File "ResultPrinter.php"

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<?php declare(strict_types=1);
 * This file is part of PHPUnit.
 * (c) Sebastian Bergmann <>
 * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
 * file that was distributed with this source code.
namespace PHPUnit\TextUI\Output\TestDox;

use const PHP_EOL;
use function array_map;
use function assert;
use function explode;
use function implode;
use function preg_match;
use function preg_split;
use function rtrim;
use function str_starts_with;
use function trim;
use PHPUnit\Event\Code\Throwable;
use PHPUnit\Framework\TestStatus\TestStatus;
use PHPUnit\Logging\TestDox\TestResult as TestDoxTestResult;
use PHPUnit\Logging\TestDox\TestResultCollection;
use PHPUnit\TextUI\Output\Printer;
use PHPUnit\Util\Color;

 * @internal This class is not covered by the backward compatibility promise for PHPUnit
final class ResultPrinter
    private readonly Printer $printer;
    private readonly bool $colors;

    public function __construct(Printer $printer, bool $colors)
        $this->printer = $printer;
        $this->colors  = $colors;

     * @psalm-param array<string, TestResultCollection> $tests
    public function print(array $tests): void
        foreach ($tests as $prettifiedClassName => $_tests) {

            foreach ($_tests as $test) {


    public function flush(): void

     * @psalm-param string $prettifiedClassName
    private function printPrettifiedClassName(string $prettifiedClassName): void
        $buffer = $prettifiedClassName;

        if ($this->colors) {
            $buffer = Color::colorizeTextBox('underlined', $buffer);

        $this->printer->print($buffer . PHP_EOL);

    private function printTestResult(TestDoxTestResult $test): void

    private function printTestResultHeader(TestDoxTestResult $test): void
        $buffer = ' ' . $this->symbolFor($test->status()) . ' ';

        if ($this->colors) {
        } else {

        $this->printer->print($test->test()->testDox()->prettifiedMethodName($this->colors) . PHP_EOL);

    private function printTestResultBody(TestDoxTestResult $test): void
        if ($test->status()->isSuccess()) {

        if (!$test->hasThrowable()) {


    private function printTestResultBodyStart(TestDoxTestResult $test): void
                $this->prefixFor('start', $test->status()),


    private function printTestResultBodyEnd(TestDoxTestResult $test): void

                $this->prefixFor('last', $test->status()),


    private function printThrowable(TestDoxTestResult $test): void
        $throwable = $test->throwable();

        assert($throwable instanceof Throwable);

        $message    = trim($throwable->description());
        $stackTrace = $this->formatStackTrace($throwable->stackTrace());
        $diff       = '';

        if (!empty($message) && $this->colors) {
            ['message' => $message, 'diff' => $diff] = $this->colorizeMessageAndDiff(

        if (!empty($message)) {
                    $this->prefixFor('message', $test->status()),


        if (!empty($diff)) {
                    $this->prefixFor('diff', $test->status()),


        if (!empty($stackTrace)) {
            if (!empty($message) || !empty($diff)) {
                $prefix = $this->prefixFor('default', $test->status());
            } else {
                $prefix = $this->prefixFor('trace', $test->status());

                $this->prefixLines($prefix, PHP_EOL . $stackTrace),

     * @psalm-return array{message: string, diff: string}
    private function colorizeMessageAndDiff(string $buffer, string $style): array
        $lines      = $buffer ? array_map('\rtrim', explode(PHP_EOL, $buffer)) : [];
        $message    = [];
        $diff       = [];
        $insideDiff = false;

        foreach ($lines as $line) {
            if ($line === '--- Expected') {
                $insideDiff = true;

            if (!$insideDiff) {
                $message[] = $line;
            } else {
                if (str_starts_with($line, '-')) {
                    $line = Color::colorize('fg-red', Color::visualizeWhitespace($line, true));
                } elseif (str_starts_with($line, '+')) {
                    $line = Color::colorize('fg-green', Color::visualizeWhitespace($line, true));
                } elseif ($line === '@@ @@') {
                    $line = Color::colorize('fg-cyan', $line);

                $diff[] = $line;

        $message = implode(PHP_EOL, $message);
        $diff    = implode(PHP_EOL, $diff);

        if (!empty($message)) {
            $message = Color::colorizeTextBox($style, $message);

        return [
            'message' => $message,
            'diff'    => $diff,

    private function formatStackTrace(string $stackTrace): string
        if (!$this->colors) {
            return rtrim($stackTrace);

        $lines        = [];
        $previousPath = '';

        foreach (explode(PHP_EOL, $stackTrace) as $line) {
            if (preg_match('/^(.*):(\d+)$/', $line, $matches)) {
                $lines[]      = Color::colorizePath($matches[1], $previousPath) . Color::dim(':') . Color::colorize('fg-blue', $matches[2]) . "\n";
                $previousPath = $matches[1];


            $lines[]      = $line;
            $previousPath = '';

        return rtrim(implode('', $lines));

    private function prefixLines(string $prefix, string $message): string
        return implode(
                static fn (string $line) => '   ' . $prefix . ($line ? ' ' . $line : ''),
                preg_split('/\r\n|\r|\n/', $message),

     * @psalm-param 'default'|'start'|'message'|'diff'|'trace'|'last' $type
    private function prefixFor(string $type, TestStatus $status): string
        if (!$this->colors) {
            return '│';

        return Color::colorize(
            match ($type) {
                'default' => '│',
                'start'   => '┐',
                'message' => '├',
                'diff'    => '┊',
                'trace'   => '╵',
                'last'    => '┴',

    private function colorFor(TestStatus $status): string
        if ($status->isSuccess()) {
            return 'fg-green';

        if ($status->isError()) {
            return 'fg-yellow';

        if ($status->isFailure()) {
            return 'fg-red';

        if ($status->isSkipped()) {
            return 'fg-cyan';

        if ($status->isIncomplete() || $status->isDeprecation() || $status->isNotice() || $status->isRisky() || $status->isWarning()) {
            return 'fg-yellow';

        return 'fg-blue';

    private function messageColorFor(TestStatus $status): string
        if ($status->isSuccess()) {
            return '';

        if ($status->isError()) {
            return 'bg-yellow,fg-black';

        if ($status->isFailure()) {
            return 'bg-red,fg-white';

        if ($status->isSkipped()) {
            return 'fg-cyan';

        if ($status->isIncomplete() || $status->isDeprecation() || $status->isNotice() || $status->isRisky() || $status->isWarning()) {
            return 'fg-yellow';

        return 'fg-white,bg-blue';

    private function symbolFor(TestStatus $status): string
        if ($status->isSuccess()) {
            return '✔';

        if ($status->isError() || $status->isFailure()) {
            return '✘';

        if ($status->isSkipped()) {
            return '↩';

        if ($status->isDeprecation() || $status->isNotice() || $status->isRisky() || $status->isWarning()) {
            return '⚠';

        if ($status->isIncomplete()) {
            return '∅';

        return '?';