File "DateTimeComparator-20250317061655.php"

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<?php declare(strict_types=1);
 * This file is part of sebastian/comparator.
 * (c) Sebastian Bergmann <>
 * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
 * file that was distributed with this source code.
namespace SebastianBergmann\Comparator;

use function abs;
use function assert;
use function floor;
use function sprintf;
use DateInterval;
use DateTimeInterface;
use DateTimeZone;

final class DateTimeComparator extends ObjectComparator
    public function accepts(mixed $expected, mixed $actual): bool
        return ($expected instanceof DateTimeInterface) &&
               ($actual instanceof DateTimeInterface);

     * @throws ComparisonFailure
    public function assertEquals(mixed $expected, mixed $actual, float $delta = 0.0, bool $canonicalize = false, bool $ignoreCase = false, array &$processed = []): void
        assert($expected instanceof DateTimeInterface);
        assert($actual instanceof DateTimeInterface);

        $absDelta = abs($delta);
        $delta    = new DateInterval(sprintf('PT%dS', $absDelta));
        $delta->f = $absDelta - floor($absDelta);

        $actualClone = (clone $actual)
            ->setTimezone(new DateTimeZone('UTC'));

        $expectedLower = (clone $expected)
            ->setTimezone(new DateTimeZone('UTC'))

        $expectedUpper = (clone $expected)
            ->setTimezone(new DateTimeZone('UTC'))

        if ($actualClone < $expectedLower || $actualClone > $expectedUpper) {
            throw new ComparisonFailure(
                'Failed asserting that two DateTime objects are equal.'

     * Returns an ISO 8601 formatted string representation of a datetime or
     * 'Invalid DateTimeInterface object' if the provided DateTimeInterface was not properly
     * initialized.
    private function dateTimeToString(DateTimeInterface $datetime): string
        $string = $datetime->format('Y-m-d\TH:i:s.uO');

        return $string ?: 'Invalid DateTimeInterface object';