreignobject' => 'foreignObject',
'glyphref' => 'glyphRef',
'lineargradient' => 'linearGradient',
'radialgradient' => 'radialGradient',
'textpath' => 'textPath',
* Check whether the given element meets the given criterion.
* Example:
* Elements::isA('script', Elements::TEXT_RAW); // Returns true.
* Elements::isA('script', Elements::TEXT_RCDATA); // Returns false.
* @param string $name The element name.
* @param int $mask One of the constants on this class.
* @return bool true if the element matches the mask, false otherwise.
public static function isA($name, $mask)
return (static::element($name) & $mask) === $mask;
* Test if an element is a valid html5 element.
* @param string $name The name of the element.
* @return bool true if a html5 element and false otherwise.
public static function isHtml5Element($name)
// html5 element names are case insensitive. Forcing lowercase for the check.
// Do we need this check or will all data passed here already be lowercase?
return isset(static::$html5[strtolower($name)]);
* Test if an element name is a valid MathML presentation element.
* @param string $name The name of the element.
* @return bool true if a MathML name and false otherwise.
public static function isMathMLElement($name)
// MathML is case-sensitive unlike html5 elements.
return isset(static::$mathml[$name]);
* Test if an element is a valid SVG element.
* @param string $name The name of the element.
* @return bool true if a SVG element and false otherise.
public static function isSvgElement($name)
// SVG is case-sensitive unlike html5 elements.
return isset(static::$svg[$name]);
* Is an element name valid in an html5 document.
* This includes html5 elements along with other allowed embedded content
* such as svg and mathml.
* @param string $name The name of the element.
* @return bool true if valid and false otherwise.
public static function isElement($name)
return static::isHtml5Element($name) || static::isMathMLElement($name) || static::isSvgElement($name);
* Get the element mask for the given element name.
* @param string $name The name of the element.
* @return int the element mask.
public static function element($name)
if (isset(static::$html5[$name])) {
return static::$html5[$name];
if (isset(static::$svg[$name])) {
return static::$svg[$name];
if (isset(static::$mathml[$name])) {
return static::$mathml[$name];
return 0;
* Normalize a SVG element name to its proper case and form.
* @param string $name The name of the element.
* @return string the normalized form of the element name.
public static function normalizeSvgElement($name)
$name = strtolower($name);
if (isset(static::$svgCaseSensitiveElementMap[$name])) {
$name = static::$svgCaseSensitiveElementMap[$name];
return $name;
* Normalize a SVG attribute name to its proper case and form.
* @param string $name The name of the attribute.
* @return string The normalized form of the attribute name.
public static function normalizeSvgAttribute($name)
$name = strtolower($name);
if (isset(static::$svgCaseSensitiveAttributeMap[$name])) {
$name = static::$svgCaseSensitiveAttributeMap[$name];
return $name;
* Normalize a MathML attribute name to its proper case and form.
* Note, all MathML element names are lowercase.
* @param string $name The name of the attribute.
* @return string The normalized form of the attribute name.
public static function normalizeMathMlAttribute($name)
$name = strtolower($name);
// Only one attribute has a mixed case form for MathML.
if ('definitionurl' === $name) {
$name = 'definitionURL';
return $name;