File "Styles-20250316194031.php"
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namespace Termwind\ValueObjects;
use Closure;
use Termwind\Actions\StyleToMethod;
use Termwind\Components\Element;
use Termwind\Components\Hr;
use Termwind\Components\Li;
use Termwind\Components\Ol;
use Termwind\Components\Ul;
use Termwind\Enums\Color;
use Termwind\Exceptions\ColorNotFound;
use Termwind\Exceptions\InvalidStyle;
use Termwind\Repositories\Styles as StyleRepository;
use function Termwind\terminal;
* @internal
final class Styles
* Finds all the styling on a string.
public const STYLING_REGEX = "/\<[\w=#\/\;,:.&,%?-]+\>|\\e\[\d+m/";
/** @var array<int, string> */
private array $styles = [];
private ?Element $element = null;
* Creates a Style formatter instance.
* @param array<string, mixed> $properties
* @param array<string, Closure(string, array<string, string|int>, array<string, int[]>): string> $textModifiers
* @param array<string, Closure(string, array<string, string|int>): string> $styleModifiers
* @param string[] $defaultStyles
final public function __construct(
private array $properties = [
'colors' => [],
'options' => [],
'isFirstChild' => false,
private array $textModifiers = [],
private array $styleModifiers = [],
private array $defaultStyles = []
) {
* @return $this
public function setElement(Element $element): self
$this->element = $element;
return $this;
* Gets default styles.
* @return string[]
public function defaultStyles(): array
return $this->defaultStyles;
* Gets the element's style properties.
* @return array<string, mixed>
final public function getProperties(): array
return $this->properties;
* Sets the element's style properties.
* @param array<string, mixed> $properties
public function setProperties(array $properties): self
$this->properties = $properties;
return $this;
* Sets the styles to the element.
final public function setStyle(string $style): self
$this->styles = array_unique(array_merge($this->styles, [$style]));
return $this;
* Checks if the element has the style.
final public function hasStyle(string $style): bool
return in_array($style, $this->styles, true);
* Adds a style to the element.
final public function addStyle(string $style): self
return StyleToMethod::multiple($this, $style);
* Inherit styles from given Styles object.
final public function inheritFromStyles(self $styles): self
foreach (['ml', 'mr', 'pl', 'pr', 'width', 'minWidth', 'maxWidth', 'spaceY', 'spaceX'] as $style) {
$this->properties['parentStyles'][$style] = array_merge(
$this->properties['parentStyles'][$style] ?? [],
$styles->properties['parentStyles'][$style] ?? []
$this->properties['parentStyles'][$style][] = $styles->properties['styles'][$style] ?? 0;
$this->properties['parentStyles']['justifyContent'] = $styles->properties['styles']['justifyContent'] ?? false;
foreach (['bg', 'fg'] as $colorType) {
$value = (array) ($this->properties['colors'][$colorType] ?? []);
$parentValue = (array) ($styles->properties['colors'][$colorType] ?? []);
if ($value === [] && $parentValue !== []) {
$this->properties['colors'][$colorType] = $styles->properties['colors'][$colorType];
if (! is_null($this->properties['options']['bold'] ?? null) ||
! is_null($styles->properties['options']['bold'] ?? null)) {
$this->properties['options']['bold'] = $this->properties['options']['bold']
?? $styles->properties['options']['bold']
?? false;
return $this;
* Adds a background color to the element.
final public function bg(string $color, int $variant = 0): self
return $this->with(['colors' => [
'bg' => $this->getColorVariant($color, $variant),
* Adds a bold style to the element.
final public function fontBold(): self
return $this->with(['options' => [
'bold' => true,
* Removes the bold style on the element.
final public function fontNormal(): self
return $this->with(['options' => [
'bold' => false,
* Adds a bold style to the element.
final public function strong(): self
$this->styleModifiers[__METHOD__] = static fn ($text): string => sprintf("\e[1m%s\e[0m", $text);
return $this;
* Adds an italic style to the element.
final public function italic(): self
$this->styleModifiers[__METHOD__] = static fn ($text): string => sprintf("\e[3m%s\e[0m", $text);
return $this;
* Adds an underline style.
