File "Reader.php"

Full Path: /home/pulsehostuk9/public_html/
File size: 2.95 KB
MIME-type: text/x-php
Charset: utf-8

<?php declare(strict_types=1);
 * This file is part of PHPUnit.
 * (c) Sebastian Bergmann <>
 * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
 * file that was distributed with this source code.
namespace PHPUnit\Runner\Baseline;

use function assert;
use function dirname;
use function file_exists;
use function realpath;
use function sprintf;
use function str_replace;
use function trim;
use DOMElement;
use DOMXPath;
use PHPUnit\Util\Xml\Loader as XmlLoader;
use PHPUnit\Util\Xml\XmlException;

 * @internal This class is not covered by the backward compatibility promise for PHPUnit
final class Reader
     * @psalm-param non-empty-string $baselineFile
     * @throws CannotLoadBaselineException
    public function read(string $baselineFile): Baseline
        if (!file_exists($baselineFile)) {
            throw new CannotLoadBaselineException(
                    'Cannot read baseline %s, file does not exist',

        try {
            $document = (new XmlLoader)->loadFile($baselineFile);
        } catch (XmlException $e) {
            throw new CannotLoadBaselineException(
                    'Cannot read baseline: %s',

        $version = (int) $document->documentElement->getAttribute('version');

        if ($version !== Baseline::VERSION) {
            throw new CannotLoadBaselineException(
                    'Cannot read baseline %s, version %d is not supported',

        $baseline          = new Baseline;
        $baselineDirectory = dirname(realpath($baselineFile));
        $xpath             = new DOMXPath($document);

        foreach ($xpath->query('file') as $fileElement) {
            assert($fileElement instanceof DOMElement);

            $file = $baselineDirectory . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . str_replace('/', DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $fileElement->getAttribute('path'));

            foreach ($xpath->query('line', $fileElement) as $lineElement) {
                assert($lineElement instanceof DOMElement);

                $line = (int) $lineElement->getAttribute('number');
                $hash = $lineElement->getAttribute('hash');

                foreach ($xpath->query('issue', $lineElement) as $issueElement) {
                    assert($issueElement instanceof DOMElement);

                    $description = $issueElement->textContent;

                    assert($line > 0);

                    $baseline->add(Issue::from($file, $line, $hash, $description));

        return $baseline;