final public function underline(): self
$this->styleModifiers[__METHOD__] = static fn ($text): string => sprintf("\e[4m%s\e[0m", $text);
return $this;
* Adds the given margin left to the element.
final public function ml(int $margin): self
return $this->with(['styles' => [
'ml' => $margin,
* Adds the given margin right to the element.
final public function mr(int $margin): self
return $this->with(['styles' => [
'mr' => $margin,
* Adds the given margin bottom to the element.
final public function mb(int $margin): self
return $this->with(['styles' => [
'mb' => $margin,
* Adds the given margin top to the element.
final public function mt(int $margin): self
return $this->with(['styles' => [
'mt' => $margin,
* Adds the given horizontal margin to the element.
final public function mx(int $margin): self
return $this->with(['styles' => [
'ml' => $margin,
'mr' => $margin,
* Adds the given vertical margin to the element.
final public function my(int $margin): self
return $this->with(['styles' => [
'mt' => $margin,
'mb' => $margin,
* Adds the given margin to the element.
final public function m(int $margin): self
return $this->my($margin)->mx($margin);
* Adds the given padding left to the element.
final public function pl(int $padding): static
return $this->with(['styles' => [
'pl' => $padding,
* Adds the given padding right.
final public function pr(int $padding): static
return $this->with(['styles' => [
'pr' => $padding,
* Adds the given horizontal padding.
final public function px(int $padding): self
return $this->pl($padding)->pr($padding);
* Adds the given padding top.
final public function pt(int $padding): static
return $this->with(['styles' => [
'pt' => $padding,
* Adds the given padding bottom.
final public function pb(int $padding): static
return $this->with(['styles' => [
'pb' => $padding,
* Adds the given vertical padding.
final public function py(int $padding): self
return $this->pt($padding)->pb($padding);
* Adds the given padding.
final public function p(int $padding): self
return $this->pt($padding)->pr($padding)->pb($padding)->pl($padding);
* Adds the given vertical margin to the childs, ignoring the first child.
final public function spaceY(int $space): self
return $this->with(['styles' => [
'spaceY' => $space,
* Adds the given horizontal margin to the childs, ignoring the first child.
final public function spaceX(int $space): self
return $this->with(['styles' => [
'spaceX' => $space,
* Adds a border on top of each element.
final public function borderT(int $width = 1): self
if (! $this->element instanceof Hr) {
throw new InvalidStyle('`border-t` can only be used on an "hr" element.');
$this->styleModifiers[__METHOD__] = function ($text, $styles): string {
$length = $this->getLength($text);
if ($length < 1) {
$margins = (int) ($styles['ml'] ?? 0) + ($styles['mr'] ?? 0);
return str_repeat('─', self::getParentWidth($this->properties['parentStyles'] ?? []) - $margins);
return str_repeat('─', $length);
return $this;
* Adds a text alignment or color to the element.
final public function text(string $value, int $variant = 0): self
if (in_array($value, ['left', 'right', 'center'], true)) {
return $this->with(['styles' => [
'text-align' => $value,
return $this->with(['colors' => [
'fg' => $this->getColorVariant($value, $variant),
* Truncates the text of the element.
final public function truncate(int $limit = 0, string $end = '…'): self
$this->textModifiers[__METHOD__] = function ($text, $styles) use ($limit, $end): string {
$width = $styles['width'] ?? 0;
if (is_string($width)) {
$width = self::calcWidthFromFraction(
$this->properties['parentStyles'] ?? []
[, $paddingRight, , $paddingLeft] = $this->getPaddings();
$width -= $paddingRight + $paddingLeft;
$limit = $limit > 0 ? $limit : $width;
if ($limit === 0) {
return $text;
$limit -= mb_strwidth($end, 'UTF-8');
if ($this->getLength($text) <= $limit) {
return $text;
return rtrim(self::trimText($text, $limit).$end);
return $this;
* Forces the width of the element.
final public function w(int|string $width): static
return $this->with(['styles' => [
'width' => $width,
* Forces the element width to the full width of the terminal.
final public function wFull(): static
return $this->w('1/1');
* Removes the width set on the element.
final public function wAuto(): static
return $this->with(['styles' => [
'width' => null,
* Defines a minimum width of an element.
final public function minW(int|string $width): static
return $this->with(['styles' => [
'minWidth' => $width,
* Defines a maximum width of an element.
final public function maxW(int|string $width): static
return $this->with(['styles' => [
'maxWidth' => $width,
* Makes the element's content uppercase.
final public function uppercase(): self
$this->textModifiers[__METHOD__] = static fn ($text): string => mb_strtoupper($text, 'UTF-8');
return $this;
* Makes the element's content lowercase.
final public function lowercase(): self
$this->textModifiers[__METHOD__] = static fn ($text): string => mb_strtolower($text, 'UTF-8');
return $this;
* Makes the element's content capitalize.
final public function capitalize(): self
$this->textModifiers[__METHOD__] = static fn ($text): string => mb_convert_case($text, MB_CASE_TITLE, 'UTF-8');
return $this;
* Makes the element's content in snakecase.
final public function snakecase(): self
$this->textModifiers[__METHOD__] = static fn ($text): string => mb_strtolower(
(string) preg_replace(['/([a-z\d])([A-Z])/', '/([^_])([A-Z][a-z])/'], '$1_$2', $text),
return $this;
* Makes the element's content with a line through.
final public function lineThrough(): self
$this->styleModifiers[__METHOD__] = static fn ($text): string => sprintf("\e[9m%s\e[0m", $text);
return $this;
* Makes the element's content invisible.
final public function invisible(): self
$this->styleModifiers[__METHOD__] = static fn ($text): string => sprintf("\e[8m%s\e[0m", $text);
return $this;
* Do not display element's content.
final public function hidden(): self
return $this->with(['styles' => [
'display' => 'hidden',
* Makes a line break before the element's content.
final public function block(): self
return $this->with(['styles' => [
'display' => 'block',
* Makes an element eligible to work with flex-1 element's style.
final public function flex(): self
return $this->with(['styles' => [
'display' => 'flex',
* Makes an element grow and shrink as needed, ignoring the initial size.
final public function flex1(): self
return $this->with(['styles' => [
'flex-1' => true,
* Justifies childs along the element with an equal amount of space between.
final public function justifyBetween(): self
return $this->with(['styles' => [
'justifyContent' => 'between',
* Justifies childs along the element with an equal amount of space between
* each item and half around.
final public function justifyAround(): self
return $this->with(['styles' => [
'justifyContent' => 'around',
* Justifies childs along the element with an equal amount of space around each item.
final public function justifyEvenly(): self
return $this->with(['styles' => [
'justifyContent' => 'evenly',
* Justifies childs along the center of the container’s main axis.
final public function justifyCenter(): self
return $this->with(['styles' => [
'justifyContent' => 'center',
* Repeats the string given until it fills all the content.
final public function contentRepeat(string $string): self
$string = preg_replace("/\[?'?([^'|\]]+)'?\]?/", '$1', $string) ?? '';
$this->textModifiers[__METHOD__] = static fn (): string => str_repeat($string, (int) floor(terminal()->width() / mb_strlen($string, 'UTF-8')));
return $this->with(['styles' => [
'contentRepeat' => true,
* Prepends text to the content.
final public function prepend(string $string): self
$this->textModifiers[__METHOD__] = static fn ($text): string => $string.$text;
return $this;
* Appends text to the content.
final public function append(string $string): self
$this->textModifiers[__METHOD__] = static fn ($text): string => $text.$string;
return $this;
* Prepends the list style type to the content.
final public function list(string $type, int $index = 0): self
if (! $this->element instanceof Ul && ! $this->element instanceof Ol && ! $this->element instanceof Li) {
throw new InvalidStyle(sprintf(
'Style list-none cannot be used with %s',
$this->element !== null ? $this->element::class : 'unknown element'
if (! $this->element instanceof Li) {
return $this;
return match ($type) {
'square' => $this->prepend('▪ '),
'disc' => $this->prepend('• '),
'decimal' => $this->prepend(sprintf('%d. ', $index)),
default => $this,
* Adds the given properties to the element.
* @param array<string, mixed> $properties
public function with(array $properties): self
$this->properties = array_replace_recursive($this->properties, $properties);
return $this;
* Sets the href property to the element.
final public function href(string $href): self
$href = str_replace('%', '%%', $href);
return $this->with(['href' => array_filter([$href])]);
* Formats a given string.
final public function format(string $content): string
foreach ($this->textModifiers as $modifier) {
$content = $modifier(
$this->properties['styles'] ?? [],
$this->properties['parentStyles'] ?? []
$content = $this->applyWidth($content);
foreach ($this->styleModifiers as $modifier) {
$content = $modifier($content, $this->properties['styles'] ?? []);
return $this->applyStyling($content);
* Get the format string including required styles.
private function getFormatString(): string
$styles = [];
/** @var array<int, string> $href */
$href = $this->properties['href'] ?? [];
if ($href !== []) {
$styles[] = sprintf('href=%s', array_pop($href));
$colors = $this->properties['colors'] ?? [];
foreach ($colors as $option => $content) {
if (in_array($option, ['fg', 'bg'], true)) {
$content = is_array($content) ? array_pop($content) : $content;
$styles[] = "$option=$content";
$options = $this->properties['options'] ?? [];
if ($options !== []) {
$options = array_keys(array_filter(
$options, fn ($option) => $option === true
$styles[] = count($options) > 0
? 'options='.implode(',', $options)
: 'options=,';
// If there are no styles we don't need extra tags
if ($styles === []) {
return '%s%s%s%s%s';
return '%s<'.implode(';', $styles).'>%s%s%s</>%s';
* Get the margins applied to the element.
* @return array{0: int, 1: int, 2: int, 3: int}
private function getMargins(): array
$isFirstChild = (bool) $this->properties['isFirstChild'];
$spaceY = $this->properties['parentStyles']['spaceY'] ?? [];
$spaceY = ! $isFirstChild ? end($spaceY) : 0;
$spaceX = $this->properties['parentStyles']['spaceX'] ?? [];
$spaceX = ! $isFirstChild ? end($spaceX) : 0;
return [
$spaceY > 0 ? $spaceY : $this->properties['styles']['mt'] ?? 0,
$this->properties['styles']['mr'] ?? 0,
$this->properties['styles']['mb'] ?? 0,
$spaceX > 0 ? $spaceX : $this->properties['styles']['ml'] ?? 0,
* Get the paddings applied to the element.
* @return array{0: int, 1: int, 2: int, 3: int}
private function getPaddings(): array
return [
$this->properties['styles']['pt'] ?? 0,
$this->properties['styles']['pr'] ?? 0,
$this->properties['styles']['pb'] ?? 0,
$this->properties['styles']['pl'] ?? 0,
* It applies the correct width for the content.
private function applyWidth(string $content): string
$styles = $this->properties['styles'] ?? [];
$minWidth = $styles['minWidth'] ?? -1;
$width = max($styles['width'] ?? -1, $minWidth);
$maxWidth = $styles['maxWidth'] ?? 0;
if ($width < 0) {
return $content;
if ($width === 0) {
return '';
if (is_string($width)) {
$width = self::calcWidthFromFraction(
$this->properties['parentStyles'] ?? []
if ($maxWidth > 0) {
$width = min($styles['maxWidth'], $width);
$width -= ($styles['pl'] ?? 0) + ($styles['pr'] ?? 0);
$length = $this->getLength($content);
preg_match_all("/\n+/", $content, $matches);
$width *= count($matches[0] ?? []) + 1;
$width += mb_strlen($matches[0][0] ?? '', 'UTF-8');
if ($length <= $width) {
$space = $width - $length;
return match ($styles['text-align'] ?? '') {
'right' => str_repeat(' ', $space).$content,
'center' => str_repeat(' ', (int) floor($space / 2)).$content.str_repeat(' ', (int) ceil($space / 2)),
default => $content.str_repeat(' ', $space),
return self::trimText($content, $width);
* It applies the styling for the content.
private function applyStyling(string $content): string
$display = $this->properties['styles']['display'] ?? 'inline';
if ($display === 'hidden') {
return '';
$isFirstChild = (bool) $this->properties['isFirstChild'];
[$marginTop, $marginRight, $marginBottom, $marginLeft] = $this->getMargins();
[$paddingTop, $paddingRight, $paddingBottom, $paddingLeft] = $this->getPaddings();
$content = (string) preg_replace('/\r[ \t]?/', "\n",
(string) preg_replace(
str_repeat(' ', $marginRight + $paddingRight)
str_repeat(' ', $marginLeft + $paddingLeft),
$formatted = sprintf(
str_repeat(' ', $marginLeft),
str_repeat(' ', $paddingLeft),
str_repeat(' ', $paddingRight),
str_repeat(' ', $marginRight),
$empty = str_replace(
str_repeat(' ', $this->getLength($content)),
$items = [];
if (in_array($display, ['block', 'flex'], true) && ! $isFirstChild) {
$items[] = "\n";
if ($marginTop > 0) {
$items[] = str_repeat("\n", $marginTop);
if ($paddingTop > 0) {
$items[] = $empty."\n";
$items[] = $formatted;
if ($paddingBottom > 0) {
$items[] = "\n".$empty;
if ($marginBottom > 0) {
$items[] = str_repeat("\n", $marginBottom);
return implode('', $items);
* Get the length of the text provided without the styling tags.
public function getLength(?string $text = null): int
return mb_strlen(preg_replace(
$text ?? $this->element?->toString() ?? ''
) ?? '', 'UTF-8');
* Get the length of the element without margins.
public function getInnerWidth(): int
$innerLength = $this->getLength();
[, $marginRight, , $marginLeft] = $this->getMargins();
return $innerLength - $marginLeft - $marginRight;
* Get the constant variant color from Color class.
private function getColorVariant(string $color, int $variant): string
if ($variant > 0) {
$color .= '-'.$variant;
if (StyleRepository::has($color)) {
return StyleRepository::get($color)->getColor();
$colorConstant = mb_strtoupper(str_replace('-', '_', $color), 'UTF-8');
if (! defined(Color::class."::$colorConstant")) {
throw new ColorNotFound($colorConstant);
return constant(Color::class."::$colorConstant");
* Calculates the width based on the fraction provided.
* @param array<string, int> $styles
* @param array<string, array<int, int|string>> $parentStyles
private static function calcWidthFromFraction(string $fraction, array $styles, array $parentStyles): int
$width = self::getParentWidth($parentStyles);
preg_match('/(\d+)\/(\d+)/', $fraction, $matches);
if (count($matches) !== 3 || $matches[2] === '0') {
throw new InvalidStyle(sprintf('Style [%s] is invalid.', "w-$fraction"));
/** @@phpstan-ignore-next-line */
$width = (int) floor($width * $matches[1] / $matches[2]);
$width -= ($styles['ml'] ?? 0) + ($styles['mr'] ?? 0);
return $width;
* Gets the width of the parent element.
* @param array<string, array<int|string>> $styles
public static function getParentWidth(array $styles): int
$width = terminal()->width();
foreach ($styles['width'] ?? [] as $index => $parentWidth) {
$minWidth = (int) $styles['minWidth'][$index];
$maxWidth = (int) $styles['maxWidth'][$index];
$margins = (int) $styles['ml'][$index] + (int) $styles['mr'][$index];
$parentWidth = max($parentWidth, $minWidth);
if ($parentWidth < 1) {
$parentWidth = $width;
} elseif (is_int($parentWidth)) {
$parentWidth += $margins;
preg_match('/(\d+)\/(\d+)/', (string) $parentWidth, $matches);
$width = count($matches) !== 3
? (int) $parentWidth
: (int) floor($width * $matches[1] / $matches[2]); //@phpstan-ignore-line
if ($maxWidth > 0) {
$width = min($maxWidth, $width);
$width -= $margins;
$width -= (int) $styles['pl'][$index] + (int) $styles['pr'][$index];
return $width;
* It trims the text properly ignoring all escape codes and
* `<bg;fg;options>` tags.
private static function trimText(string $text, int $width): string
preg_match_all(self::STYLING_REGEX, $text, $matches, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE);
$text = rtrim(mb_strimwidth(preg_replace(self::STYLING_REGEX, '', $text) ?? '', 0, $width, '', 'UTF-8'));
foreach ($matches[0] ?? [] as [$part, $index]) {
$text = substr($text, 0, $index).$part.substr($text, $index, null);
return $text;